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Pobre novio Peru Capitulo 45 Completo HD
Pobre novio Peru Capitulo 45 Completo HD
Pobre novio Peru Capitulo 45 Completo HD
Pobre novio Peru Capitulo 45 Completo HD
Pobre novio Peru Capitulo 45 Completo HD
Pobre novio Peru Capitulo 45 Completo HD
00:00Do you realize this health issue is going to be known sooner or later?
00:04It doesn't make sense to keep hiding it.
00:07I prefer it to be later than sooner.
00:09Besides, I talked to Vilma and she promised me she wasn't going to tell anyone.
00:14And I trust her.
00:20You're too pretty to eat like that, but...
00:25Oh, I'm sorry.
00:28I found this.
00:30What's that?
00:31I don't know. An envelope was outside, but it didn't say who it was from.
00:35Give it to me.
00:36No, no. Give it to me. I'll open it.
00:38You have to be careful with these things.
00:40They say they're swindling people.
00:42Don't try to bribe me.
00:44If you go to a hotel, never give your real information.
00:48Always use a fake name.
00:50I used to do that when I went with your dad.
00:53In the movies. Because you learn these things in the movies.
00:55Of course, I can imagine.
00:57And never use your face.
00:59Take a taxi.
01:00And if you can, put a handkerchief on your head, so they don't recognize you.
01:04His mom also made pasta.
01:08I'm sorry, I didn't know.
01:12No, it's fine. But it was a tradition among them.
01:15They always stuffed themselves with flour.
01:18Oh, I remembered.
01:22I don't know what to say to you.
01:24If it makes you very uncomfortable, I...
01:26No, no, no.
01:27It's fine. It's fine, really.
01:29Yes, of course.
01:31I'm going to change and we'll have dinner.
01:34Okay, I'm done.
01:36What's your name?
01:45Katy PĆ©rez.
01:46Yes. And I want a suite, please, with a view of the pool.
01:51Your ID, please.
01:55Can you believe I forgot it?
02:07Good luck.
02:11Here, waiting for you.
02:16You're going to make me leave everything voted for you.
02:18I just want to hug you.
02:25And I want to hug you.
02:32What's going on?
02:34What do you mean, what's going on?
02:38Well, we're adults, we're friends.
02:42I thought we could keep each other company from time to time.
02:45Isn't that what you want?
02:46From time to time. I mean, you want something from time to time.
02:50It's just a way of saying, don't take it too seriously.
02:54Do you want a glass of wine?
02:57I can't give up, I have to go.
03:07I thought it was fantastic.
03:09They are seen as simple, spontaneous people.
03:12And that is appreciated on television.
03:15Oh, well.
03:16Especially Vilma.
03:18Wow, now they're friends, aren't they?
03:21I'm going to get jealous.
03:23Come on, get jealous.
03:25Yes, yes, yes. I'm going to brush my teeth.
03:30Well, are you going to leave?
03:32Because the poor boyfriend can't be so alone and discovered at night.
03:35Calm down, I'll see how to leave. I know how to leave.
03:37I'm sorry, but I'm responsible for you tonight.
03:39Let's see, little girl.
03:40I am an adult person who knows very well how to leave.
03:43So, I'm leaving. Bye.
03:44Okay, okay, but don't get mad.
03:46I don't get mad, Cami, don't worry. Bye.
04:14You know it won't happen if I leave you.
04:21Good evening, Miss Katy PĆ©rez.
04:27Why that name?
04:28Because it looks like my favorite singer.
04:30Besides, a friend told me that I couldn't give my real name, just in case.
04:34Oh, I see, just in case.
04:36Well, who knows, knows.
04:40Hey, I missed you a lot. Look what I brought you.
04:43Oh, thank you.
04:52Oh, what a beautiful room, how beautiful.
04:55Beautiful, right?
04:56I ordered a table of cheeses, although I already drank a little.
05:00It's delicious.
05:01Mmm, how elegant.
05:02Can you open a beer for me?
