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A lot happened in the first two seasons of "Invincible." Fortunately, we've got the only recap you need before you dive into season 3.


00:00A lot's happened in the first two seasons of Invincible.
00:03Fortunately, we've got the only recap you need before you dive into Season 3.
00:08Mark Grayson seems like an average teenager.
00:10He has a crush on a girl at his school named Amber Bennett and has a real knack for getting
00:13beat up by the school bully.
00:15However, everything changes once Mark finally develops his latent powers.
00:19Ah, it's about time.
00:23Mark's father just so happens to be the most powerful superhero on Earth, Nolan Grayson,
00:28aka Omni-Man.
00:29Omni-Man is from the planet Viltrum, and he came to Earth to help protect it.
00:32At least, that's the story.
00:34For a while, Nolan teaches Mark how to use his powers, which definitely come with a learning
00:39It turns out, flying isn't as easy as it looks.
00:41Mark's rise into superhero-dom is complete once he gets his signature blue and yellow
00:46There's just one problem with Mark's whole happy family setting.
00:49His dad is into killing superheroes, like, really into it.
00:52Omni-Man visits a hero collective known as the Guardians of the Globe and murders them
00:57Mark himself survives, although he's unconscious and badly injured.
01:01With the Guardians of the Globe dead and Omni-Man out of commission, Earth is severely unprepared
01:05when extra-dimensional aliens known as Flaxons invade.
01:08Mark tries to stop them, but since he isn't very good at using his powers yet, he's quickly
01:14Fortunately, he gets a helping hand from a group of younger heroes known as the Teen
01:18It's an eclectic team, to say the least, and a good example of the wild types of superpowers
01:22you see in the show.
01:23Their lead is Robot, who is, well, a robot.
01:26Duplicate can create copies of herself for battle.
01:28If one of her doubles gets killed, she remains alive as long as there's one more of her left.
01:32There's also Rexplode, a cocky hero who can turn anything into an explosive projectile.
01:37Then there's Samantha Wilkins, aka Atom Eve, who can manipulate matter on the molecular
01:43Mark soon recognizes her as a girl who goes to his very school.
01:46She takes him to meet the Teen Team, and they become close friends through their shared
01:49superheroics as time goes on.
01:51Speaking of Atom Eve, she definitely has some of the most impressive powers on the series.
01:56Season 1 gives a few glimpses into her less-than-ideal home life, but the Invincible Atom Eve special
02:01is where we really see how tragic her backstory is.
02:04Born as part of a government experiment to effectively create a human weapon, she's saved
02:08from a life of torment by Dr. Elias Brandyworth, who realizes the error of his ways and hides
02:13her from his boss, Steven Erickson.
02:15At a hospital, Brandyworth gives a newborn child to a couple whose infant has just died
02:20so that she can try to have a normal life.
02:22As Samantha gets older, her powers begin to manifest.
02:25While her abilities could change the planet for the better, it makes her father angry
02:28at her for being a freak.
02:30Despite Brandyworth's desire to keep Samantha away from Erickson, the latter finds her and
02:34seeks to use her for his own gain.
02:36But after Erickson kills Brandyworth and Polly, Samantha's biological mother, Samantha taps
02:41into even greater potential.
02:42"...I see it all now, every single molecule around us."
02:47Up to this point, she was never able to manipulate organic matter, but that all changes when
02:51she goes into Erickson's mind and wipes his memories.
02:54Without him knowing about her, she returns home and joins the Teen Team.
02:58Teen Team isn't the most effective bunch of heroes, but they have heart and do their best
03:02to make things better.
03:03After the Flagstons invade a few more times, Cecil Stedman, director of the Global Defense
03:07Agency that works with superheroes to protect the planet, figures some of them might be
03:11good enough for a promotion of sorts.
03:12He appoints Robot to be the new leader of the Guardians of the Globe and tasks him with
03:16filling out the roster.
03:17After a set of tryouts, Robot fills out its ranks with a few new faces.
03:21There's Monster Girl, who can turn into a powerful green beast, but every time she transforms,
03:25she reverts in age.
03:27So even though she's technically in her 20s, she looks like a 14-year-old.
03:30Shrinking Ray can alter her size to become incredibly small, while Black Samson wears
03:34a super suit to enhance his strength after losing his powers.
03:37Duplicate, Rexplode, and Atom Eve are also picked, though Eve turns the offer down because
03:42Rex, who was her boyfriend, had been cheating on her with Duplicate, and she ain't working
03:46with that.
