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The Legend of Mingzhu - video Dailymotion
00:15:50-¿Te acuerdas de cuando hablamos de nuestros sueños?
00:15:55-¿Pues en realidad solo hablamos del mío?
00:15:58Y entonces yo...
00:16:00me quedé pensando y...
00:16:03y estaba claro.
00:16:09Anuel, tu...
00:16:11tu sueño siempre ha sido la aviación.
00:16:13-¿Mi sueño siempre ha sido tu?
00:16:16¿Y ya te he conseguido?
00:16:18-¿Pero renunciaste a los aviones?
00:16:21-¿Bueno, fue mi sacrificio, sí, pero...
00:16:25lo he compensado con creces.
00:16:28-¿Pero no tienes que hacer ningún sacrificio?
00:16:31¿Me puedes tener a mí y también puedes seguir con tu pasión?
00:16:35-¿Sin renunciar a nada?
00:16:45No, no puedo.
00:16:47Mis padres aceptaron el caje.
00:16:50Si se puede llamar así, yo me comprometí con ellos.
00:16:53-¡Mira, yo no te estoy pidiendo que faltes a tu palabra!
00:16:56Simplemente digo que...
00:16:58que podrías seguir dedicándote a tu pasión
00:17:01sin tener que subirte a un avión.
00:17:04-¿Y eso no sería hacer trampas a mis padres?
00:17:07-Pues yo creo que no.
00:17:09No es lo mismo hacer cálculos matemáticos y diseños
00:17:12en un avión.
00:17:13Y que yo sepa, a tu madre lo que más miedo le da
00:17:15es que te subieses a eso.
00:17:17-¿Eso es cierto?
00:17:19-Y los aviones en el suelo no tienen ningún peligro, que yo sepa.
00:17:22-¿Lo mismo que una bicicleta?
00:17:29Cuando tenía el avión, tuve que haber llevado a mi madre alguna vez.
00:17:33Seguro que se le habrían quitado todos esos miedos infundados que tiene.
00:17:37-¡Se hubiera bajado antes de despegar!
00:17:39¡Eso sí se llega a subir!
00:17:43Sí, en eso tienes razón.
00:17:48Pero mira esta habitación, Manuel.
00:17:50Antes estaba llena de dibujos, de prototipos, de motores, de hélices,
00:17:54de sistemas de amortiguación.
00:17:59¿Estás seguro de que quieres dejar atrás todo eso?
00:18:06Sí, es el precio por estar contigo.
00:18:09Desde luego.
00:18:11Es que no tienes que elegir, amor mío.
00:18:14Yo creo que tus ideas merecen mejor suerte.
00:18:17Y también creo que puedes hacer carrera de esto
00:18:20sin tener que romper tu palabra de no subirte a un avión.
00:18:27Yo lo veo claro.
00:18:29Lo que no es tan fácil es que mi madre lo vea igual.
00:18:32Pero tu madre siempre está así,
00:18:34así que creo que debemos dejar de preocuparnos por eso.
00:18:37Tienes razón.
00:18:40Elígrate, Manuel.
00:18:42Estoy segura de que puedes diseñar aviones
00:18:44antes sean otros pilotos los que se tengan que subir a él.
00:18:48¿A ti ilusiona?
00:19:12Parece una buena crema.
00:19:14Lo que no alcanza a comprender es cómo ha podido pagar usted
00:19:18los cosméticos de la señora siendo tan caros.
00:19:22Pues ya ves.
00:19:26La verdad, con los recortes que nos han hecho en el presupuesto,
00:19:30se me antoja casi imposible.
00:19:33Lo que yo he pensado es pedir los mismos artículos aquí en España
00:19:36con manufactura española.
00:19:38Bueno, Doña Cruz eso lo aceptará.
00:19:40Bueno, si conservamos el bote antiguo
00:19:42y en ese bote metemos el producto nuevo,
00:19:44no tiene por qué darse cuenta.
00:19:50Por fortuna no he tenido que pagarlo ahora
00:19:52porque habría sido imposible, como usted bien dice.
00:19:56¿Por qué no?
00:19:58¿Por qué no?
00:20:00Porque habría sido imposible, como usted bien dice.
00:20:06Pues hice el encargo hace un tiempo
00:20:08cuando vi que el producto empezaba a escasear
00:20:11justo antes de los dichosos recortes.
00:20:16Ha estado usted muy...