05:06It doesn't matter.
05:07It doesn't matter.
05:09Oh, you don't know how much I wanted to see you.
05:12Listen, the interview lasted a long time and I wanted to be here with you.
05:14Oh, me too. I wanted you to come.
05:30What could it be?
05:31Oh, I ordered a bigger bottle of champagne.
05:33Bigger? Wow.
05:38Little by little.
05:41The girl?
05:42What is she doing here?
05:45How nice, huh?
05:47Beautiful scene.
05:48I mean, you didn't even let me get into the jacuzzi with you,
05:50but you do come to be in a hotel and on top of that, with the boss.
05:53Oh, good. But I didn't like how I looked on TV.
05:56They should have changed my hairstyle.
05:58Oh, exaggerated. You looked very good.
06:00It was the comment of the whole WhatsApp group.
06:24I'm better.
06:26Thank you very much for your concern.
06:29Oh, you looked very pretty on TV.
06:37Vilma, what's wrong with this?
06:40What's wrong with what?
06:41With this.
06:42What is that veteran doing?
06:43Sending you messages.
06:44What does this mean?
06:54Camila, did you follow me?
06:56Yes, of course I followed you.
06:57When you gave me your cell phone, I read all your messages.
07:00What? But why?
07:02What does the lady have that I don't?
07:05Yes, she took me out of the jacuzzi
07:07when you didn't even give me the slightest chance.
07:09What jacuzzi? What are you talking about?
07:11Isabela, I'll tell you later, okay?
07:13Camila, listen to me.
07:14Absolutely no one can find out about this.
07:16Did you hear me?
07:17Injustices come to me.
07:19And it is clear that here, in this hotel,
07:21Injustices come to me.
07:22And it is clear that here, in this hotel,
07:23there is an injustice wherever you look at it.
07:28Do you know how much money I spent buying tickets for the raffle?
07:31And it turns out that now the prize already owns my boss.
07:34No, no, no, Camila.
07:36Things are not like that, okay?
07:38The contest is still on and the prize is not given.
07:40Let's see, let's see, both.
07:41I'm not a prize, okay?
07:43I'm a person.
07:44I'm single and I can do whatever I want.
07:46Okay, sure.
07:47But not with anything, Santiago.
07:49I mean, don't overdo it, right?
07:51If you had gotten involved with me, right?
07:53Even with that girl from the disco, it would be normal.
07:56Or a Remember with your ex would be awesome, right?
07:59But with the owner of the contest, no.
08:02No, nothing to do.
08:03This sounds like a scam to me.
08:06No, Camila.
08:07This is not a scam.
08:09Let's calm down a little.
08:10We are not cheating anyone
08:11because nothing has happened between Santiago and me.
08:14Absolutely nothing has happened.
08:16Thanks to Tiffany.
08:17Camila, we are adults, right?
08:19Santiago and I were about to have a good time and that's it.
08:23You don't have to take it so seriously, right?
08:25Or have you never done anything crazy?
08:27All the time.
08:29But I remember that you told me
08:31that nothing could happen between Santiago and me
08:33because I worked for the agency.
08:35And that now that you forgot it.
08:38Look, with all due respect, you deserve it, right?
08:41But, oh, you also went too fast.
08:47Camila, did you tell someone else?
08:51I'm going.
09:10Oh, just what I needed
09:12because mine was already finished.
09:15Yes, besides, with this rage,
09:17my throat dried up, like this.
09:19Horrible, horrible.
09:20But bad, bad, bad.
09:30Come on, Vilma, answer.
09:31Why are you quiet?
09:33Why does that veteran send you romantic messages?
09:36What are you talking about?
09:37Oh, you don't know?
09:38Look at what he sends you.
09:39I'm going to keep looking at my cell phone.
09:41No, no, no, no.
09:42Don't divert the conversation.
09:43Give it to me, CĆ©sar.
09:44I don't know what you're doing.
09:45Give it to me, CĆ©sar.
09:49I don't understand.
