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Stressé à cause de votre petite boule de poils ? 😓🐶 J'ai testé des astuces folles pour chiots afin que vous n'ayez pas à le faire : des raccourcis qui sauvent la vie aux échecs chaotiques. Spoiler : Une astuce implique une essoreuse à salade… et non, je ne plaisante pas. 🥗🌀

👇 Regardez le chaos (et le génie) se dévoiler ici 👇

Pensez à des astuces de dressage à la propreté en 5 secondes, des jouets DIY fabriqués à partir de bric-à-brac de magasin à un dollar et une astuce pour le coucher qui fera dormir votre chiot comme un bébé. 🛌✨ Est-ce que cela sauvera votre santé mentale ou va-t-il tout faire exploser ? Disons juste que… des friandises ont été utilisées comme pot-de-vin. 🍪💥

👉 Abonnez-vous pour plus d'astuces pour chiots qui feront de vous un pro des parents d'animaux de compagnie !
👉 Aimez si vous volez une de ces astuces pour votre petit monstre 🐾
👉 Partagez avec votre bande—quelqu'un doit être témoin de cette folie !

Question pour VOUS : Quelle est l'astuce pour animal la plus délirante que VOUS ayez essayée ? (Ou… le plus gros échec ? 😅) Dites-nous ci-dessous ! 🐕💬

#AstucePetitsChiens #Chiots101 #JouetsAnimauxDIY #MagieApprentissagePropreté #ParentsAnimauxChaotiques
#ParentsAnimauxGenZ #AstucesVie #VibesVirales #VieMamanChien #SauveMoiLaSantéMentale

P.S. Si l'astuce de l'essoreuse à salade fonctionne, de rien. Sinon… blâmez le chien. 🐾🚨 (Je plaisante ! …Enfin, presque.) ❤❤❤ Cliquez sur "j'aime" sous cette vidéo et abonnez-vous à notre chaîne ! Activez la cloche de notification 😉🔔🔔🔔

Abonnez-vous! https://www.youtube.com/c/LALALREmoji

Musique Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/

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Faites attention avant de la reproduire.