00:20:18muy previsora y oportuna.
00:20:20Bueno, quizá pura casualidad.
00:20:23No se haga de menos.
00:20:25Usted vio venir las estrecheces y habrá consecuencia.
00:20:29Es mi trabajo, ¿no?
00:20:31Adelantarme a los acontecimientos.
00:20:35Una lástima que no se conduzca usted así en su vida privada.
00:20:39Pues que de hacerlo estoy segura de que le iría muchísimo mejor.
00:20:45¿Qué tal fue la visita a su hijo?
00:20:48Tengo entendido que le acompaña a su novio.
00:20:51¿Se llevan bien entre ellos?
00:20:57¿Y por qué será entonces que no la... no la veo feliz?
00:21:02Dos hombres de su vida juntos.
00:21:05Unse, ¿qué más puede pedir?
00:21:08¿Puede evitar el sarcasmo, señor Alcos?
00:21:14¿Sabe perfectamente que entre señor Pellicer y yo últimamente
00:21:18hay ciertas... ciertas diferencias?
00:21:22Lo que no sé es por qué se sorprende.
00:21:24Es lo que suele pasar cuando una mujer
00:21:27se junta con un hombre casado.
00:21:29Yo no sabía que era un hombre casado.
00:21:31Para todos su mujer estaba muerta.
00:21:33Mire, en eso se parece a usted.
00:21:36Porque todos la dábamos también por muerta.
00:21:40¿Y merece? Aquí está.
00:21:42Igual que esa mujer.
00:21:45Parece ser que al señor Pellicer le gusta
00:21:48rodearse de muertes que no le están tanto.
00:21:51¿No le parece?
00:21:54¿Qué es lo que quiere, señor Alcos?
00:21:56Sea clara, por favor.
00:21:58Pues que puede ser que usted no supiera que esa mujer
00:22:01seguía con vida cuando se acercó al señor Pellicer.
00:22:05Pero ahora ya sí lo sabe.
00:22:07Por lo tanto puede quitarse de en medio.
00:22:10O quizá usted podría limitarse a meterse en su vida.
00:22:13Si es que tiene alguna, claro.
00:22:22¿Sabes que no dejo de pensar en ese refugio tuyo, padre?
00:22:25Ah, eso habla bien de ti.
00:22:28De hecho, muy bien.
00:22:30Me encantaría seguir ayudando, en la medida de mis posibilidades
00:22:33y, evidentemente, con total discreción.
00:22:36¿Y qué tienes pensado?
00:22:49¿Y qué tienes pensado?
00:22:51Pues no lo sé.
00:22:53La verdad es que yo nunca en mi vida he pasado estos jefes
00:22:56y creo que por eso me impresionó tanto el refugio.
00:23:00Señorita Ángela.
00:23:02¿En qué puedo ayudarla?
00:23:04Estaba hablando con Samuel de mi intención de seguir colaborando con el refugio.
00:23:07¿Ah? ¿Y cómo?
00:23:09Eso trataba de decirme.
00:23:11Ah, perdón.
00:23:13Continúa, señorita.
00:23:15Pues podría seguir transportando cosas, como el colchón.
00:23:18Los lujanos se sorprenderán si de vez en cuando les voy pidiendo el automóvil.
00:23:22Claro, eso fue una idea porque se la di yo.
00:23:24Y no debiste molestar a Ángela.
00:23:26No fue ninguna molestia. De verdad.
00:23:28Más bien un placer. Y más cuando vi el refugio.
00:23:31Entonces me di cuenta de que había valido totalmente la pena.
00:23:34Pero eres una invitada de la promesa.
00:23:36Y me temo que no puedes hacer estas cosas de forma corriente.
00:23:40Precisamente por ser una invitada se supone que puedo disponer del automóvil cuando me plazca.
00:23:45Y esto me permitirá llevar y traer cosas del refugio sin tener que dar explicaciones a nadie.
00:23:50Nadie tiene por qué enterarse.
00:23:52Ya dijo la señorita que sería una tumba.
00:23:56Y te agradezco el gesto.
00:23:58Pero me temo que si abusamos de la generosidad de los marqueses,
00:24:01ellos mismos se acaben enterando de que hay un refugio.
00:24:04Y podría comprometer su propia existencia.
00:24:08Además, con las restricciones económicas que están teniendo,
00:24:12poco hay ahora que nos podamos llevar de aquí.
