• last month
Dos ladrones con pedido de captura fueron abatidos por un policía en Merlo, Buenos Aires, durante un intento de robo. Los delincuentes, uno de ellos de 34 años, fueron sorprendidos por una patrulla tras una alerta al 911 sobre un enfrentamiento armado. La moto utilizada para el crimen había sido denunciada como robada el pasado 17 de enero. Este incidente pone en evidencia la recurrente problemática del uso de vehículos robados para cometer delitos.


00:00There was an arrest warrant for these criminals,
00:07and two thieves end up dying in this situation.
00:13In this situation, Merlo's police station is acting.
00:17It's a double homicide on the occasion of a robbery.
00:21That's the name of the cartel.
00:24The victims have 34, and...
00:30One of them is at least 34 years old.
00:35And this happened, we reiterate, after 911 was alerted
00:41and a patrol arrived at the corner of Noguera and Villiquen.
00:46After the neighbors called, speaking of an armed confrontation,
00:53a man was working there,
00:56and he immediately took to Noguera Street
01:01with a red Twister motorcycle,
01:06which had two men, two people,
01:09who get on the sidewalk where this man was passing
01:13and face him.
01:15The companion of the one who was driving this red and black Twister motorcycle
01:21puts his hand on his waist,
01:24and says that he had no intention of robbing,
01:27as described by the person who made the complaint.
01:30And the victim identified himself as a police officer,
01:35repelled the aggression with at least five shots,
01:40using his regulatory weapon, a 9mm TPR Bersa.
01:46In the place, the driver of a motorcycle tried to take the sidewalk again,
01:53and he broke,
01:59well, in principle, he broke a bone.
02:07Unfortunately, we have to talk about what we are referring to,
02:11a person who lost his life, but we are talking about a criminal.
02:14The companion fled to the race,
02:17he fell about 150 meters on Villiquen Street.
02:23The person, we reiterate, effective of the police,
02:27luckily he is fine, he was unharmed.
02:33And there is still information that has not risen
02:36regarding the identification of these two criminals,
02:39we reiterate, beaten.
02:41It was known that the vehicle,
02:44this red and black motorcycle,
02:49which came in the wrong hand,
02:51and that generated the police to react
02:55when they saw that they were obviously coming to rob him,
02:58was a motorcycle that was being used by the criminals,
03:03but that had a robbery complaint.
03:08When was this robbery complaint?
03:10Last January 17.
03:12The complaint had been made at the second police station in Merlo,
03:17and they already communicated with the complainant
03:21to let him know that his motorcycle had appeared
03:25and that it was being used to steal.
03:27This is a situation that is repeated,
03:29it is reiterated regarding this robbery of other vehicles,
03:33not only to disarm them and sell parts,
03:35but also to steal.
03:38We reiterate, the information happened in Merlo,
03:41in San Antonio de Padua, that locality in the west of the Bonaerense conurbate.
03:45A police officer killed two criminals
03:48who came to rob him on a motorcycle.