09:50What romance does this message have?
09:52What romance does this message have?
09:54Here in China, it's a romantic message.
09:57You look pretty on TV.
09:59Oh, he probably saw the video we recorded Santiago
10:02and wrote nothing else.
10:03So many things.
10:04Of course, surely you wrote it first
10:06and he answered you, right?
10:07And look at what he puts on you.
10:09I'm better.
10:10What is being better?
10:11What is?
10:12Okay, calm down.
10:13Yes, I wrote it first, but it's not what you're thinking.
10:16We just met in the morning and ...
10:19You met him?
10:20Vilma, you lied to me.
10:21You told me you were going to Mrs. Josefa's pastry shop
10:23and you met him?
10:26Is that why you took so long to arrive?
10:27Is that why you had a headache?
10:28And you know you didn't have a headache.
10:30You were guilty.
10:32Yes, that's it.
10:33Oh my God, you're making a movie in your head.
10:35What, now you're going to tell me I'm a novelist?
10:36Let's see, CĆ©sar, calm down.
10:38Calm down.
10:39Look, I went to Josefa's.
10:41I had to give him some orders.
10:43Also, in the truck, I had just the cake
10:46that I had to take to his house.
10:47I met him by chance.
10:49I decided to give it to him.
10:51When we were walking to his car, he passed out.
10:54I had to help him.
10:57Hey, I wasn't going to leave him alone.
11:00It seems that, I don't know, his blood pressure dropped
11:03or something like that.
11:04So then I sent him a message to see how he was
11:08and he answered me.
11:09A minimum of kindness, CĆ©sar.
11:11You know what, Vilma?
11:13I feel like you're not telling me everything.
11:16It's because you're still with those absurd jealousy.
11:19You have to get that out of your head, CĆ©sar.
11:21Arturo is a gentleman.
11:23He's a decent man.
11:24A decent man?
11:26That guy took your son's girlfriend at the wedding
11:29and he's a decent man?
11:31You know what, Vilma?
11:32You have a selective memory problem.
11:34You remember some things and you forget about others.
11:37No, I haven't forgotten.
11:38But you know what?
11:39I'm sick of it.
11:40I'm not going to continue to justify myself for some absurd jealousy.
12:30Oh, I don't know what to do.
12:33I think about it, I re-think it, I think about it again,
12:38and then I get even more entangled,
12:40and then, boom, smoke comes out.
12:42Because my centennial nature
12:43demands that I publish all this online.
12:45No, Camila, no.
12:46Please don't do that.
12:48Why not?
12:49People have to know that this is a mega scam.
12:51Do you know how many people and girls
12:53have bought tickets for this scam?
12:55Camila, calm down.
12:57This is not a scam, it's not a scam.
13:00We already explained to you.
13:01Santiago is going to marry the winner of the raffle,
13:04and that girl is going to receive all the prizes.
13:09Camila, what's wrong? Are you okay?
13:15What does she have that I don't?
13:18Why didn't you want to have an adventure with me?
13:27Look at me.
13:28I'm not pretty, huh?
13:30Cami, of course you are.
13:32You're very pretty.
13:33I'm very pretty.
13:34Then why doesn't anyone love me?
13:36Why does Santiago prefer you?
13:38We're almost the same.
13:40Look, I could even be his daughter.
13:43More like my younger sister, right?
13:45Of course, yes, yes.
13:46Camila, look, listen to me.
13:47You're a very pretty girl.
13:49I'm sure there are a lot of guys
13:51following you.
13:53There's no one.
13:55No one likes me.
13:57Well, maybe that's because
13:59you intimidate guys.
14:02Why would I intimidate them?
14:04Well, because you're smart.
14:06You're a hard worker, right?
14:09Modern, independent.
14:10You have an incredible job.
14:13I know, I know, but...
14:15But I'm tired of being alone.
14:18I'm always alone.
14:19There's never anyone in my house.
14:21My parents work, work, and work.
14:24Nothing else.
14:25All they think about is making money.
