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2 preguntas para @penachef ¿Has cambiado? ¿Y si te piden un selfie?

Video con @edwardolive1 fotógrafo.

La quinta temporada de "Comerse el mundo", conducida por el chef Javier Peña, se estrenó el lunes 13 de enero de 2025 a las 00:50 horas en La 1 y RTVE Play. En esta nueva entrega, Peña explora la riqueza cultural y culinaria de doce destinos distintos, incluyendo Praga, Bali, Asunción, Oslo y Shanghái.

El primer episodio lleva al chef a Río de Janeiro, donde disfruta de la belleza de la ciudad y se sumerge en su vibrante cultura gastronómica. A lo largo de la temporada, el programa ofrece una mirada cercana y divertida a cada destino, destacando cómo la comida local une a las personas y conecta con sus raíces y tradiciones.

Puedes ver los episodios de la quinta temporada en RTVE Play. @comerseelmundo @rtve @rtveplay

El restaurante de Chef Peña @sibaritasklub Sibaritas Klub 657803249/647569008 www.sibaritasklub.com Av. de Salamanca, 59, 10º planta, 47014 Valladolid @sibaritasklubeventos Eventos Sibaritas Klub.

Javier Peña is a Spanish chef and TV presenter known for his culinary travels in Comerse el Mundo ("Eating the World"), a popular show on RTVE. Born in Valladolid, Spain, Peña combines traditional Spanish flavors with modern techniques, creating innovative yet authentic dishes. His passion for cooking led him to open several restaurants, where he showcases his unique style. In Comerse el Mundo, he explores global gastronomy by immersing himself in local cultures, cooking with native chefs, and discovering unique ingredients. His charismatic personality and hands-on approach make the show both entertaining and educational. Over the seasons, Peña has visited diverse locations, from bustling Asian markets to remote Latin American villages, always highlighting the deep connection between food and identity. His ability to adapt and learn from each place reflects his philosophy: cooking is a universal language. Through his travels, he inspires audiences to appreciate food as a bridge between cultures.

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