03:47After Omni-Man kills the Guardians of the Globe, Damian Darkblood, a demonic private
03:51investigator, takes on the case to determine the murderer's identity.
03:55No suspects, no leads.
03:57How does he…
03:58I don't know.
03:59Demon magic or something.
04:00It's a narrow list of suspects, and it isn't long before Darkblood starts honing in on
04:04Nolan as the most likely killer.
04:06As a demon, Darkblood knows evil when he sees it, so after getting nothing out of Nolan
04:10at the Guardians' funeral, he visits Mark's mom, Debbie, to see what she knows.
04:14It turns out it's not much, as Nolan has largely kept her in the dark regarding his
04:18superhero experiences.
04:20Darkblood takes his findings to Cecil, who also knows that Nolan is really the only possible
04:25However, he can't move against Nolan without knowing precisely why he did it or what other
04:28machinations are in play.
04:30Per disobeying orders, Cecil sends Darkblood back to Hell, but Darkblood is a crafty demon.
04:35Before going back to Hellfire, Darkblood leaves his notepad in Debbie's home, where she eventually
04:39finds it.
04:40Darkblood only makes her suspicions grow larger, and her greatest fears are confirmed when
04:44she finds one of Nolan's superhero suits covered in blood, all but confirming that he's the
04:49one who killed the Guardians.
04:51It's a big universe out there, as Mark discovers when he fights Alan the Alien.
04:55Of course, it turns out to be a big misunderstanding, as Alan got his planets mixed up.
04:59I don't know what to tell you, man.
05:00Your planet signed up for the program.
05:03Request from Urath for evaluation.
05:05This is Earth!
05:07They leave on friendly terms, and Mark goes back to dealing with terrestrial threats for
05:10a short time.
05:11Mark soon returns to space, accompanying a human mission to Mars to ensure the astronauts'
05:17But even this little cosmic jawns is out of Mark's league.
05:19They're only on the Red Planet for a few minutes before he loses them.
05:26He tracks them down and discovers that Martians captured the astronauts because they're afraid
05:30that a race of parasitic pink aliens called Sequids will take over the astronauts and
05:35absorb them into their hive mind.
05:37That would make the Sequids powerful enough to conquer Mars, and eventually, Earth.
05:40Well, Mark does his thing and rescues the astronauts, but there's a stowaway.
05:44One Martian who can shapeshift assumes the identity of one of the crew, Russ Livingstone.
05:48Meanwhile, the real Livingstone is stuck on Mars and gets assimilated by the Sequids,
05:53beginning their takeover of the Red Planet.
05:55Robot may look like a cold, heartless hunk of metal, but there's a lot more going on
05:59behind those lifeless ice creams.
06:01Using a sample of Rexplode's blood, Robot sets out to clone a human body.
06:05To make it happen, he forms a temporary alliance with the Mauler Twins, hyper-intelligent bad
06:09guys and experts in cloning.
06:10Through these efforts, Robot's true identity is revealed.
06:13He's actually a boy named Rudolph Connors, who has a severe deformity that confines him
06:18to life inside a pod.
06:19It's Rudolph who's been controlling Robot all along, at least until the Maulers succeed
06:23in creating him a new body, the prepubescent version of Rex that now goes by the name Rudy.
06:28After the Maulers' work for him is done, Rudy sets it up so that they're immediately arrested.
06:32But the Maulers have their own devious plan in place.
06:35After retrieving the body of former Guardians leader the Immortal, the Maulers revive him,
06:40believing they can control him for their own gain.
06:42That doesn't work out too well for them, but it brings Immortal back to life to play one
06:46more important part in the story.
06:48Invincible Season 1 is largely about Mark learning how to be a hero and not being so
06:53Unfortunately, he learns certain things the hard way.
06:55Titan, a criminal with the power to form a protective barrier of rock around his skin,
06:59asks him to take down the big crime boss of his city, Machine Head.
07:03Which one's Machine Head?
07:06I'm kidding.
07:07While Machine Head isn't exactly the world-ending threat that Mark has gotten used to fighting,
07:12Titan convinces Mark that improving communities is just as vital as stopping alien invasions
07:16to ensure people can live decent lives.
07:18And Mark finally agrees.
07:20But when Mark and Titan arrive at Machine Head's headquarters, they find he's been expecting
07:25Machine Head's right-hand guy, Isotope, teleports in a bunch of hulking super-powered enforcers
07:29that easily overwhelm Invincible.