00:24:15Bueno, pues también me apunto a eso.
00:24:19¿A qué?
00:24:20A recaudar fondos, a conseguir cosas y llevar a lo que sea.
00:24:24De verdad, solo quiero que sepáis que podéis contar con mi ayuda.
00:24:28Seguro que los necesitados que viven en ese refugio se lo agradecerán.
00:24:32Y qué bien ser conscientes de la realidad y tener la fortaleza para afrontarla.
00:24:37No como la gente que se empeña en meter la cabeza bajo el ala como las avestruces.
00:24:58Buenas tardes también, señor Baeza.
00:25:01Porque por muy enfadado que venga, saludar es lo primero.
00:25:06Tienes razón. Buenas tardes.
00:25:11Sepa que no me parece bien lo que está haciendo.
00:25:18Si pudiera ser usted un poco más concreto, yo se lo agradecería.
00:25:22Sabe perfectamente a lo que me refiero.
00:25:25La señora Darre, el señor Pellicer Santos...
00:25:29Ya veo. Así que ella le ha ido con el cuento otra vez.
00:25:33Y por lo que intuyo, usted se está convirtiendo en su paña de lágrimas.
00:25:37Olvídese del mensajero. Eso no es lo que importa.
00:25:41Pues dígame, entonces, ¿qué es lo que importa?
00:25:43No es bueno aprovecharse de las desgracias ajenas, ni mucho menos disfrutar con ellas.
00:25:49Lo que no es bueno, señor Baeza, es meterse donde no le llaman a uno.
00:25:53¿Por qué no se ocupa usted de sus asuntos y deja que su amigo y su novia resuelvan ellos sus problemas?
00:26:00Este también es mi problema, porque afecta a personas a las que aprecio de verdad.
00:26:06¿Conoce usted el significado de la palabra amistad?
00:26:10Pues entonces déjete hacer sangre. Déjelos en paz.
00:26:31Nunca he entendido esta pasión de jugar a las cartas. Mucho menos después de comer.
00:26:37Se supone que es divertido.
00:26:40¿Y lo es?
00:26:45Pues en ese caso...
00:26:48Ángela, ¿de qué nos estaba hablando hace un momento?
00:26:52Le comentaba que Suiza está manteniendo neutral.
00:26:55Ah, sí. Como España.
00:26:57No exactamente. Lo de Suiza tiene más mérito.
00:27:01No veo por qué.
00:27:03Yo se lo explico.
00:27:04La diferencia es que, por muy neutral que se mantenga Suiza, es un país rodeado de otros que están en plena condiema.
00:27:09Y que, por otro lado, le proven del turismo que tantas divisas dejan en el país.
00:27:13Vaya. Nunca lo había visto en esos términos, señorita.
00:27:18Resulta usted lo más convincente.
00:27:20Suiza es verdaderamente neutral.
00:27:22Y eso se demuestra con la que se mantiene neutral.
00:27:25Y eso se demuestra con la acción del Consejo Federal Suiza,
00:27:28que va a acoger en el país a heridos de ambos bandos.
00:27:31¿Sin distinciones?
00:27:33Sin distinciones.
00:27:35Yo misma me he ofrecido ayuda.
00:27:38Es usted admirable.
00:27:56Con permiso, señor.
00:27:59Ya sabe usted cuánto intento evitar molestarle con pequeñeces,
00:28:04pero a veces estas se complican si no se las atiende a tiempo.
00:28:09Usted es un tacto infinito. ¿Qué le preocupa?
00:28:12No es tanto el hecho en sí como sus consecuencias, señor.
00:28:16Vaya al grano, por favor.
00:28:19For lunch, your niece, Miss Martina,
00:28:23to please her fiancé,
00:28:25she asked us to prepare a faisan,
00:28:27which seems to be a dish to the liking of the young man.
00:28:31Yes, I am aware of the unfortunate request.
00:28:34The cooks didn't say anything,
00:28:36but they didn't know how to respond to this request,
00:28:39considering the recent money cuts.
00:28:43Yes, we are for faisans.
00:28:46Good thing Martina took her fiancé to Luján.
00:28:49In fact, it was a suggestion from Mrs. Arcos,
00:28:52who had the ability to make this proposal to Miss Martina,
00:28:56but without mentioning the restrictions, of course.
00:28:59Thank God.
