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Amy Schumer Reacts To Jennifer Lawrence’s Baby News_ ‘So Happy’


00:00Biggest fan of yours you truly never miss. I just have to say congratulations. I'm kind of pregnant
00:05I love how you really highlight the realities of pregnancy. You don't shy away
00:12Tell me what do you wish you had known before you were pregnant?
00:17God you know it's a good thing that I didn't know what was coming because I don't think I would have done it
00:23I mean now having my son of course, but my pregnancy was such hell
00:28What I wish I knew was I wish I knew none of the medication was gonna work to help with my nausea
00:34I wish I knew I had hyper emesis gravidarum and
00:40Yeah, just to take it easy on myself because it's so hard you're strong
00:44We admire you and now you can really shed some light on what that experience is like good or bad
00:51Giving love to the ladies yes
00:54Speaking of pregnancy how excited are you for your friend Jennifer Lawrence? How have you two leaned on each other as mothers?
01:00This is her second
01:01So now she's gonna like you know I was like the mom the more experienced mom before but now she gets to be the one
01:07Like you don't get it girl. I have two so I'm looking forward to that, but I'm so happy for her
01:14You're gonna be calling her for tips right right? I'm gonna be like how do I how do I navigate this five-year-old Jean?
01:23He's reading now. How's that going? It's going great. I mean he can read. It's crazy. He can read better than me
01:30He's a he's better handwriting than me so funny. I'm doing this interview. My dad is waving to me
01:37Jean's not seeing this one yet. He's too young
01:39Yeah, no Jean has seen a lot of this movie because he was in he would come in while I was editing it
01:44So he thinks it's funny. He has he didn't see the inappropriate parts, but
01:48He thinks mom is funny did he see you over the weekend performing with the next cheerleaders
01:54He did not I said you want to see this video of me dancing, and he's like no you know I'm just mom
02:00He doesn't they don't really want you to be
02:02Anything other than mom I think at this age you ever imagine you were gonna run it back though ten years later
02:09Absolutely not and the next time you see me, and I have a titanium hip you'll know why it was a bad idea
02:16Let me tell you you shouldn't even be sore you're killing it out there. That's really nice. I was dying
