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¡Date prisa, Goku! Bienvenidos a WatchMojo Español, para esta lista elevamos nuestro Ki con los mejores momentos del doblaje en Dragon Ball.


00:00What did you say? I didn't hear you.
00:06Let me go, you don't have a mom!
00:11Hello and welcome to Watch Mojo Español.
00:14I'm Jackie and today we raise our Ki with the 10 best moments of the dubbing in Dragon Ball.
00:21They're just insects.
00:23Oh, not only did he steal my cells, also my dialogues!
00:25For this list, we will only focus on Dragon Ball Z.
00:29And although it is a series that probably many know, we warn you that there could be some spoilers.
00:37No, no, no, no, no, for your mother, for your life, don't say anything, don't say anything!
00:43Number 10, hurry up Goku.
00:46Talking about José Labat is paying homage to one of the most iconic voices of the Latin dubbing.
00:53Evil is stirring in Mordor.
00:56The ring has awakened.
00:58His lord is calling him.
01:01Before starting with the epic moments of the series, we consider that Labat deserves his own place.
01:08As a narrator of Dragon Ball, his unmistakable tone not only guided us in the plot,
01:13but he became the emotional bridge that connected the viewers with each episode.
01:19A great splendor was seen in the distance, where the figure of a great warrior had disappeared.
01:27His name was Vegeta, the prince of the Saiyans, who was extremely proud.
01:35In addition to his ability to transmit intrigue, he stars in the most shameless spoilers in the history of anime.
01:43Today we present the attack of the Saiyans, Kamisama and Piccolo die.
01:49He put so much heart into his work that if they pay attention to the commercial cuts,
01:55his intonation changes according to the gravity of the situation.
02:00Don't go away, in a moment we will return with Dragon Ball Z.
02:06In a moment we will return with more Dragon Ball Z.
02:11Number 9, Ginyu special forces.
02:15If something distinguishes the Ginyu special forces, it is their extravagance.
02:34This group of elite mercenaries serving the ruthless Freezer,
02:39is one of the most charismatic collectives of Dragon Ball Z,
02:43who perform majestic poses before each battle.
02:58Despite being a real threat to Gohan, Krillin and Vegeta,
03:02we could not help but laugh at their dialogues and theatricalities.
03:14No, better use it another time.
03:18Yes, I realize.
03:20And if their dramatic poses are familiar to you,
03:23it is because Akira Toriyama was inspired by the Super Sentai,
03:27the original Japanese version of the Power Rangers,
03:30famous for their combat choreographies.
03:44Number 8, do I tell you the truth or are we still friends?
03:48Piccolo's transformation throughout the series is as organic as its ecological green color.
04:01What started as a fearsome and cold figure,
04:04became a warrior capable of striving to obtain a driving license,
04:09or even consider the feelings of others.
04:13He also says the same as the others, Mr. Piccolo,
04:15don't you think this suit looks fantastic?
04:19Do I tell you the truth or are we still friends?
04:21As an adoptive grandfather of the group, Piccolo assumed a paternal role,
04:25especially with the Saiyajin children.
04:28Not only did he train Gohan, but he also helped Goten and Trunks,
04:33becoming a much more reliable support figure than biological parents.
04:38The pair of sleepy slippers, get out of bed!
04:44Enough of that!
04:46Number 7, I'll eat you, I'll eat you.
04:54For some, Majin Buu is one of the most tender characters in Dragon Ball Z,
04:59or at least his adorable version.
05:02Although he was born from an explosive mixture
05:04between pure evil and the kind heart of the sacred Kaiosama,
05:09Buu shows us that even in the most powerful and unpredictable beings,
05:14he can avoid a moving innocence.
05:17Do you mean that I like this creature?
05:20Exactly, he is saying that he likes her a lot, he is showing her that he is very happy.
05:26He looks like you because I like you too.
05:32Yes, that's right.
05:33His good actions reflect his childish nature,
05:36and his relationship with Mr. Satan allows him to understand the difference between good and evil,
05:42opening up to such emotional moments as this one.
05:47I can see!
05:50I can see!
05:51I can see!
05:54I can finally see!
05:56My eyes can see!
05:58This is not a dream!
06:01I really can see!
06:04Now, look at me!
06:08Thank you, thank you very much!
06:12Number 6
06:16Krillin's death not only unleashed Goku's anger,
06:20but it also became a legendary meme.
06:24Enough, Freezer!
06:33But what many do not know is that the phrase that Freezer says before exterminating Krillin
06:38was a creation of Gerardo Reyero himself, the dubbing actor behind the villain.
06:43And then the first thing that came to my mind was that the other was moving so much
06:48that I said, with the little finger he will not be able to hit him to destroy him, right?
06:52Then it was like, well, what's wrong with you? Don't move, don't you see that I'm going to kill you?
06:56Reyero explained that the original animation only showed Freezer laughing
07:00and the director asked him to improvise.
07:03The result is a line that perfectly encapsulates the arrogance and sadism of the Galactic Emperor.
07:12What's wrong with you? Don't move, don't you see that I'm going to kill you?