14:28I'd love to have a boyfriend.
14:30But Cami, you don't need a boyfriend
14:32to be happy.
14:33You could take advantage of traveling,
14:34learning things, going out with your friends.
14:37Yeah, but that's for social media.
14:39I'm tired.
14:41Tired of pretending all the time
14:43that I'm happy.
14:47Let's see.
14:48Cami, look.
14:50Love doesn't come looking for you.
14:51Love comes alone.
14:53All of a sudden, you have to look
14:54somewhere else.
14:55For example, look for friends.
14:57And you don't need many.
14:59Just one that's important to you
15:01is enough.
15:03Of course.
15:04Like you and Johnny.
15:06That's it.
15:13You guys have a lot of wisdom.
15:15It must be because you're uncles, of course.
15:19Let's see.
15:20Camila, you're on the right track.
15:23You do an incredible job.
15:24And you have a lot of responsibilities
15:26for your age.
15:27We're very proud of you.
15:29And that's why we trust you
15:31because we know you're a top.
15:33Do you really think I have talent?
15:35Of course you do.
15:37Look, about 50 people passed for your position.
15:42You don't need to show all the time
15:44what you're worth.
15:45In the office, we believe in who you are.
15:47That's it.
15:51You guys talk so sweetly.
15:57Can I stay with you tonight?
15:59No, no.
16:00Yes, no.
16:03I don't want to go back home.
16:19And if I have to choose
16:22I'll stay, I'll stay with you
16:24If I go back to San Juan
16:27I'll dance, I'll dance with you
16:30And if I have to forget you, you know
16:54Am I dreaming?
16:59Oh, honey, really.
17:01Yesterday was very hard.
17:04It was my fault.
17:05No, no, don't say that.
17:08I fell asleep and I died of exhaustion.
17:11I'm sorry.
17:12I'm sorry.
17:13I'm sorry.
17:14I'm sorry.
17:15I'm sorry.
17:16I'm sorry.
17:17I fell asleep and I died of desire to be with you.
17:20Oh, me too.
17:29Hey, what do you want Cami to do now?
17:32I don't know.
17:33But we have to ask her.
17:35Good morning.
17:38Good morning.
17:40Camila, your pants.
17:47How are you?
17:48How are you?
17:49Did you sleep well?
17:50Oh, too well.
17:51The bed was great.
17:53The mattress, the sheets, like everything, really.
17:56You can tell that this is a great hotel.
17:59I'm going crazy.
18:00I'm hungry.
18:01Hey, Cami, Cami.
18:02We wanted to know what you were going to do about this.
18:09I'm not going to accuse them of something that didn't even happen, right?
18:12Besides, I really like them.
18:14They are the best, guys.
18:16Yes, really.
18:17And I promise not to call you ma'am anymore.
18:19Because it gives you a nervous tic.
18:22Cami, we wanted to thank you for everything you are doing.
18:26We could make a promise between the three of us.
18:28Do you think?
18:30How about we do like in the movies?
18:32Like a pact of silence.
18:36Let's see.
18:38Let's do it.
18:39One, two, three.
18:43That's it.
18:44Hey, I have to go to the office.
18:46See you there?
18:54Oh, I need breakfast.
18:56My belly is so loud.
18:58Well, breakfast is included and it's good.
19:01Do you want to go?
19:02Yes, yes, yes.
19:03In fact, I need a coffee, but oatmeal.
19:06Hey, Isa.
19:07You and Santiago really like each other, right?
19:09A little bit.
19:10Oh, yes.
19:11I understand you too much.
19:12It's just that he is a beauty.
19:15Hey, Cami.
19:17Would you like to work directly with me?
19:19To see the whole production of the marriage?
19:22Do you really want to work with me?
19:25Oh, yes, yes.
19:26Obviously, yes.
19:28Very good.
19:29Then go shower and let's go.
19:30I'm going.
20:06That's funny, man.
20:07What are you going to do?
20:08The one who doesn't want broth, they give him two cups.
