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The Heugh Gun Battery, in Moor Terrace, Hartlepool, has opened its exhibition space to the public as it starts a series of regeneration works this year.

00:00I'm in the Huff Battery and I'm with Ashley Wilkinson, Project Manager for WAIT, have I got that bit right?
00:06What a difference that there is in here. What have you done? What was your involvement?
00:10So we were contacted off the Huff Battery Museum, off Diane, to see if we could help create some additional exhibition space.
00:17It was a bit cramped.
00:19Indeed it was, wasn't it?
00:20Yeah, it was tiny and you were climbing over everything and they just wanted to open the space up and put some more items for everyone to come and enjoy.
00:28Who took over it? Because I know you've got some trainees. Were they involved? Were you involved?
00:32Yeah, so we have a neighbouring project where Josh Earle, he's our young production management trainee, so we give this little project for him to deal with.
00:41All the way from the beginning to the end, to do the pricing, line up the subcontractors, get the work done, deal with our client who's been Diane.
00:48And he's done a fantastic job.
00:50From start to finish, how long?
00:52Actually, working on-site, a number of days worked on-site is only four days, but that was cast over a three-week period just to give Josh the opportunity to communicate with the customer, line up the subcontractors and get the work done.
01:06I have to say it's very impressive, a job well done.
01:09Yeah, it's been great. I mean, the main thing is, is that due to our relationship with the supply chain, we were able to do all of this for free for the museum, which has been fantastic.
01:17So, JPS, they came along and put the walls up for us.
01:22Howell Cummings, they provided the doors and rearranged some joinery internally for us.
01:27And Dunninghams, they come and done all the paint and decorate, which I think you'll agree, it's a brilliant finish.
01:33It's important, isn't it, that people get together and involved in a project like this?
01:36Yeah, definitely. Yeah, and it allows us as well, with our project around the corner, just to reach out further than just that project.
01:42We're in the community, we're getting everyone involved and, you know, this is another exhibition people can come and see.
