• last month
दिल्ली: मयूर विहार 1 स्थित अहल्कोन इंटरनेशनल स्कूल के प्रिंसिपल को सुबह 6:40 बजे बम की धमकी वाला ईमेल मिला। पांडव नगर के एसएचओ और पूर्वी जिला बम निरोधक दस्ता स्कूल पहुंचे। गहन तलाशी में कोई संदिग्ध वस्तु नहीं मिली, और स्थिति अब नियंत्रण में है। बच्चों के अभिभावकों ने कहा कि हमें बताया गया कि आज स्कूल बंद है और ऑनलाइन कक्षाएं होंगी। सभी बच्चे समय पर पहुंचे, कुछ को यहां से वापस भेज दिया गया, जबकि अन्य बीच में ही लौट गए।


00:30We were told to take the kids to online classes.
00:37No, we were not told anything like that.
00:39There are no kids here.
00:40We left the kids at home and came here to see you.
00:45All the kids were coming here during school time.
00:48Did you see the kids?
00:49Yes, some left the way, some went from here.
00:52No, we were not told anything like that.
00:54We were told to study online.
00:56No, we were not told anything like that.
00:57It was 8.30 pm.
00:58We were going back.
00:59We were told to study online.
01:01We took the kids.
