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Repasamos la noche del crimen.

Cc #LAM en América TV 📺 @elejercitodelam @AngeldebritoOk


00:0018 January at 9 and at 10 and 10 at night and the crime is committed 10 and 20, 10 and a half and they
00:09retire from the zone type 11. This is to order us. Start at a service station. I'm going to read you, Marce, if you want, first what I declare, this is a testimony statement, part of the street, which are the two officers, a female and another male, who were at that time at the service station.
00:27This says, the night of Saturday, January 18, 2025, prior to building the call on José María Moreno Street, is that they went to the bathroom of the DAPSA service station located on Fundo de la Legua and El Indio Avenue. This is the service station, it is in Dos Cuadras where the crime was committed.
00:44From this means where they will have seen a well-known from La Farándula and television media, More Real, together with another female on board a Peugeot brand vehicle, model 107, white in color. Here we are watching the video on the screen.
00:57This video is stationed near the bathrooms where two women descend. It is that white that is entering in the background, which indicates the arrow. And now we are going to photograph by photograph, because it also paints it and tells you chronologically everything spectacularly.
01:12It says, she wears a red dress, this is important, with white shoes, and the companion, with thin physical texture, with dark hair collected. Already being in the bathroom, this female arrives with a police cell phone, which there, if when we are seeing the frames, we are going to order it well. He sees More Real and greets her, the police officer, and the female recognizes her.
01:34He tells her, you are More Real, everything is fine, love. Realizing that the female in a red dress is undoubtedly More Real. This was clarified by the testimonial statement from the street. Here these frames that we are seeing is the step by step of the moment in which More Real with the other person arrive at the service station.
01:52We can stop a little bit so that we can explain to people. This diagram that appears in the photograph, this photograph, these images pointed out, so they say, I want to ask the doctor, this is a job that the police do to specifically go checking the minute.
02:09He goes looking for the cameras, there are security rings that go singing where the car went, where it happened, and with that they go looking, they look there, they do not look, it is not that to look at 24 hours of camera you have to be looking 24 hours. There are programs that detect, that's why, as Pepe said well, you put your face on it, look for this face and look for it. Today digitally they do wonders.
02:35With the vehicles too, the same thing happens. With the vehicles, the patent.
03:06And this is important, it has the left light on and it parks. Why? Because I understand, from what I was able to find out, when they go at high speeds it is much easier to identify it because it is a white car without a light.
03:21Is that so, doctor?
03:22Yes, yes.
03:23A brand, it has a brand.
03:24Perfect. In the photograph number 3 it says, two female drivers descend, robust with blond hair and dressed in red, in this case if you look down to the right of the car, that is Morena Real, and a thin companion and dressed in light clothing.
03:41Come to the right, which is the white car, they both get off on the right side, dressed in red, Morena Real and the companion. In this case in the car were the three males.
03:53Back in the back seat.
03:56Because later they descend. There is another, the photograph number 4, approaches at the moment, and this photo is key, and I'm going to explain why.
04:04Because at this moment, how is Morena using her hair and the arms that are seen, her tattoos, for this photo on January 18, is the one that they compare with the one on January 22.
04:16On January 22 they take a picture of More, because they stop her, they stop her for a couple of hours.
04:22When he was the Scrooge.
04:23Exactly. And with that photo on January 22, they compare with this one on January 18.
04:28Do we have that photo to see it?
04:29We have it to see it. Guys, I don't know if you want to put it on while I tell this too. And with that they make the comparison and manage to realize that the one on January 18 was also Morena Real, beyond later collecting the testimonies.
04:44Mauricio, this that he says, that I saw the photograph, this comparative picture of both images, even if they are not taken in the same dimension, with the body being smaller, how is it done to evaluate? Here it is.
04:58How is it done to evaluate that it is exactly the same?
05:00Digitally the computer finds it.
05:01Also digitally? Always digital?
05:03Today, the truth, today the investigation of the illicit depends on the good will or effort that the investigator puts. Here they have put effort, they have clearly put effort. I imagine that someone said, here we have to stop with this band.
05:20I'm going to ask you a question. Here we have to stop with this band. It is not very common for them to put it in the background when they talk about someone. Could it be that they found a famous person and said, ah, with this we are all good with people? I ask, because the people who are watching also think so.
05:36They stole my watch five years ago, and the prosecutor Orfila and the judge Rita Costa were investigating and they gave 14 years to the head of the band, they arrested 9.
05:50You were lucky, but maybe I ask people and they notice.
05:53It's not common, really?
05:54Yes, it happens a lot. Why? Because it happens, but of course, those cases do not remain.
05:59But you are a well-known person.
06:01No, no, but they were 10 well-known people.
06:03But it was not Chorro.
06:04No, no, I know, you are not saying that they were arrested by Icardi.
06:07Of course, of course, you who are in charge of the case, excuse me.
06:09But it was not the only one, it was a band that stole a lot of people.
06:12It was a band made up of 15 people, only 9 were arrested because the other 5 ...
06:19No, I ask you because many times ...
06:21There are investigations of this type.
06:22For example, with the case of Wanda and Icardi, we all saw how the fair would open for them to go to declare, etc., etc., which usually does not happen.
06:3015 policemen with a lot of gender violence.
06:32Many people still have the idea ...
06:34Let's go back to the cholulism of justice, excuse me.
06:36That there is like a cholulage.
06:38That is another point.
06:40One thing is the investigation of bands like this, which end up costing the politician in charge of the party, a defeat in the next elections.
06:48This is not casual.
06:50I do not agree, because this is publicity, 100%.
06:53Excuse me, this is publicity, 100%.
06:55Look at the cameras, look at how we track.
06:57This camera with this, look at how we track.
07:01How does the municipality act? How does the police act?
07:05In a case of 100 million, because people in their house screw up and the police never do anything.
07:09No, but Damacia, you are here.
07:11The neighbor, when he sees that they steal at night, goes crazy.
07:14In other words, the neighbor is going to knock on the door of the municipality.
07:17The municipality here has its security service and surely they have had to start working hard.
07:23Because they were receiving a lot of complaints from the neighbors of this.
07:26This is one point.
07:28The other important point is why it happens in the case of Wanda.
07:31Because the lawyers move their asses.
07:33This is the truth.
07:34Well, I hope they move their asses for everyone.
07:36In the vast majority of cases, no one moves their asses for a matter where the discussion does not have economic content.
07:42In the case of Wanda and Icardi ...
07:44No, no, no, no, please.
07:46Well, we're going to have to invite Dr. Mauricio Alessandro to come and discuss this.
07:50Because it seems that everyone has the idea that when there is a famous person in the media, they always act in another way.
07:56Sorry, when the cell phones are there, the police appear.
07:58Be guilty or innocent.
07:59What about Maradona, who was taken out drunk and drunk?
08:02I don't know, I can't say.
08:03What do you think?
08:04Maradona is no longer among us.
08:06Of course, but sometimes being famous plays against you and you are saying it for real, right?
08:10Doctor, thank you very much.
08:12Thanks to the people of EDM who have allowed us to have Dr. Mauricio Alessandro with us on today's day.
08:20See you later, good night.
08:21See you later, sir.
08:22Gentlemen, we are going through the step by step of what happened, obviously, with Morreal.