00:29:00In any case, this created unpleasant moments of tension between the service
00:29:05because they didn't want to look bad with Miss Martina's fiancé.
00:29:08I'll take care of it.
00:29:10For not talking.
00:29:11When Mrs. Arcos asked to prepare a special meal for Gasajar,
00:29:15the new guest,
00:29:16the cooks knew how to get out of the way,
00:29:19cooking a couple of chickens instead of ducks,
00:29:21with more imagination than means.
00:29:23It was orange chicken.
00:29:25I didn't realize, it was very good.
00:29:27I celebrate it, sir.
00:29:28But what I wanted to tell you is that
00:29:30it would be good if everyone in the palace
00:29:33was aware of the economic situation.
00:29:35Otherwise, episodes like the faisan would occur.
00:29:38I understand.
00:29:39If there are such drastic cuts,
00:29:41we can't let the day to day seem the same.
00:29:47I'll do what you tell me.
00:29:48I didn't inform my niece,
00:29:50so as not to leave her wrong in front of her fiancé.
00:29:53But fortunately, that boy seems to be leaving tomorrow.
00:29:56Anything else?
00:29:58No, nothing else, sir.
00:29:59Thank you very much.
00:30:07Is everything okay?
00:30:08No, no.
00:30:09The truth is that I have never seen myself
00:30:11having to ask for an audience
00:30:13to Mr. Porco for a faisan.
00:30:15What do you mean by a faisan?
00:30:17Come on, I'll tell you.
00:30:23The truth is that Zaragoza has always impressed us a lot.
00:30:25Yes, yes, yes.
00:30:26It is a city that has changed a lot in very few years.
00:30:28Now it is, I don't know how to say it,
00:30:30a more modern city.
00:30:31I would say more bustling.
00:30:33Although it is true that the sequels
00:30:35that the season of June left,
00:30:36which had to be tremendous.
00:30:38Yes, yes.
00:30:39Well, the fact is that we did what we had to do.
00:30:41We went to visit the Virgin of the Pillar
00:30:42to ask her for her blessing.
00:30:44And that's why we know that ours is going to turn out very well.
00:30:48By the way,
00:30:49they tell me that you are a fan of aviation.
00:30:57Well, it was.
00:30:59Yes, I participated in some championship.
00:31:02Sure, sure.
00:31:03I imagine that the difficult thing will be to win it.
00:31:08I won two of the three championships I participated in.
00:31:10And in the other one I was second.
00:31:13Manuel, don't be modest.
00:31:17I didn't feel bad.
00:31:19So I'm facing a great pilot.
00:31:21A pilot of height.
00:31:26And he's not going to ask me anything?
00:31:28Do I seem so uninteresting to him
00:31:30that I don't arouse his curiosity?
00:31:34I don't know why you say that, miss.
00:31:36You are charming and that's enough.
00:31:39I see.
00:31:40I understand that you like social magazines,
00:31:42don't you?
00:31:44Well, no.
00:31:45Not particularly.
00:31:47But, like it or not,
00:31:49the truth is that I ended up finding out.
00:31:55What impression did you get?
00:31:57Well, it was hard for me to discern if that was true.
00:32:01Well, it's true.
00:32:02I was one of the maids of this house
00:32:04and I have a lot of honor.
00:32:09I hope that doesn't bother you.
00:32:14Not at all.
00:32:15The only thing that matters to me about people
00:32:17is that they are good.
00:32:18And then to be able to be smart.
00:32:20And it's obvious that you meet those two requirements.
00:32:30Shall we continue?
00:32:34Let's see.
00:32:35He's handsome.
00:32:36You can't deny that.
00:32:37And polite and kind, to be honest.
00:32:39Well, I think he's a bit stretched.
00:32:42I don't think Miss Martina is stretched
00:32:44after the boyfriend she had.
00:32:47Do you mean the son of the dukes of Carvajal and Cifuentes?
00:32:51The prince of Pita.
00:32:52He's more stubborn than a stick.
00:32:54Don Jacobo is not for that.
00:32:55That's true.
00:32:56I think he's kind.
00:32:57And he has good manners.
00:32:59I think the most important thing is that she is happy with him.
00:33:02And that's it.
00:33:03And that he has regained his joy.
00:33:06Well, for me it's enough.
00:33:09It was time for Miss Martina to be lucky in love.
00:33:12Well, that's the only reason we'll have to forgive her
00:33:14for all the defects to her fiancé.