20:11Or he would have called me.
20:13Yes, you know that to me, yes.
20:14Cami seems pretty to me.
20:15Yes, I like her.
20:17No, no, no, no.
20:18But, but.
20:19Throw yourself, man.
20:21No, no.
20:22What am I going to throw myself?
20:24It shows that he is dying for you.
20:25No, no, no.
20:26Nothing to do.
20:27He doesn't even know me, man.
20:28He only has an idea of ā€‹ā€‹me.
20:30But you are of flesh and blood, brother.
20:32You're going to be fine.
20:33You have faith in me, right?
20:34Always, brother.
20:35You know.
20:37Hey, so what's going to happen?
20:41What's going to happen?
20:42Because if Cami lets go of the fish,
20:45she's going to go to hell.
20:48She promised she wasn't going to say anything.
20:49I just hope to believe her.
20:51Good morning.
20:53Remember that you have a round of interviews here at the agency.
20:55So don't move.
20:57Are we?
21:04We are two.
21:05But don't worry anymore.
21:07In two weeks, you get ready, you get married,
21:09and that's it.
21:10You won't see her face again.
21:11I won't see her face again.
21:12I'm going to get married and I have to be a year.
21:14One more year, Johnny.
21:17Your ex.
21:22Hello, Pamela Chumbe.
21:24How are you?
21:25I wanted to know if you've made up your mind
21:27or if I need to use new manipulation tactics.
21:29Oh, you're very insistent.
21:31You're going to miss the train, Johnny.
21:33Johnny, I'm telling you as a friend, really.
21:35You're going to run out of soy and goat.
21:37Don't be stupid.
21:39Grab your things and come here at once with your mom.
21:41Look, Pamela Chumbe.
21:42Right now I'm in a high-level meeting.
21:45A VIP meeting.
21:46Very important person.
21:49So I'll call you later.
21:51Thank you very much for your concern.
21:56I don't know what to do, brother.
21:58You don't know anything.
22:00Who says?
22:01Alcohol doesn't want broth.
22:02They give you two cups.
22:04Who says?
22:05I'll pay those who don't have teeth.
22:08Johnny, come on.
22:10They're giving you the whole bakery, brother.
22:13Desserts, bread and biscuits, everything.
22:16Are you going to accept it or not?
22:25I don't even have to choose.
22:28I'll stay with you if I go back.
22:32How I wish I had my motorcycle.
22:34Start saving.
22:35I'll stay with you if I go back.
22:39Marcos, why don't you help me set the table
22:41instead of being glued to your cell phone all day?
22:43Dad, I'm reading the interview Santiago had yesterday.
22:45It has more than 4,000 mentions.
22:47My brother is breaking it.
22:48It's a success.
22:49And what does it say?
22:50Well, there are cool comments.
22:51Others are pure hate.
22:52But the important thing is that everyone is aware
22:54and counting the days left for the raffle.
22:56How incredible.
22:57The whole country is waiting for our Santi.
23:00Aren't you excited, Cesar?
23:05Cesar, why don't you answer me?
23:07It seems that my dad is a little worried
23:08about Santi's matrix.
23:11Nothing worried.
23:12He's in a bad mood.
23:13Imagine that he is very jealous of Mr. Arturo.
23:17Yes, of the living dead of Pamela.
23:19Come on, dad.
23:20No, no, wait, son.
23:21How can I be jealous of that junkie?
23:23What does he have that I don't?
23:24Well, to begin with, he has a great car.
23:26Do you know how much it costs?
23:27The mansion, the trips.
23:30Hey, brat.
23:32What have your parents taught you?
23:35What are the values ā€‹ā€‹we have taught you?
23:37Oh, dad.
23:38Money is not the most important thing.
23:39It's not the most important thing.
23:40It's a joke, dad.
23:41I know.
23:42The wallet is not the important thing.
23:43The important thing is what is here.
23:45And here.
23:46And here, and here.
23:47No, no, no.
23:48No, wait, no.
