• last month
Concerns someone could be killed as abandoned building's roof caves in
00:00I mean it's in a serious state of disrepair and it's caused a number of issues over many years.
00:06The dilapidation is now to such a point that the roof has caved in and it's potentially causing
00:11an imminent danger to to the adjacent road on new streets. Sandwich are just sick to death of
00:18having this property as a blight on the town you know it's been going on for in excess of 30 years
00:22and as I articulated in the council meeting you know Sandwich is the most complete medieval town.
00:28We have a huge tourism drag to Sandwich that people want to come and see our businesses rely
00:35on it we've got world-class golf courses that attract people from all over the world and one
00:39of the first things they see when they enter our town is this building in a state of ruin. We've
00:45had lots of problems with anti-social behaviour and people trespassing onto the property and
00:50gaining access which due to the state of the property is quite a major concern that you know
00:56people could potentially be killed from you know any any further collapses within that
01:01building should anyone be on the property. Well it's obviously needs repair it needs planning
01:06passed and someone to to get it done really but it's been sitting there for nearly a decade
01:12hasn't it so it's sort of time and apparently it's going to fall down so let's fix it before
01:19anyone gets hurt.