00:33:16Another thing is if they see him with a pair of eyes up there.
00:33:18What he gives me and what he doesn't.
00:33:20And why do you say that?
00:33:22I don't know why.
00:33:23But I've heard Mrs. Marquesa talk and...
00:33:26And what did she say?
00:33:27That she doesn't trust the boy.
00:33:28Well, that she doesn't accept the relationship between Miss Martina and Don Jacobo.
00:33:33Well, I don't understand.
00:33:34And I'm sorry because they both seem so in love.
00:33:37Well, she says that the relationship has been very unexpected and hasty.
00:33:41Let's see, fast it has been, but it doesn't mean that it has been hasty.
00:33:45And what else if they love each other?
00:33:46It is also true that the lady did not like that the young lady,
00:33:49for being with the boy, missed Don Manuel's wedding.
00:33:52Well, I guess she was drunk.
00:33:55And they were very far away, they weren't going to make it in time.
00:33:58Yes, when you're in love, you just have eyes for your loved one.
00:34:02And time flies.
00:34:03Yeah, but the lady also expects that no one from La Promesa
00:34:06will meet the young man's family first hand.
00:34:10Well, they will meet her.
00:34:11She is also worried that they have been together for a short time,
00:34:14and they are already thinking about the wedding.
00:34:17Time will tell who is right and who is wrong.
00:34:21Although the lady is rarely wrong.
00:34:24Can you tell me where this came from, Mrs. Agarri?
00:34:36Well, it turns out that it was from the young lady's mother.
00:34:41Well, it turns out that it was from Miss Martina,
00:34:46and since the jar was empty, I decided to throw it, Mrs. Arcos.
00:34:53Yes, I saw it too.
00:34:55I mean, how Teresa threw it.
00:35:01Why don't you retire to rest and stop chatting?
00:35:05Tomorrow awaits you a hard day of work
00:35:07and I don't want you to be exhausted before you start.
00:35:10And may you be, Mrs. Agarri.
00:35:17Thank you very much.
00:35:18Teresa, thank you.
00:35:20I would have fallen.
00:35:22But there are times when you have given your face for us, right?
00:35:25Here we are all sisters.
00:35:27Or almost all of us.
00:35:28That's why we cover our backs to each other
00:35:31and there is no secret between us.
00:35:34Yes, that's true.
00:36:02Good morning.
00:36:05I have already made a decision.
00:36:08How do you know?
00:36:10Because it's an animal of habit, Father.
00:36:12And I know that when he makes a decision at the last hour of the night,
00:36:15he likes to communicate it at the first hour of the next day.
00:36:20You are very observant.
00:36:22You know me better than I know myself.
00:36:28What have you decided? Can you tell me?
00:36:37I'm not going to give you the palace of Cádiz.
00:36:41It was already clear to me the last time.
00:36:45I already told you that that palace is the inheritance that Don Juan left to his daughter
00:36:48and that she is not in favor of me giving it to you.
00:36:51You don't have to repeat it to me, Father.
00:36:53I already have the idea.
00:36:55Cruz can only eat it with potatoes if he wants.
00:36:58The only thing that annoys me about all this is that Cruz is not going to do anything with the property.
00:37:03Beyond preventing me from taking advantage of it.
00:37:05It's like the dog of the gardener who neither eats nor lets eat.
00:37:08Don't get upset, Catalina. I haven't finished talking yet.
00:37:11Don't get up, please.
00:37:13Sit down.
00:37:18For the same reason that prevents me from giving you the palace of Cádiz,
00:37:21I have decided that the fortune, the palace of Madrid, is for you.
00:37:26It's fair.
00:37:28You don't have to say anything.
00:37:29You don't have to say anything.
00:37:31I have already ordered the lawyer to prepare the paperwork to transfer you his title.
00:37:37But, Father, are you sure about all this? Because if you have doubts, I prefer not to do it.
00:37:41I am completely sure.
00:37:44As you know, that palace has belonged to my family for centuries.
00:37:48It was a gift from His Majesty Fernando VI.
00:37:50So I feel entitled to have it as I see fit.
00:37:55And that's what I'm going to do.
00:37:56And I'm going to do it as soon as possible.
00:37:59Because I care much more about my grandchildren than all my properties together.
00:38:04So that palace and its lands will be yours in a few days.
00:38:08Thank you, Father.
00:38:12But what about Leonor?
