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The powerful real-life story of Lali Sokolov, a Jewish prisoner who was tasked with tattooing ID numbers on prisoners' a | dHNfZnRkM2VJYUNqLVE


00:00Hello, I'm Jonah Howard King.
00:02Hi, I'm Anna Bruchniek.
00:03And we'll be reading an extract from The Tattoos of Auschwitz by Heather Morris,
00:08the inspiration behind our new Sky original series of the same name.
00:12For what seems like a long time, Lale walks among his fellow prisoners,
00:16chatting to those he knows from Block 7,
00:19all the while his eyes search the groups of girls.
00:22He is talking to Leon when the tiny hairs rise on the back of his neck,
00:27the tickling sensation of being watched.
00:31He turns. There she is.
00:34Lale walks towards the girls and her friends step back,
00:37putting a little distance between them and the stranger.
00:41They have heard about Lale.
00:43She is left standing alone.
00:46He comes close to the girl, drawn again to her eyes.
00:51She smiles, a small tentative smile.
00:55Lale is almost rendered speechless.
00:58He summons the courage. He hands her the bread and letter.
01:02In it, unable to stop himself, he has told her how he can't stop thinking about her.
01:08What's your name? He asks.
01:11I need to know your name.
01:13Behind him someone says, Gita.
01:16Before he is able to do or say anything more,
01:19Gita's friends rush to her and drag her away,
01:22whispering questions as they go.
01:25That night, Lale lies on his bed, saying her name over and over.
01:31Gita. Gita. A beautiful name.
01:36In Block 29, in the women's camp,
01:39Gita curls up with her friends, Dana and Ivana.
01:42How many times are you going to read it? Dana asks.
01:46I don't know. Until I know every word of my heart, Gita replies.
01:51When will that be?
01:52About two hours ago, Gita giggles.
01:55They'll be able to get a note to me.
01:59Who is this man?
