• last month
Protestors at The White Lion pub, Walsall, are concerned about the pub being turned into apartments
00:00Okay Mark, so you're the chair of the Friends of the White Lion pub here in
00:04Samwell Street in Warsaw. You've been campaigning to bring the the pub back to
00:10the community since it closed in 2019 was it? That was right, yeah.
00:15And now it's back on the market, it's going to be auctioned off on Thursday next week
00:19that's right the 13th of February. How do you feel about that? Well hopeful
00:23really, I mean we've been campaigning to look at to make sure that
00:28the heritage of the building's been honoured and it has a use which is
00:32relevant for the local community and the local neighbourhood. We'd love to see it
00:36as a pub again but we'd support anybody who buys the building who wants to do
00:40something positive for it, positive for the local community. Right, because the
00:43current owners apparently, ATA Capital Investments, they've indicated this
00:47it could be suitable for 13 apartments. How do you feel about that? Well we're horrified by
00:52that, obviously we're not against high quality accommodation for people
00:57but to fit 13 living accommodation in there is they'd have to build on the
01:01garden, they'd have to put living accommodation in the
01:04cellars, there would be no parking. The local neighbours think it would be a
01:09nightmare and we don't believe that will be an asset for the neighbourhood and
01:13we don't think it honours the heritage of the building. The parking around here
01:16actually is a problem already isn't it? It's very, very, very difficult. We'd just like
01:21something to happen with the building which brings it back into use
01:25which hopefully gives it some asset for the local community, a meeting place, if
01:29possible, a pub or part of the building as a pub. We'd be happy to talk to
01:33anyone with ideas for the building. Realistically what do you think could
01:37happen to the building? You know I mean pubs are struggling on that at the moment.
01:41Well it's difficult, I mean never say never is what we say around here.
01:46Local breweries have indicated an interest in the building but said it
01:50provides too much of a challenge. Really the building does need quite
01:54extensive refurbishment. There are people who are
01:59interested in working with us. If the pub doesn't sell at auction next week I
02:02think that might open up another raft of possibilities for us and for
02:07potential investors and maybe funding for it as a heritage
02:12asset. We've got support from the local council and the local councillor was
02:17speaking this morning about his support for it. So there's always
02:21possibilities and I think the most important thing is that we keep looking
02:23for them and we keep talking about it. Well fingers crossed and all the best.
