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Take a glimpse inside the colourful and imaginative world of steampunk, in an Unconventional Brits special episode.

00:00Coming up this week, we'll visit the 19th century and dive into a sub-genre of science fiction and retro-futuristic technology.
00:07This is the artistic and fashion world of steampunk.
00:11So I like dressing up, basically.
00:13And I went on YouTube and came across steampunk, don't ask me how.
00:18And I thought, oh my god, what the hell is this?
00:21The owner strapped me into a corset.
00:24It was love at first sight. Oh my god, it was just amazing.
00:28At the moment, I must have about four or five different personas I can be.
00:32And each of them wears different clothing.
00:36It's kind of like an aviator explorer, because of the gun, because of the little light in there.
00:42I like all my accessories. Accessories are huge.
00:45You certainly don't get many opportunities to dress up in the old kit and caboodle, you know.
00:50So we just take that opportunity.