00:38:15The palace of Madrid must be for her.
00:38:18Leonor doesn't need that palace at all.
00:38:21Besides, I'm sure that if we asked her, she would agree.
00:38:25And what did Cruz say about all this?
00:38:27He hasn't taken it the wrong way yet.
00:38:30But we'll see.
00:38:31I don't understand.
00:38:33It's just that I haven't told him.
00:38:36Well, good luck then.
00:38:38And I'm not going to tell him either.
00:38:41Because in the same way that that palace comes from the heritage of his family,
00:38:45fortune, the palace of Madrid, comes from the heritage of mine.
00:38:49So I don't have to give explanations to anyone.
00:38:51And I'm going to do with it whatever it takes.
00:38:57Enjoy it, daughter.
00:38:59I will.
00:39:02Thank you, Father.
00:39:13But what is this mystery about?
00:39:21Why is it so urgent and intriguing?
00:39:23Come in.
00:39:27You see, Hanna, I brought you here to tell you something very important.
00:39:31I guess so, but what is it about?
00:39:34I've been inquiring about the strange behavior of Marcelo, Teresa and Vera.
00:39:38And about the comments on that woman's name.
00:39:44You see, I haven't told you anything.
00:39:46But Hanna, they've discovered something very big.
00:39:50Tell me what it is.
00:39:54For her, yes.
00:39:55Because they asked so much about Gloria.
00:39:57Each of these letters is signed by her.
00:39:59And chosen by Mr. Vázquez.
00:40:03But ...
00:40:08Where did you get all this from?
00:40:10It's not a long story.
00:40:12Look, Hanna, I don't know what you think.
00:40:14But it all fits me.
00:40:15And the only person I can think of who could have written these letters ...
00:40:19It's Dolores.
00:40:22Your mother.
00:40:35I thank you very much for the welcome you have given me.
00:40:37Martina had told me wonderful things about you, but now I think she even stayed short.
00:40:42It has been a pleasure to have you among us.
00:40:45It has been a pleasure to have you among us.
00:40:48It's a shame that your stay here was so short.
00:40:51I only came to meet you and to officially announce my commitment to Martina.
00:40:56And what about the handshake?
00:40:58Well, everything gets complicated when Martina's mother is so far away.
00:41:01And apart from that, at some point we will also have to visit my parents.
00:41:04It's the same.
00:41:05Although I don't worry much about my mother either, because you are there.
00:41:09Which I will clearly have to tell you, but ...
00:41:12Martina, you know we love you madly.
00:41:14But you don't want her daughter's wedding to be lost, do you?
00:41:16No, no, of course not.
00:41:17Well, as I said, it's a pleasure to be at your house.
00:41:20Thank you very much.
00:41:21Really, the pleasure has been mine and ...
00:41:23See you very soon.
00:41:25A pleasure.
00:41:34That young man can't be put a but.
00:41:37He is ... perfect.
00:41:39Or almost.
00:41:40He is polite, kind, from a good family, but ...
00:41:43I don't know, there is something that scares me.
00:41:45That's what I think.
00:41:48There is something that I don't like.
00:41:50Yes, there is something about him that I don't know what it is, but there it is.
00:41:53Nothing specific.
00:41:56Nothing specific.
00:41:57Who knows?
00:41:58Maybe it's a matter of skin.
00:42:00Or that everything has been so rushed that distrust is inevitable.
00:42:05They are inevitable.
00:42:13Come in.
00:42:24What can I do for you, Mrs. Arcos?
00:42:27Actually, nothing.
00:42:29I just thought it was the best way to hear from you.
00:42:34Because lately we don't see each other much.
00:42:42And I have the feeling, Santos, that you avoid me as much as your father.
00:42:49No, Doña Petra.
00:42:50I try to avoid my father, but ...
00:42:53But not you.
00:42:55I know.
00:43:00And how are you?
00:43:06That my father and I don't get along is no secret.
00:43:10But what blows me away is that ...
00:43:12is that he has twisted things so much that suddenly he seems the victim.
00:43:16Yeah, when he's actually the executioner.
00:43:19And to top it off, I've had a fight with Mr. Baeza's thousand demons because of him.
00:43:23But of course, since he is the superior, he has not been able to defend me.
00:43:27The boss is always right.
00:43:30But because of what Mr. Baeza has told you.
00:43:34He told me that ...
00:43:37that I couldn't talk to my father like that.
