• last month
A truck drove into an ice heave after the driver failed to pay attention, causing the black pickup truck to get stuck in a frozen lake.
00:00There's the bridge.
00:12Don't cross these people.
00:15You see chunky ice, you see it in a straight line, like don't, don't cross it.
00:24This thing's like five feet wide, you know?
00:30Like anything that looks like that, you can't drive across it at all, ever.
00:36That's why we bridge them and that's why people pay road passes in resorts.
00:41So all you guys that think that like, hey, the resorts don't do anything or you're just
00:45paying them $10 to $20 to access the roads, this is why, because they come out and they
00:50put bridges over this stuff.
00:52So your vehicles don't do this.