Cette vidéo est réalisée dans un but de divertissement. Nous ne faisons aucune garantie quant à sa faisabilité, sa fiabilité ou les risques qui l'entourent. Toute action basée sur les informations recueillies dans cette vidéo n'engage que vous et nous déclinons toute responsabilité en cas de dommages ou de pertes. Il relève de la responsabilité du spectateur de faire preuve de jugement, d'attention et de toutes les précautions nécessaires en vue de reproduire ces actions.
00:00Come on, Mom, I want to go out!
00:03I'm pushing as hard as I can! Get me out of here!
00:07You're scaring me!
00:09She's coming!
00:10It hurts so much!
00:12Push! Push as hard as you can!
00:16I've got her!
00:17Ah, and she's perfect! You're going to have a wonderful life!
00:20She's adorable! But wait, she doesn't feel well!
00:23Quick, take her to the ER!
00:27Oh baby, where are you taking her?
00:29I don't care!
00:30I love dogs!
00:32Good girl!
00:35Doctor, help!
00:38Are you taking care of the dogs?
00:40I was in the middle of something, you see?
00:43Come back here.
00:45Let me see this dog.
00:46She's just been born.
00:47Let's see that.
00:49Nice truffles.
00:50Okay, I see.
00:52Put her down here.
00:55It can take a while.
00:57There's so much to do.
00:59I'm in big trouble.
01:01No! Not the needles!
01:02I don't want to look!
01:05The defibrillators are ready.
01:06Let's go.
01:08Is she okay, Doctor?
01:11She looks happy, doesn't she?
01:12I can feel her breath.
01:14It's going to be okay, darling.
01:17Good girl, Toutou.
01:18You see? She's going to make it.
01:20You hear that, my girl?
01:21Everything's going to be okay.
01:24My princess!
01:26What are you doing?
01:29What is this?
01:32I'm so thirsty.
01:34Do you want some?
01:36You've been through so much.
01:38I've learned to drink twice a day.
01:41Thank you very much.
01:42Let's go home now.
01:44Say thank you.
01:46Thank you, Doc.
01:47I feel great.
01:48Can I poop?
01:49No, you can't.
01:51What a day.
01:52Excuse me.
01:56You see?
01:57This is my house.
02:00We're rich!
02:01What is this?
02:04It's our new dog.
02:06You took a dog?
02:08Once upon a time,
02:09there was a little dog.
02:10He was brown and hairy.
02:12He's not a baby, Luna!
02:15What are you making?
02:16We're going for a ride.
02:17Faster, faster!
02:20That's so silly.
02:21It's just a dog.
02:23What is this?
02:24It tickles!
02:27I'm keeping my personal space.
02:29It's just that it likes you.
02:32I knew it.
02:33It stinks.
02:36You're right.
02:37I'm going to give it a bath.
02:39Ready, my daughter?
02:40I'm not sure.
02:42What do you think of some perfume?
02:45My eyes!
02:46It hurts!
02:47I have a better idea.
02:49It's like a dog massage.
02:51You see?
02:52Oh, yes.
02:53My feet.
02:54It feels good.
02:56You want to be the next one?
02:57You see?
02:58I'm going to need them all.
03:01Its ears must be perfectly clean.
03:04That's a girl.
03:05But it's delicious.
03:07I want some more, please.
03:09Look at this.
03:10What am I getting myself into?
03:12Put your paws in there.
03:13We have to clean them.
03:17Now we're going to gently rub your head.
03:19You're going to love this.
03:20Do you like it?
03:22I love it.
03:23Oh, yes.
03:24What a blast.
03:26Would you mind if I slept for a minute?
03:28Are you relaxed?
03:32One minute.
03:34What's the problem?
03:36Okay, you don't know what you're missing.
03:40Look at this cat.
03:42It's so funny.
03:43It feels good to be home.
03:45Why are they so warm?
03:47Oh, no.
03:48The dog is relaxed in my slippers.
03:49It's unbearable.
03:52Hi, you.
03:55What is this?
03:57It's unacceptable.
03:59Don't blame me.
04:01Bad girl.
04:03Do you still love me?
04:05No, I can't stay angry.
04:07You're so cute.
04:09Okay, I forgive you.
04:10How can I stay angry?
04:13I have an idea.
04:15What's this sandbag?
04:17It's your new bedroom.
04:18Come on, Pupi.
04:20Pupi, where are you going?
04:22Wait a minute.