07:31The Guardians of the Globe arrive to help, but even they can't do much to turn the tide
07:35of the battle.
07:36In the end, though, with several of the heroes barely clinging to life by a thread, they
07:39come out on top.
07:40Machine Head is arrested, bringing Titan's secret plan to fruition.
07:44He becomes the new crime boss.
07:46Just because you don't have superpowers in the Invincible universe doesn't mean you're
07:49in the clear.
07:50Mark, Amber, and Mark's friend William aren't even safe when they tour upstate university.
07:54See, William visits the school because he's got his eye on a guy who goes there named
07:59But, wouldn't you know it?
08:00Rick gets kidnapped by a psychotic genius exchange student named D.A. Sinclair, who
08:04turns him into a zombie robot soldier.
08:06Mark puts a stop to Sinclair's plan, but since he's trying to keep his secret identity safe,
08:11Amber thinks he's running away all the time and leaving her in danger.
08:14Predictably, Amber breaks up with him.
08:16However, her reasoning gets muddled later when she admits that she knows Mark must've
08:19been Invincible all along.
08:21I'm not an idiot.
08:22I figured it out weeks ago.
08:24Why does she get upset that he always bails if she knows he's a superhero saving lives?
08:28Who knows?
08:29Anyway, despite Mark's efforts to stop D.A., Cecil takes an interest in his project and
08:33hires him to create more zombie robot Rihanna men for the Global Defense Agency.
08:37Hey, sometimes saving the planet means getting your hands a little dirty.
08:41Shut it!
08:42I feel dirty even talking to you.
08:45Once Debbie confronts Nolan about the bloody uniform he stashed away after killing the
08:49Guardians, things get spicy, quick.
08:51He realizes the GDA has been keeping tabs on him from the house across the street, so
08:55At first, he stops there and kills everyone, including Cecil's right-hand man, Donald,
08:59who seemed kind of sketchy at first but turned out to be a pretty cool dude.
09:03It's been an honor, sir.
09:06Who are you talking to?
09:11Cecil starts throwing everything he can at Nolan before he can get to them, but it's
09:14not enough.
09:15Cue Immortal.
09:16Remember him?
09:17The dead Guardian who got revived by the Mauler twins?
09:19Well, he remembers what Omni-Man did to him and soars off to get vengeance.
09:22While news choppers record everything for the world, Omni-Man and Immortal engage in
09:26an aerial fight that ends in Immortal, once again, brutally dying.
09:30But this time, everyone knows who did it, including Mark.
09:33It's here that Nolan lets his son in on the secret he's kept for decades.
09:36He is indeed an alien from Viltrum who's been raised since birth to become a powerful warrior,
09:41but he didn't get sent to Earth on a peacekeeping mission like Mark's always believed.
09:45Well, sort of.
09:46He is on Earth to raise humans' quality of living and usher them into the Viltrumite
09:50The problem with this is he has to cull all the weaker specimens, which is most of the
09:55He also lives for a super long time.
09:56Meeting Debbie and having a child with her was nice for him, but he always expected to
10:00outlive Debbie and have Mark help him conquer humanity.
10:03Let's just say Mark doesn't like that idea.
10:06From the get-go, Invincible has never been afraid to showcase gory violence, but the
10:10season one finale goes for broke.
10:12While Omni-Man and Invincible fight, Omni-Man tries to convince his son that humans are
10:16the equivalent of ants to them.
10:17The battle leads them to Chicago, which suffers immense devastation.
10:21While Omni-Man is focused on beating Invincible senseless, Mark desperately attempts to save
10:25as many people as possible.
10:27So to prove his point about how fragile and useless humans are, Omni-Man hauls Mark into
10:32a subway station and, well, we're not going to show you the rest of that scene, but you
10:36probably remember it.
10:37After that, they leave the city and keep fighting on their own, and Omni-Man beats his son within
10:41an inch of his life.
10:42But just before dropping the killing blow, he appears to have a change of heart.
10:46Omni-Man flies away from Earth, leaving Mark alone on the mountain.
10:49Mark soon heads to space to speak with Alan the Alien, who finds it strange a Viltrumite
10:53would abandon their mission.
10:55Alan realizes that Mark could prove a viable ally for the Coalition, an organization seeking
11:00to end the Viltrumite's pattern of conquering worlds.
11:03But more on that later.
11:05When Invincible season two rolls around, Omni-Man is MIA, while Invincible recovers and goes
11:08about doing his superhero duties, and evil proves it never takes a day off.
