• last month

अहमदाबाद शहर के सिविल मेडिसिटी कैंपस स्थित स्पाइन इंस्टीट्यूट में आयोजित कार्यशाला के दौरान मध्यप्रदेश और गुजरात की दो बालिकाओं को पीठ के कूबड़ से मुक्ति मिल गई। पहली बार भारतीय और अमरीका के चिकित्सकों ने मिलकर इस तरह के जटिल ऑपरेशन किए। निजी अस्पतालों में छह से आठ लाख में होने वाली सर्जरी यहां मुफ्त में की गई है।यह पहली बार है जब स्कोलियोसिस संबंधी विकृति (रीढ़ की हड्डी की खामी) को ठीक करने के लिए अंतरराष्ट्रीय सहयोग से सफल ऑपरेशन किए गए।


00:00Gujarat's health facilities and facilities are now being trusted by the country and foreign doctors.
00:08According to Chief Minister Mr. Bhupendra Bhai Patel and Health Minister Mr. Rishi Bhai Patel,
00:14Gujarat's medical treatment sector is also improving day by day.
00:19As part of which, Amdavad Civil Hospital, Aveli, our government spine institute,
00:25had come to conduct a two-day workshop with American doctors.
00:31In which, after Gujarat, the pain of Madhya Pradesh is very difficult.
00:36Such scoliosurgery or blood surgery has come to be done.
00:40This surgery is difficult because when you do this operation,
00:44you have to operate in the middle of the liver,
00:47you have to operate in the middle of the veins,
00:49your one mistake can kill the patient.
00:52So, with the help of modern technology,
00:54with the help of Neuromonitoring technology,
00:56with the help of implants,
00:57the doctors brought from America,
00:59together with our doctors,
01:01came to do this surgery.
01:03The cost of this surgery is 5 to 8 lakh rupees in private.
01:07And this surgery was done free of cost in this government spine institute.
01:11We plan to do this surgery program every year.
01:16In that, we have tied up with Cincinnati Hospital.
01:20And we will do this surgery free of cost every year.
