00:00We are very happy to have been able to bring home six points in the last two games.
00:11After the draw with Samp, we had said that all the games from that moment on would have been finals.
00:18The last two wins were really important, not so much from the point of view of the result, but also from the point of view of the reaction we had.
00:28Over the course of the season, we have seen that even in difficult moments we manage to compact ourselves and always find the necessary strength to go against situations that at that moment seem uncomfortable or already decided.
00:45We know that we have to work a lot on the approach, so try not to get to the situation where we have to rush and use extra energy to get the result.
00:58We are a young team, we know that there is a lot to do and a lot to work on, but I believe that the spirit that has been seen is the result of a good job and above all of a beautiful group that is coming to create.
01:16After the game against Roma, I watched the last save and I have to say that it was beautiful.
01:22It wasn't beautiful stylistically, as you might think, but it was a distinct save.
01:29There is also a bit of luck there, because by touching the ball it goes out, so I have to say that everything fit in the best way and everything was right.
01:41I believe that the coach has brought a new vision of football.
01:49He has a very methodical approach to training, very schematic.
01:55This mentality is bringing changes to our way of seeing football.
02:04I think this is an important plus and above all I think it is always nice and stimulating to find yourself in front of something new to work on.
02:18We know that Juventus is a very strong team.
02:21It is first in the league, so it is having a great season.
02:25We know our strengths, we know our qualities.
02:30We keep our focus on the inside, because we know that there are important goals ahead of us.
02:36First of all, to win this game and then to reach the first big goal that we have set for ourselves at the beginning of the season.
02:46And then to open the doors to everything that will come next.