04:24Let me show you an example.
04:28It's slimy.
04:29I know where to put it.
04:32Like this.
04:34It's useless.
04:37What's going on?
04:39Like this.
04:42What am I looking at?
04:44She's learning.
04:46Good girl.
04:49Come on, Timmy.
04:50We're late.
04:51But I'm so tired.
04:52Wait, we have to go.
04:55What do we do with her?
04:57Are you leaving?
04:59I can't leave her like this.
05:01We just have to use this camera.
05:03Wow, what is it?
05:05It's recording.
05:06Let's put it on her.
05:09Good dog.
05:10Okay, now we're not really late.
05:11It's rolling.
05:12Goodbye, Evie.
05:15Wait, I'm home alone now.
05:17What can I do?
05:19What is it?
05:21I don't like the way it looks at me.
05:23More pretty leaves.
05:25A cat.
05:26Get down.
05:28I'm going to get your poop.
05:31This sandbag again.
05:34I'd rather do my needs in these shoes.
05:37Mission accomplished.
05:39Let's go.
05:41I haven't checked my wallet for a long time.
05:44This dog can fly.
05:47Let's see.
05:49Oh, it's me.
05:50I'm so pretty.
05:51We're home.
05:53Evie, I'm going to watch this video right now.
05:56I can't believe it.
05:57Total destruction.
05:58That's enough.
05:59We have to do something.
06:02Where is she?
06:04You can't catch me.
06:05So fast.
06:07Just look at this place.
06:08We have to clean up.
06:11You're a good girl, aren't you?
06:15Look at this.
06:16It's a new trend on TikTok.
06:18Do we dare?
06:22But the dog needs a new outfit.
06:26Look at my little mouse.
06:29This is what we call a dog life.
06:30Two teenagers and a puppy take over the Internet.
06:34TikTok is crazy about a new pet.
06:36It's adorable.
06:38On TikTok, all we can say is
06:40it's cute.
06:41We can't get enough of it.
06:45What are you eating?
06:47A chocolate bar?
06:48Evie, it's very serious.
06:50If you're hungry, eat this.
06:51It's better for you.
06:55What is this?
06:57So close to the goal.
06:59I know.
07:01Someone refuses to drink their milk.
07:02So we have bread on the board.
07:04If you see what I mean.
07:07Dinner is served, Evie.
07:11Not bad.
07:12Like my mom.
07:14Who drank all the milk?
07:16I should have known.
07:17Do you want cereal?
07:18No, thank you.
07:20Good doggy.
07:21That's Sire.
07:23Tonight's movie is a great idea.
07:25Tonight's story is about a man
07:27who found his dog on TikTok.
07:30Not our dog, is it?
07:32Sir, tell us what happened.
07:34My dog.
07:35She's all I have.
07:37Please, let me find my best friend.
07:40If you have any information,
07:41please call the number below.
07:44Oh no!
07:47It's our dog!
07:49Why is it a funeral, guys?
07:51Okay, we have to give it back.
07:54No, never!
07:56I'm calling now.
07:57We have to do it.
07:59It's my best friend!
08:02Open up!
08:04He's here?
08:08Come back!
08:11Can I help you?
08:12I'm here for the dog.
08:14Oh yeah?
08:16I need more light.
08:19I heard you had my dog.
08:21I'm sorry about all this.
08:23It's okay, don't worry.
08:25Can I?
08:28You have to give it a lot of respect and love.
08:32I'll love you forever, Evie.
08:35Okay, I'll just take it.
08:43That was so sad!
08:45Can I lie down?
08:47What's life without my doggy?
08:50Yes, I know.
08:52Wait a minute.
08:53It's Evie?
08:54I hope my mom will receive my message.
08:56Are you ready?
08:57Come on, smile!
08:59I'm going to make you a star.
09:01Now do me a cute thing,
09:02and make it jump.
09:03Come on, do something!
09:07Timmy, I have a plan.
09:09Get up, let's go.
09:10You stupid clown!
09:11Who is it?
09:15You won the lottery!
09:17No way!
09:19It's true.
09:20Just sign here.
09:23Don't worry, Evie.
09:24You're going home.
09:26Here too.
09:27Okay, okay.
09:28Hang on tight, my dog.
09:30I did it!
09:33Congratulations on all this money.
09:34Have a good evening.
09:35But how do I get my money back?
09:39Come on, smile!
09:41Where's the dog?
09:43We thought we had lost him.
09:45You saved me.
09:46This guy was really creepy.
09:48Okay, my dog.
