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Expanding on South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service's LGBTQI+ video, Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service are now speaking out to their haters - enough is enough!

Video by Notts Fire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwSkx9-2X50
00:00Getting involved in the gay community. It's not correct.
00:03It's just ****.
00:07I don't see or understand why you feel the need to celebrate.
00:18Want to celebrate Pride? That's fine. There's no need to wave a flag in my face about it.
00:23Pride's not needed. Just do your job and you might get a bit more respect from the public.
00:28You're all brainwashed.
00:31Why are you flying flags outside of station? It's nothing to do with fighting fires or saving lives.
00:40Being gay has nothing to do with your field of work. Just do your job.
00:44Stick to attending house fires, RTCs and other standard stuff the fire service do.
00:57Flying the Pride flag isn't about politics. It's about people. It's about making sure everyone feels included.
01:03Rainbow lanyards and flags are an important symbol of our commitment to equality. They aren't for attention.
01:09We all believe in a community where everyone is valued, included and respected.
01:15And as firefighters, it's our duty to stand up for everyone, regardless of their background or identity.
01:22Inclusion is part of our jobs. When we get called to an emergency, we serve everybody equally.
01:27And we want you to call us in your time of need, no matter who you are. And we're not sorry about it.