00:43:40When they get along, he's my father.
00:43:42And when he's not, he's the superior.
00:43:45And you know what, Doña Petra?
00:43:49I'm fed up.
00:43:52I'm fed up with all this.
00:43:53I'm fed up.
00:43:57Santos, I ... I don't take away your reason.
00:44:01But maybe ...
00:44:03neither the argument with your father nor the fight with Mr. Baeza were for so long.
00:44:08And maybe you're getting carried away by frustration.
00:44:13And what do you want me to do?
00:44:16I ... I can't keep living like this.
00:44:19With this burden.
00:44:23And what are you going to do, Santos, to change things?
00:44:31Well, you know what?
00:44:36I think I've already decided.
00:44:51Wait, I want to talk to you.
00:44:54About what?
00:44:55Well, about Ana.
00:44:56About your wife.
00:44:58Well, she's part of a very distant past and she should stay there.
00:45:01Ricardo, that's your wish, it's not reality.
00:45:02Ana is still existing.
00:45:04If Santos has gone to see her, he will talk to her.
00:45:07What are you trying to get out of all this now?
00:45:09What I want to know, Ricardo, is what happened between you two.
00:45:15I don't want to talk about that.
00:45:16Yeah, I understand that you're closing in on each other because it's ...
00:45:19it's a part of your very intimate life and ...
00:45:22and very painful too, but ...
00:45:24it's also my life.
00:45:25And if I want to share it with you,
00:45:27I need to know the land on which I live.
00:45:31And I suppose you understand my doubts because the first time I told you about your wife,
00:45:36you hid the truth from me.
00:45:46Ask whatever you want.
00:45:47I promise to be as honest as possible.
00:45:49What do you want to know?
00:45:50Why do you refuse to talk to her with such fervor?
00:45:53Ricardo, if that's what your son asks of you.
00:45:55Maybe if you talked to her, your son would know firsthand who is lying and who is telling the truth.
00:46:00And everything would be solved before.
00:46:02If I refuse to talk to her, it's because I'm afraid, Bea.
00:46:05But afraid of what?
00:46:07If the relationship with your son can't be worse, Ricardo.
00:46:10Maybe if he talks to Ana and faces her lies,
00:46:14maybe he'll win.
00:46:17I'm afraid of myself.
00:46:21Of my feelings.
00:46:27I'm afraid to discover ...
00:46:30... that I'm still in love with her.
00:46:41And the best thing is that Bea tells us that her fiancé likes Faizan a lot.
00:46:45Like everyone who has tried Faizan.
00:46:47Don't I tell you?
00:46:49Of course, we couldn't say no.
00:46:55For not being in the wrong place in front of this girl.
00:46:59I don't understand.
00:47:01Me neither.
00:47:02You see, it's clear that no one has told Miss Martina
00:47:05that the house is short of money, that we are saving,
00:47:08that you don't see, and she asked for Faizan.
00:47:10How could she have asked for anything else?
00:47:12I still don't understand why they didn't tell her the truth.
00:47:15I'm sorry, but it's not a good time.
00:47:17And now there is no money for Faizans.
00:47:20It's just that it's not that easy, father.
00:47:23Because we were facing a stranger who was the fiancé of Miss Martina.
00:47:26And of course, we assumed that Mrs. Marquesa would not be pleased
00:47:29if she found out about all this.
00:47:30Yes, Mrs. Marquesa has always preferred to clean the dirty rag at home.
00:47:35And how did you get out of the mess?
00:47:37Well, we didn't get out.
00:47:39It was Maria Mandrajos who divinely taught her
00:47:42so that that boy and Miss Martina would go to eat in Luján.
00:47:46That's what my aunt Adelita called it.
00:47:48I fulfilled and did not spend.
00:47:50The truth is that I am not the one who defends Petra.
00:47:53We could get to Petra, but you have to admit that we were there early.
00:47:57It's true.
00:47:58Miraculously, we were fine in front of this boy.
00:48:01And he left the palace without finding out that the Marquesas
00:48:04are more stubborn than the telegraph posts.
00:48:07It's funny, because it's the second time that Miss Martina has made a boyfriend.
00:48:10And both of them have been suddenly.
00:48:12Except that when it comes to the little prince, there was more wax to cut.
00:48:17Father, it seems that you have another wedding around the corner.
00:48:23I'm afraid I won't be the one to celebrate this wedding.