09:49Let's go for a walk.
09:53It's okay.
09:54Oh no, trouble is coming!
10:06That was close.
10:07I'm going to clean up.
10:08I just have to get a bag here
10:10and put it inside.
10:12Like one of those Harry Potter books.
10:15Yes, it's as simple as that.
10:17I now have to find the nearest trash can.
10:19I don't like dark streets.
10:21I'd better find my key quickly
10:23before the detractors arrive.
10:25Come on, let's go.
10:27Oh, it's too dark.
10:29Just a minute.
10:31Let the light be.
10:33Isn't that cool?
10:34In general, my dog guides me.
10:36But it lets me help too.
10:38There you go.
10:39Come here, sir.
10:41Oh, I found it!
10:43Oh, you scared me.
10:45We can go in.
10:47Okay, we're at home
10:49and you're free.
10:50Have fun.
10:52Ah, I can finally rest.
10:56Oh, someone hasn't showered in a while.
10:58I think.
10:59I'm going to take a shower.
11:01I'm going to take a shower.
11:02Oh, someone hasn't showered in a while.
11:04I think.
11:05I wonder who it is.
11:06What a surprise.
11:07What's going on, human?
11:09Ah, a little cleaning is a must.
11:11Let's go.
11:13Give me a paw, human.
11:14Hey, it's for your own good.
11:16Mom's going to clean your paws.
11:18It doesn't hurt, don't worry.
11:20Did it work?
11:23All clean.
11:25Oh, what is that?
11:27All those hairs that will then hang everywhere.
11:29We have to brush you.
11:30Let's see what we need.
11:32Do you see how all those hairs disappear
11:34in a few strokes?
11:37Oh, look at the state of your hair.
11:39I'm going to remove all that.
11:42Ouch, it stings.
11:45Oh, look at that.
11:47All you have to do is press this button
11:49and get the hairs back safely.
11:51That's better.
11:53Who's the handsome boy?
11:55It's me.
11:57And now it's time for the massage.
11:58Oh, am I in heaven?
12:00But now it's time to play.
12:02Oh, oh, what's that over there?
12:04I want that ball, I want that ball.
12:06What is it?
12:08Let me see.
12:10I've got it.
12:12Is that what you're looking for?
12:15Go get it.
12:17It's going to happen again, that's for sure.
12:19The ball always ends up stuck here.
12:21I'm going to do something.
12:23I mean, the ball is coming.
12:24You want to play?
12:26Look at that.
12:28You want to play?
12:30I've got an idea for you.
12:32All we need is a piece of cardboard
12:34and a marker to draw.
12:37Can you guess what I'm doing?
12:39I'm starting.
12:41So it's up to me to choose now?
12:44Very good choice, sir.
12:46I choose this one.
12:48Okay, this box looks delicious.
12:50A cross here.
12:51And I choose this one now.
12:53I'm sorry, but I won.
12:55You're still the best.
12:57Good job.
12:59Now it's time for the national anthem.
13:03You're the winner.
13:05Now let's go get you some more gadgets.
13:07I hope there won't be any incidents.
13:12You're my little brother.
13:14Got it?
13:16Come on.
13:22Who's that?
13:24My little brother.
13:30Where are my glasses?
13:40Come on.
13:46Let's take a look.
13:50Hey, you!
14:00Good boy.
14:04Okay, Daisy.
14:06Plan B.
14:08You again?
14:19I got you.
14:24Goodbye, Daisy.
14:28Daddy's at my service.
14:32Did it work?
14:38It smells like a dog.
14:41Yeah, we made it back to school.
14:44Go inside.
14:50I saw you with a dog.
14:52Where is it?
14:56That thing doesn't work on me.
14:59You love dogs.
15:01You love dogs.
15:06What did I do?
15:15What's going on?
15:16I don't know.
15:20What's that?
15:23Dogs aren't allowed here.
15:25Okay, let's go.
15:29Okay, don't bite me.
15:32Okay, kids.
15:33Today we're going to talk about fish.
15:41It smells like a dog.
15:49What's that?
15:53It's my costume for the dance competition.
15:56Don't hide it.
15:57Open it.
15:58Show me what's inside.
16:00No problem.
16:03It's time to help you.
16:12Is it really yours?
16:14I'm playing, Juliette.
16:17Stop it.
16:18Oh, class.
16:30What was that?
16:36Of course, you can see for yourself.
16:46Good luck, Daisy.
16:53I'll put it here.