23:49Okay, okay, okay.
23:50Well, well, well.
23:51I don't have time to be looking at the movies your father makes.
23:54I have to go where Betty is waiting for me.
23:56Hey, and you get ready, huh?
23:58The admission exam is going to be right now.
24:00You have to go to the academy.
24:01Cesar, it's your turn to wash, huh?
24:05Yes, I heard.
24:06I heard, Bruce.
24:08Hey, dad, but now.
24:09Seriously, you need to be a little older to make my mom a jealous scene, don't you think?
24:13What scenes, son?
24:14They are stories that your mother makes up.
24:17Well, I wouldn't be surprised if that guy noticed her,
24:19which is the best, and she's also super cool.
24:28No, I think it's perfect.
24:29It's fine, I know this.
24:30You're going to have a great time these two weeks.
24:32Oh, I hope so.
24:39Good morning.
24:40And you?
24:41Why are you laughing?
24:42Oh, women stuff.
24:48I wanted to let you know that I'm going to start working with Camila for the organization of the wedding.
24:52With Cami?
24:53But she has to take care of the network.
24:54Well, you asked me to pause my project to help her,
24:57and I'm doing it, but I need Camila's help.
24:59Let's go to Mr. Jose Cesar.
25:04Oh, Santiago, just.
25:05We have to reorganize your agenda, yes?
25:07Because we have to include the party.
25:09The party?
25:10What party?
25:11What party?
25:12Your marriage, then, I pay.
25:13You get married in two weeks.
25:14There's a party, there's cake, league day, passion night.
25:17Everything you didn't have with Pamela last time.
25:23Don't worry.
25:24We're going to set up a meeting to inform you of everything.
25:27Let's go, Cami, we have a lot to do.
25:28Yes, let's go.
25:29Let's have the mega party.
25:35And these are friends now?
25:37What the hell does Epic know?
25:44And he says there's a chance.
25:47And if I have to choose.
25:49Oh, how nervous.
25:50In two weeks I'm going to meet my daughter-in-law.
25:52Can you believe it?
25:53Yes, well.
25:54And don't you feel like a little thing, don't you?
25:57That Santi marries a stranger.
25:59Because it could be, I don't know, a crazy one.
26:02A disordered one.
26:03Or a loose one.
26:05I don't know.
26:06So many things, daughter.
26:07Oh, yes, of course I'm nervous.
26:09Little thing, everything.
26:10But he's already in this thing.
26:12You just have to support him.
26:13And let it be the best thing that can happen to him.
26:15Yes, well, right?
26:17But imagine that your daughter-in-law is, I don't know.
26:20A pesada.
26:21Yes, chinche, chinche.
26:22Or worse.
26:24A vivasa.
26:25One of those that all they want is money.
26:28Because there are hundreds.
26:29Now, many interested.
26:32Oh, yes.
26:33Many already.
26:34All I want is that my Santi loves me well.
26:36And that he doesn't suffer another love disappointment.
26:39If you're saying it for Pamela.
26:40The truth is, I don't understand.
26:41Because we have already agreed that you were not going to touch the subject anymore.
26:44I'm sorry.
26:45That matter is already overcome.
26:48I hope so.
26:51Hey, Betty.
26:53I have to go to the sigh for a while.
26:56I stayed with the owner to finish doing some accounts.
26:58Don't you mind if I go out for a while?
27:00No, just go.
27:01Don't worry.
27:02I'll take care of it.
27:03Besides, there's not much to do.
27:04Yeah, perfect.
27:05I'm going to take some guards that he asked me.
27:07And I'll be right back.
27:09Of course.
27:10Be careful with the money.
27:11If you get cash, you know.
27:12Hush, hush.
27:13Hide it.
27:14Go, go, go.
27:21It's done.
27:22Well done.
27:23Your cachao, Ramos and Rose.
27:24As soon as you least expect it, it will be here,
27:26bringing half of the fridge.
27:28Oh, I don't know, Miss Pamela.
