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School Scam : एक हजार खाली दाखिला-खारिज जब्त, लगी थी प्राचार्य के हस्ताक्षर और सील


00:00Sir, can you give us an update on this case?
00:04We have received information that in Juvenile Associates,
00:07Pankhda Pads are made for free.
00:09In this regard, we have joined forces with the HDM and Adhar Tal and have done an inspection.
00:14We have received some documents which should not be kept.
00:18The school entrances are not filled.
00:21There are principal's signatures.
00:22So, at first glance, we felt that these are suspicious things.
00:25We are doing an investigation to seal the shop.
00:27The administrator has gone out.
00:29As soon as he comes, we will conduct an investigation.
00:32What kind of investigation is being done here?
00:35This has been found to be done by IAS, Jati, Rasankar, etc.
00:40Now, we will conduct an investigation on their innocence.
00:43Sir, can you give us an update on this case?
00:45Dagbir Singh Marawi, HDM, Ranchi.