07:16Number 5
07:17Gohan I love you
07:19The moment when Piccolo gives his life for Gohan during the battle against Nappa
07:24is a very emotional moment of Dragon Ball Z.
07:33Piccolo tries to save Gohan. Will he survive?
07:38Although he started as a villain, his time training Gohan
07:41marks the beginning of a profound change in his heart,
07:44which he reflects in his last words before dying.
07:49It was not so boring to be with you for a year.
07:54Mr. Piccolo
07:57Gohan I love you
08:01Mr. Piccolo
08:05Carlos II, voice of the character, reveals that it was he who asked to change the original dialogue,
08:11feeling that after so many recording sessions,
08:14it was significant for him to reflect the clear paternal bond that exists between Gohan and Piccolo.
08:20Number 4
08:21Damn insects
08:23Don't talk to me that way again, green insect!
08:26Or do you want to be eliminated before those androids?
08:30René Garcia plays the proud prince of the Saiyans,
08:34who, no matter how ruthless he is, we can't help but love him.
08:38And your little name is Vegeta, right?
08:42She called me little?
08:44Why don't you come? If you don't have a place to go.
08:49I will serve you a lot of food.
08:51I imagine you eat just like Goku, or am I wrong?
08:56But I won't let you fall in love with me, even if you find me very attractive.
09:01What a vulgar woman!
09:03One of the most moving moments in Vegeta's evolution was his sacrifice during the Majin Buu saga.
09:09After seeing the situation, he says goodbye to Trunks with a hug,
09:13a sign of affection that he had never shown before.
09:19Despite being my son, I didn't have the subtlety to hug you, not even when you were a baby.
09:33Let me hug you.
09:36Dad, but...
09:39What's wrong with you, dad?
09:41Despite being cold and distant, Vegeta makes his love for the Earth and his family clear on several occasions.
09:47Although that means losing all his dignity to save her.
09:52But nobody touches your Bulma, huh?
09:56Nobody touches my Bulma!
10:08The climax of the Majin Buu saga is a moment of union and redemption
10:12that many remember for the iconic raising of hands towards the sky.
10:17Hurry up! Send me more energy!
10:19Don't you care what may happen to the Earth?
10:22You're stupid!
10:24Did you hear that? He called us stupid.
10:26That's not the way to ask for things.
10:28Leaving behind his vanity, Mr. Satan inspires humanity to raise their hands
10:33and provide energy for Goku's Genki-Dama.
10:38Listen to me!
10:41You'd better react right now!
10:45Don't you want to hear this favor I'm asking of you?
10:51It's Satan!
10:53Did you hear that? That was Mr. Satan's voice, mom.
10:56Mr. Satan's?
10:58While Vegeta, exhausted and on the verge of death, smiles to see that there is still hope,
11:03the scene turns into an emotional work of art,
11:06accompanied by a powerful musicalization
11:09and the countless calls for attention at home
11:12for which we shout the name of Satan in front of the TV.
11:16Satan! Satan! Satan!
11:19You've beaten us, Mr. Satan!
11:22Satan! Satan! Satan!
11:31I'll exterminate you!
11:33Number 2. I'll exterminate you.
11:35We all have a favorite saga, but Freezer's arc is undoubtedly an emotional journey
11:41where Goku finds the balance between his Saiyan roots and his human heart.
11:46After Vegeta begs Kakaroto to accept his true origin and kill Freezer,
11:52Goku gives us this epic speech.
11:55I am a Saiyan raised on Earth!
11:58For all the Saiyan warriors you killed,
12:02and also for all the Namekusei you killed,
12:09I swear I'll exterminate you!
12:12After Krillin's death, Goku awakens an unprecedented fury
12:16that allows him to transform for the first time into Super Saiyan,
12:20where Mario Castañeda manages to transmit the fury, pain and power of a Saiyan.
12:26We haven't reached the end yet, but we're almost there.
12:29Just make sure to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell
12:33to receive notifications of our latest videos.
12:36Very well, let's go to the end.
12:39Number 1. Gohan's scream.
12:41It marks the beginning of a new era for the Saiyans,
12:45and it is the beginning of a new era for the Saiyans.
12:49Very well, let's go to the end.
12:52Number 1. Gohan's scream.
12:54Marked by Gohan's epic awakening, the fight against Cell
12:59generates an incredible uncertainty when Goku decides to give up the fight to his son.
13:05It's your turn to fight, Gohan!
13:18During the battle, Android 16 tries to self-destruct to defeat Cell,
13:23but failing, he encourages Gohan to unleash his true power,
13:28delivering one of the best screams of the dubbing.
13:35Number 1. Gohan's scream.
13:42Laura Torres delivers her best interpretation as Gohan,
13:46where the fight takes a radical turn and Cell, for the first time,
13:50is afraid to face the overwhelming power of the young Saiyan.
13:53And, you know, memes.
13:56At that moment, Cell felt true terror.
14:00And do you agree with our choices?
14:03What other epic moments would you include?
14:06Tell us in the comments and don't forget to watch these other original videos of Spanish Watchmojo.