16:54La la livre.
17:01Let's go, Daisy.
17:09What do we have here?
17:14La la livre.
17:16That looks good.
17:17You can go.
17:22Good job, my dear.
17:24Not while I'm at it.
17:38That's strange.
17:42But where's Daisy?
17:50I brought your books.
17:57Get ready for the exams.
18:05Hey, Chris.
18:06Do you need an answer?
18:09Come here.
18:11Yeah, great.
18:25Why did you scream?
18:33She's going to have the dog.
18:35I have a better plan today.
18:39Knock, knock.
18:42Come on.
18:45Bon travail!
18:48Voyons voir comment nous pouvons faire maintenant.
18:57Jason, est-ce que tu as un stylo?
19:01Je ne sens pas de chien.
19:04Ok, page 46.
19:12Biscuit pour chien.
19:15Biscuit pour humain.
19:21La nourriture, c'est seulement pendant les pauses.
19:25Daisy, viens ici!
19:28Allez, allez!
19:32Je vais m'asseoir.
19:39Qu'est-ce qui se passe ici?
19:42J'ai juste faim.
19:45Ok, tu peux en prendre...
19:48Meilleur biscuit pour humain.
19:51Biscuit pour chien.
20:04Finis-le, Daisy.
20:07Peut-être pas aujourd'hui.
20:16Petit chien!
20:23Animaux sans abri.
20:25Animaux sans abri.
20:38C'est fermé!
20:47Ça peut le faire!
20:56Chut! Daisy, ne fais pas de bruit!
21:16Quel est ce son étrange?
21:19Il est un peu cassé.
21:28Doucement, Daisy!
21:30Daisy, qu'est-ce que tu fais?
21:36Oh, mon Dieu!
21:39Daisy, sois plus sage la prochaine fois!
21:46Wow! C'est...
21:48Quoi? Ça!
21:51Je démissionne.
21:55Bonne fille, Daisy!
21:57Quelqu'un triche!
22:01J'ai le sentiment que quelque chose ne va pas.
22:04Où se l'amène-t-il?
22:12Qu'est-ce que vous faites là?
22:14Il a... Je resserre mes lacets.
22:17Peu importe.
22:33Maintenant, je vais t'attraper.
22:38Ouais, super!
22:56Quoi? Monsieur Peterson?
23:03Ce n'est pas un chien.
23:12Est-ce que quelqu'un travaille dans cette école?
23:16Bien sûr, c'est bon.
23:20Je t'ai eu!
23:22S'il te plaît, sois donc...
23:27Je le savais! Sors ce chien de cette école!
23:30Allez, Daisy.
23:35Bon travail!
23:37Plus vite, plus vite! Dépêche-toi!
23:50C'est pour ça que le chien a bouillé!
23:54Rentrons à la maison.
23:56Oh, Chris...
23:58Désolée, je me suis trompée sur ton chien.
24:00Elle sera notre shérif.
24:02Chien policier.
24:14J'ai gagné!
24:18Bien, Babel.
24:25Papa ne doit pas nous voir.
24:27Tu es prête, Sarah?
24:29C'est parti!
24:40Mes lunettes!
24:44J'aime pas les chiens!
24:47C'est juste un jouet.
24:50Un simple jouet.
24:52C'était moins une.
25:00Où elle est?
25:02Elle est où?
25:06On a réussi! Allons dans ma chambre.
25:13D'où vient cette odeur?
25:16Bon chien.
25:18Je dois te cacher quelque part.
25:30Coucou, papa.
25:38Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, papa?
25:41Lili, lève-toi les pieds.
25:46Je prendrai la douche demain.
25:49Je vais te faire prendre un bain.
25:52Voyons ce qu'il y a là-dedans.
25:56Sarah, tu es prête?
26:05Papa, je me lave les cheveux.
26:07Cinq minutes, papa.
26:09Cinq minutes.
26:11Je l'ai trouvée!
26:23Tu pèses une tonne!
26:31Ça, c'est du shampoing pour les vrais hommes.
26:35Tu me rends si heureuse.
26:42Qu'est-ce qui t'arrive, ma petite Sarah?
26:47D'accord, je vais te commander à manger.
26:52Le livreur arrivera demain à 9h.
26:57Bonjour, papa.
26:59Où sont mes chaussures?
27:01Aucune idée.
27:05Qu'est-ce que tu fais?
27:08Stop! Rends-moi ça!
27:12Oh, merci.
27:14Lili, où est ma cravate?
27:22La voilà.
27:24Tu laisses traîner tes affaires partout.
27:27Lili, où est ma veste?
27:41C'est mes cheveux. Ils tombent à cause du stress.
27:47Livraison de la nourriture pour chiens.
27:50Mais on n'a pas de chiens.
27:53Seulement un chien en peluche.
27:58De la nourriture pour chiens, Lili.
28:00Sérieux, c'est juste un doudou.
28:09J'espère que papa n'est pas rentré.
28:12Hey! Viens là!
28:20Où je vais cacher ça?
28:37Tu veux aller faire une balade?
28:39C'est parti!
28:58Je crois qu'on va devoir trouver une nouvelle maison à Sarah.
29:05Ce céréales bon marché ont un drôle de goût.
29:07Moi, j'aime bien.