00:48:26And why is that?
00:48:33I'm leaving the promise.
00:48:36I only say that that girl, the day you decide to look at her without prejudices,
00:48:40will surprise you for good.
00:48:42And I tell you that day will never come.
00:48:44What he said about the food, he said it with good faith, not to bother you.
00:48:47I don't want to talk about her anymore.
00:48:49Leocadia is so difficult to understand.
00:48:51I can't stand her.
00:48:53I don't want to talk about her.
00:48:55I don't want to talk about her.
00:48:57I don't want to talk about her.
00:48:59I don't want to talk about her.
00:49:01I don't want to talk about her.
00:49:03Do you understand?
00:49:04I can't stand her.
00:49:06Talking about Hanna irritates me.
00:49:08Seeing Hanna irritates me.
00:49:09Thinking about Hanna irritates me.
00:49:11All that has to do with that insufferable little girl irritates me enormously.
00:49:15Well, then I have to remind you that that insufferable little girl is your daughter-in-law.
00:49:19And that she is also pregnant with your son's firstborn.
00:49:22You insist on reminding me everything I want to forget, right?
00:49:26You have to accept Hanna Cruz,
00:49:28if you are not going to live a bitter life your whole life.
00:49:31It's just that she's not the only reason for my bitterness.
00:49:33I wish she was.
00:49:35Oh, there are other reasons? Well, if you want to tell me about them.
00:49:39The stabs in the back.
00:49:41Especially if it comes from someone who is supposed to be your friend.
00:49:46I don't know if I understand you, Cruz.
00:49:52I know it was you who found the photographer.
00:49:55You aired Hanna's past to put us in the spotlight.
00:49:59And don't you dare deny it.
00:50:01I was able to gather all the money that unimaginable man asked me for.
00:50:04And I have a letter from the person who hired him.
00:50:07Signed by a man named Leo.
00:50:11I could recognize your handwriting from afar.
00:50:14You've been lying to me all this time. You've laughed at me.
00:50:17You even gave me the contact of the photographer. What did you want?
00:50:20What did you want me to discover?
00:50:25I wanted you to realize.
00:50:26Realize what?
00:50:27Come on, Cruz. Don't tell me you don't know.
00:50:30I've come to avenge my death.
00:50:34But what if ...
00:50:36If you're alive?
00:50:38To your sorrow.
00:50:41Twenty years ago I had to leave Spain.
00:50:43At night. With nothing.
00:50:46I left to save my life.
00:50:48Because you, my soul friend, had had me killed.
00:50:53It's time to settle accounts.
00:51:06I just wanted to be completely honest.
00:51:08And I'm also going to be honest with you, Ricardo.
00:51:12And I tell you.
00:51:14That the little or the much that was between us ...
00:51:18It ends right here.
00:51:20Right here.
00:51:22Well, the reality is that, as someone who said two days ago that you know each other,
00:51:24and Jacobo's parents,
00:51:26it's still a mystery to me.
00:51:28And what did you tell him to calm down?
00:51:30Well, I answered all the questions he asked me about Jacobo,
00:51:32but with what I knew she wanted to hear.
00:51:36Because otherwise it would have been that she had told him the truth.
00:51:40And what is the truth?
00:51:42I would like to ask you a favor.
00:51:44If it's in my hand.
00:51:46It's a matter related to my daughter, Ángela.
00:51:48I need you to talk to her.
00:51:50To convince her not to leave her studies.
00:51:52Be a little patient, sir.
00:51:54I have no choice, Romulo.
00:51:56I've already told you.
00:51:58We must play more important games.
00:52:00Are you insinuating that the dismissals will begin?
00:52:04I've been thinking about it.
00:52:06Let's see if I can find a solution to get us out of this hole.
00:52:08Illustrate us.
00:52:10Where do we have to look?
00:52:12Here, rather.
00:52:14Your own son.
00:52:18But why did Doña Pia want those letters?
00:52:20Look, now we have this in our hands.
00:52:22Well, calm down.
00:52:24In exchange for your silence,
00:52:26none of the four of us will continue to moan in the lives of the gentlemen.
00:52:28And that's what we're going to do.
00:52:30This sounds like a story about enchanted houses.
00:52:32It would be worthy of a brochure.
00:52:34I tell you that if someone writes it, it becomes a hit.
00:52:36Doña Pia, I need to go to that room.