27:30My daughter is very proud.
27:31Oh, yes, yes.
27:32But I'm worse than a thumb in the ear.
27:34He knows I'm going to insist until he's here.
27:36You'll see.
27:37Oh, it's not about him agreeing to insist.
27:40The important thing is the end, not the means, Rosie Rose.
27:44It's Johnny.
27:45It's Johnny.
27:46He's here, he's here, he's here.
27:51I was thinking and...
28:03He said okay, he said okay, he said okay.
28:04Okay, yes, okay.
28:05But what is it?
28:06Turn your car around.
28:07Wait, wait.
28:08Let me enjoy it.
28:13Okay, what, Johnny?
28:18Okay, okay.
28:19I'm going to move over there.
28:23He's moving, he's moving, he's moving!
28:28What good news!
28:30I can't believe it!
28:32Believe it, Rosie Rose.
28:35I'm going to cry.
28:52Hello, Pamela Chumbe.
28:54Finally, Camilo, you've made the best decision of your life.
28:58The best!
28:59Me, me, me!
29:00And obviously, being my friend.
29:02Here we are preparing the welcome party.
29:06No, hold on, hold on.
29:07It's not a party either.
29:10Of course it's a party!
29:11We're here enjoying the rose I have next to me
29:14that wants to tell you something!
29:15No, no.
29:17Hello, son.
29:21Johnny, son?
29:23Hello, yes, I'm here.
29:27You can't imagine how happy
29:30your decision makes me.
29:33Yes, well, let's try it, right?
29:35Let's see how it goes.
29:37Yes, son, no pressure, no pressure.
29:40And how do we do with the move?
29:44Ah, don't worry, son.
29:46Just order your little things
29:47that I'm going to pick you up at the albergue
29:50as I should have done many years ago.
30:00Did something happen?
30:21Hey, little brother!
30:30Look, I don't have news of you, you know?
30:33Well, I checked and I don't see
30:36the thousand coconuts in the account I gave you.
30:38How is it?
30:40That bastard again.
30:49Hi Betty, have you seen Vilma?
30:52Yes, she was here, but she had to go out.
30:53She had to fix something with Mrs. Josefa.
30:55That's weird, she didn't tell me anything.
30:57Well, if you need to talk to her, call her cell phone.
31:00Actually, I need to talk to you.
31:03Ah, Genesis, Linda, why don't you go check the order?
31:08I think the second batch of empanadas is about to come out, okay?
31:10Yes, ma'am.
31:12Excuse me.
31:17What happened?
31:18I thought we wouldn't have a family anymore,
31:21but now I have the hope of finding a mother.
31:24I hope so, beautiful Maria.
31:28Then I'm happy for you, Johnny.
31:30You deserve it.
31:35Give me another hug.
31:37Johnny has a mom.
31:38Johnny has a mom.
31:40Johnny has a mom.
31:41Johnny has a mom.
31:44They're here.
31:55Come here.
32:07This is going to be our secret place, okay?
32:10Shh, nobody's here.
32:19Until we have to hide.
32:21We're not going to have to hide, my love.
32:23I promise.
32:24Because time will fly, right?
32:26Yes, time will fly.
32:36I've tried everything.
32:38As a friend, I've fought, I've argued, I've talked to you.
32:41Everything you can imagine.
32:43And nothing.
32:45But as a doctor, I have to respect my patient's opinion and desire.
32:51That's why I'm tied up.
32:53But there's no one who can convince him.
32:57Maybe there is someone.
33:00I know Arturo has taken a lot of care of you.
33:06Do you think I can talk to him?
33:10Maybe he'll see things differently.
33:13Why don't you try?
33:18Just what I need.
33:21I'll help you.
33:23Well, uh...
33:25Everyone got lost on the way.
33:27Who dared to eat my burritos?
33:33It was...
33:34Mr. Carlos.
33:36Your doctor.
33:43I don't understand, Dilma.
33:46I went to see him.
33:47I went to ask for your health, Arturo.