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A trailer for inFamous Second Son
00:00PEGI 16
00:11This is the super hard part.
00:12It's making something that's so soft, like smoke,
00:14feel like it's got that impact.
00:18Our main character, Delson, has basically the coolest power.
00:21It's like going up to a genie and asking for more wishes.
00:23What happens is when he's near other conduits,
00:25he picks up their ability.
00:27The first power that he gets is the smoke power.
00:29That means he can drain it, he can turn into it,
00:32and he can project it.
00:34When you think about where is smoke in a city,
00:36you think of maybe chimneys, fires.
00:39You can get smoke from vehicles in this game,
00:41but you have to destroy them first.
00:43And of course those end up blowing up
00:45and blowing up other things around them.
00:47Those things now become smoke sources.
00:49Every designer loves a burning car.
00:51I don't know why, but every effects artist has to do this at some point.
00:54PlayStation 4 is really allowing us to do some stuff that we couldn't before.
00:58And that meant writing new tools and new particle systems to accommodate that.
01:02All of our particles are self-shadowing, taking environment light.
01:06You can see that the particles are actually affected
01:09by the environment shadows as well.
01:11It just makes everything feel more connected to the world.
01:13It brings it all together.
01:15Honestly, for me, the effects are the coolest part of the game right now.
01:20In a fluid fashion, you can combo up melee hits
01:23to dashes and moving away evasion stuff
01:26to shooting, to dashing back in.
01:28You can dash through guys, grab them, flip them over.
01:30Bam! Oh, that's beautiful.
01:33It inspires that visceral reaction in people when they see it.
01:37So if it tosses things in the air,
01:39and then they kind of like almost hover with some smoke around them,
01:42and then they blow up instead of just...
01:44It's actually...
01:46Windy gusts of...
01:48Yeah, yeah.
01:51World wind of smoke.
01:52Me too, me too.
01:53And these bad guys, right?
01:54And then at the end, all this crap's in the air.
01:56I'm going to shoot this thing right in front of me.
01:58So in the middle of combat,
02:00there are bullets flying at you, grenades,
02:02whatever's coming at you.
02:03You can dodge left, dodge right,
02:05completely dematerialize,
02:07and then rematerialize somewhere else.
02:09You can also dash into vents.
02:11So we made this effect where it sort of swirls in.
02:14Yeah, so he's actually cranking up,
02:16and then he kind of does a corkscrew-y jump.
02:19It's one of those things that just gives you all this energy,
02:22and you can sort of jump into combat, jump into action,
02:25and you feel so powerful and quick,
02:28and you almost want to get surrounded.
02:29You're waiting for that moment to get surrounded
02:31so that you can just unleash this power that they didn't even know you had.
02:34Delson is basically conjuring up a storm of smoke and ash.
02:37I think that if you time it out,
02:39you can push all the ambience down,
02:41and it gets kind of quiet almost like an inhale.
02:44It kind of has that...
02:48We were really pushing it.
02:49Let's have Delson go as high as freaking possible.
02:51Here he is. He's in the air. He kind of tucks in.
02:54By the time it gets to, you know, about here,
02:57he's pretty much reformed at that point, yeah.
03:00And then he kind of dive-bombs in,
03:02and at that point, he's kind of, like, dematerialized.
03:05Anything breakable, it's going to destroy.
03:08Any car, it's going to toss, tumble, throw.
03:11Any person.
03:13Maximum number of things flying around in the air.
03:16We're trying to make you feel like you're this unstoppable force,
03:20and it takes wave after wave of enemy to give you a challenge.
03:26Your character is the weapon,
03:27and that's something that's really, really turned out to be a lot of fun.