11:13The overarching non-Viltrumite villain for season two is Angstrom Levy, a madman with
11:17the power to traverse the multiverse.
11:19However, when we first meet him, he has purely good intentions.
11:22In fact, he's not even from the universe we saw throughout season one.
11:25He's from a world where Invincible took Omni-Man upon his offer and has conquered Earth.
11:29We know.
11:30You all feel like we're the bad guys because my dad and I took over your planet.
11:36He winds up on Mark's Earth and, with the help of the Maulers, constructs a device to
11:39gain the knowledge of every other Angstrom throughout the multiverse.
11:43Mark investigates the technology, though Angstrom is initially insistent that the
11:46Maulers shouldn't kill Mark because he doesn't want his powers to lead to more death.
11:50It's a sentiment that doesn't last long.
11:52As Angstrom tries to turn his machine off, it explodes.
11:55This Angstrom is then driven mad by the memories of all other variations of himself, so he
11:59seeks revenge on our main Mark, who, ironically enough, seems to be one of the few good Marks
12:04across realities.
12:06Mark worked closely with Cecil to try to make amends for his father's actions and the destruction
12:10their fight caused to Chicago and the world.
12:12Meanwhile, the Guardians of the Globe get a shake-up, too, with Cecil appointing a recently
12:16revived Immortal as the new leader, taking over for Robot-slash-Rudy.
12:21He also adds a new hero to their ranks, Bulletproof, who's able to absorb kinetic energy to bolster
12:26his other powers, such as super speed, strength, and reflexes.
12:29The Guardians also add Shapesmith, the Martian who posed as an astronaut to get to Earth
12:33and is now masquerading as a regular human, albeit rather poorly.
12:37I was born a baby human right here on the planet of Earth."
12:42Season 2 also brings back another unexpected face.
12:45When Debbie talks to Cecil at the GDA, she also meets…Donald?
12:48It's an awkward reunion, as Debbie knows that Nolan killed him, and unlike Immortal, he's
12:52just supposed to be a normal guy.
12:54It turns out Donald's a clone, and despite his memories getting erased initially, this
12:58new Donald quickly questions his existence.
13:00He eventually discovers that he's died many times, with each subsequent Donald making
13:04the choice to erase his memories so that he can do his job without all the trauma.
13:09Adam Eve is still effectively a free agent, and focuses more on humanitarian efforts than
13:13simply beating up bad guys.
13:15She's not very good at it, but at least she tries, like when she constructs a neighborhood
13:18park, only for it to collapse because she built it on top of a sinkhole.
13:22It's a good reminder to Eve that there's more to her powers than simply making stuff out
13:25of whatever molecules are nearby.
13:27Mark, on the other hand, just sort of goes through the motions.
13:30He stops Doc Seismic, but the weight of what he represents clearly holds him down.
13:34Even his partnership with Cecil becomes strained when he goes to Atlantis to make amends for
13:38his father killing the Atlantean guardian of the globe, Aquarus.
13:41This involves trial-by-combat with an undersea beast.
13:44While Mark gets away from the Death Dweller, it gets loose and starts killing Atlanteans,
13:48and even though they want Mark dead, he goes back to save them.
13:51Despite Cecil telling Mark that he's not like his father, it's not enough for Mark to simply
13:55not be evil.
13:56Mark needs to actively bring good into the world.
13:58The theme of responsibility is present throughout Invincible, and Mark, arguably the most powerful
14:03hero on the planet now that Omni-Man's gone, has more responsibility than anyone else to
14:07do what's right.
14:08Alan the Alien largely functioned as comic relief throughout Invincible Season 1.
14:12I just bought you and I think you're quite vincible.
14:16Season 2 brings him a little more to the forefront as his mission with the Coalition of Planets
14:20becomes clearer.
14:21Alan is a powerful Unopan who's specifically bred to be able to withstand fights against
14:27He believes the Coalition has a unique opportunity to gain an advantage since Mark is half-Viltrumite,
14:32and Nolan is now out of the picture on Earth.
14:35For years, we've been searching for a hole in the Viltrumites' armor.
14:40This could be it.
14:41But there are more immediate fish to fry before they can focus on the bigger picture.
14:45Thedas, the head of the Coalition, tasks Alan to find a Viltrumite mole within their ranks.
14:49Before Alan can get too far in his investigation, he's brutally beaten in a fight against three
14:54Viltrumites who then leave him for dead.
14:56Thedas pulls Alan off life support, revealing himself as the mole in question.
15:00Fortunately, Alan doesn't die.
15:02He's far too fun of a character to get rid of.
15:04Viewers later learn that by taking Alan off life support, Thedas made him even stronger
15:08to the point he can now really contend with Viltrumites.
15:11It's now Alan's job to get Mark to join them, and there's still a glimmer of hope that Nolan
15:14could be turned into an ally, too.
15:17After Nolan leaves Earth, he's super distraught, and even contemplates flying straight into
15:21a black hole.
15:22Instead, he does a good thing by saving a ship filled with Thraxan aliens.
15:26They make Nolan their ruler, and Nolan begins a relationship with a Thraxan named Andressa
15:30and fathers a purple-skinned child who looks mostly humanoid.
15:33Nolan then sends a Thraxan to Earth to bring Mark back to their planet.
15:37It's not exactly a happy reunion, but it proves necessary.
15:40As Nolan knows, it's only a matter of time until Viltrumites arrive to take him prisoner.
15:45Mark and Nolan manage to defeat some Viltrumites, but Nolan's ultimately apprehended after being
15:49grievously wounded.
15:51Before being transported away, Nolan gives Mark an odd and rather cryptic farewell.
15:55"...read my books...read my books, Mark."
16:00Meanwhile, General Krieg, second-in-command of the Viltrum Empire, tasks Mark with continuing
16:04his father's mission on Earth, or else he'll face severe consequences.
16:08Krieg makes good on that promise when Mark and Amber are visited by Anissa, a powerful
16:12Viltrumite warrior who's there to check on Mark's progress with the whole conquering
16:16the world thing.
16:17The two duke it out, but Mark doesn't stand a chance against her.
16:20She spares him for the time being because killing him isn't her mission, but it's clear
16:24the Viltrumites aren't going to forget about the Graysons anytime soon.
16:28Once Mark returns to Earth, it's right back out to space with him to deal with an incoming
16:32Martian ship filled with Sequids, the parasitic creatures which have overtaken Mars now have
16:36their sights set on assimilating Earth.
16:38But the Guardians, along with Mark and Atom Eve, stop the invasion when Rudy creates a
16:42device that temporarily knocks out the Sequids and detaches them from their hosts.
16:47The Guardians bring the real Russ home, but those Sequids are sneaky, and nobody realizes
16:51that Russ harbors an extra Sequid in his stomach, which he promptly vomits up so that it can
16:56reattach to him.
16:57Still, it's a more immediate victory than what the other half of the Guardians deal
17:01Rex, the Duplicate, and Rey battle the Lizard League at a nuclear missile silo they've overtaken.
17:06Duplicate's copies are killed off faster than she can replicate.
17:09Shrinking Rey shrinks to go inside Komodo Dragon, but his exterior is too tough for
17:13her to expand, so she appears to get digested.
17:16Rex loses a hand and is shot in the head by King Lizard, but at the last minute, he manages
17:20to beat King Lizard and stop any nukes from getting launched.
17:23Rex and Rey are out of commission for a while as they heal, but as usual in cases like that,
17:27they both survive.
17:28And while it seems Kate's gone for good, Immortal soon learns that she keeps a backup copy of
17:32herself in a safe place, just in case.
17:35The drama in Invincible isn't reserved solely for the superheroes.
17:38For example, after Mark's encounter with Anissa, he and Amber break up.
17:42Even with Mark's secrets out in the open, it's too much for Amber now that her life
17:45can be put in jeopardy.
17:47Rick also brought his purple-skinned half-brother back to Earth, and Debbie agrees to raise
17:51the child, naming him Oliver.
17:53Thraxton's aged far more rapidly than humans, so while he's a toddler now, it won't take
17:57long until he's the equivalent of a preteen, aka Kid Omni-Man in Invincible Season 3.
18:02Debbie hires a nanny, April Howsam, who works for Cecil and the GDA.
18:06She genuinely seems to have Oliver's best interests at heart, while Cecil wants to keep
18:10an eye on yet another Viltrumite on Earth.
18:12Then there's the matter of Rick, who's still suffering from a form of post-traumatic stress
18:16disorder after being subjected to D.A. Sinclair's experiments and contemplates jumping off a
18:22He's dissuaded from doing so when William asks Donald to come talk to him.
18:25Their conversation turns out to be therapeutic for Donald, too, who finally comes to terms
18:29with being a clone.
18:31As part of his human cover, Nolan's backstory is that he's the author of various science
18:35fiction novels.
18:36Mark manages to get hold of these books and realizes that they could potentially hold
18:39valuable secrets about the Viltrumites.
18:42Once Alan gets a hold of the books, he confirms that the people and places in Nolan's so-called
18:46fictional adventures are actually based on real things.
18:49"...Is that Space Racer?
18:52What's Space Rider in the book?
18:54It's Space Racer in real life, and he is legendary."
18:57That suggests that there's at least a kernel of truth in Nolan's writings that are worth
19:01exploring further.
19:03And if Mark's hunch is correct, it means the books are hiding the information they need
19:07to defeat the Viltrumites.
19:08There's a lot that happens in Invincible Season 2's eight episodes.
19:11While Mark's looking for ways to stop the Viltrumite invasion, Angstrom is biding his
19:15time in the background, trying to figure out a way to defeat Invincible.
19:19It comes to a head when Angstrom holds Debbie and Oliver hostage, forcing Mark into a showdown.
19:23They hop across different universes, encountering various Easter eggs.
19:27This includes one reality that's been overrun by zombies, a clear nod to comic book writer
19:31Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead series.
19:33Invincible also meets Agent Spider, a clear parody of Spider-Man, whom Invincible teamed
19:37up with in the comics.
19:38"...I saw the portal.
19:40I know you're from another dimension.
19:42Got way too much experience with that, especially lately."
19:45Of course, this is all just set dressing for the emotional battle between the two,
19:49which comes to a head when Angstrom breaks Debbie's arm.
19:51An enraged Mark then re-engages in the fight, battling Angstrom across realities and continuously
19:56punching him until he dies.
19:58Killing another human, even one as evil as Angstrom, devastates Mark.
20:02It brings up the question.
20:03Is Mark really any different from people like Cecil or Nolan, or could he break bad at some
20:07point upon realizing that sometimes killing an opponent is the only possible option?
20:12With Angstrom dead, Mark finds himself stranded in another universe.
20:15It's the kind of predicament he can't exactly punch his way out of, but a future version
20:19of the Guardians of the Globe from his universe manages to find him.
20:22This includes an older version of Eve, who insists that he tells the Eve in his universe
20:26how he feels.
20:27There's always been a strong suggestion that Eve has feelings for Mark, and older Eve just
20:31wants to know how he feels, even if he doesn't like her, so she can move on.
20:34When Mark gets back to his universe in time, he meets with Eve, and while it seems like
20:38he might say something, he holds back.
20:40This seems to be a plot thread to pick up another time.
20:43Elsewhere in the galaxy, Alan and Nolan finally meet.
20:45Alan tells Nolan about the Coalition's fight against the Viltrum Empire, and asks him to
20:50join them.
20:51The only problem is that Nolan seems entirely disinterested in anything, and in a shocking
20:55admission, mentions that he misses Debbie.
20:57Whereas Invincible Season 1 presents Nolan as more or less irredeemable, Season 2 ends
21:01by showing a glimmer of hope and love within him.
21:04With such an expansive world and eclectic cast of characters, it's understandable that
21:08some Invincible plotlines have to occasionally take a back seat.
21:11For example, Titan is completely absent through Season 2.
21:15The second season also introduces a couple of plot threads to keep in the back of your
21:18mind going into Season 3 and beyond.
21:20For starters, there's that Sequid that got smuggled onto Earth inside Rust Livingston.
21:25Without getting into what happens in the comics, it seems like more Sequids will populate the
21:28Earth and could prove a unique foil for the various heroes.
21:32Sequids have already proven themselves tough to kill, plus their hosts are legitimately
21:35innocent people who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, so there's
21:39a small moral element to just killing them all.
21:41There's also K'Hor, who's had a pretty bad string of luck in Invincible so far.
21:46In Season 1, someone unearths his tomb, but he's quickly reburied once Invincible flies
21:50by and covers the area with sand.
21:52In Season 2, he comes back when two women unearth him, but womp womp, he can only possess
21:56the body of a man.
21:58Wait, you're both female?
22:03Then Invincible comes along and buries him in a sandstorm again.
22:06K'Hor isn't actually in the Invincible comics, so it's unclear what the grand plan for him
22:10could be, if there even is one.
22:12It's possible this will just be a running gag, with K'Hor almost escaping every season.
22:16Soon you will once again teach this world what it means to truly suffer.