• letzten Monat
Die ersten zehn Folgen der finalen 6. Staffel von Cobra Kai sind bereits auf Netflix verfügbar. Das große Staffel- und Serienfinale folgt am 13. Februar 2025 , wenn die letzten fünf Folgen live gehen.

Nach dem Sekai-Taikai-Turnier kehren Daniel (Ralph Macchio) und Johnny (William Zabka) ins Valley zurück. Der Tod von Kwon (Brandon H. Lee) sorgte für eine Unterbrechung des Turniers, aber die Rivalitäten sind damit noch längst nicht beigelegt. Alles steuert auf das große Finale zu, bei dem das Schicksal aller Dojos auf dem Spiel steht.

Mit dem Ende von Cobra Kai ist die Welt von Karate Kid aber längst noch nicht am Ende. Noch 2025 soll Karate Kid: Legends mit Ralph Macchio in der Rolle von Daniel LaRusso und Jackie Chan als Mr. Han erscheinen.

00:00In the beginning we were enemies and through the years we've had our battles, all of us.
00:15This isn't a tournament, there are no rules.
00:24But that's only made us stronger.
00:31I guess it was inevitable, we'd end up on the same side.
00:39And no matter the alliances we've made,
00:45or the friends who have had our backs,
00:52our enemies are still out there.
00:54What would life be without a few surprises?
00:58We need to face those enemies and take them down once and for all.
01:04To accomplish that as one,
01:08we need to go back to where it all began.
01:16I know things got out of control in Barcelona.
01:21A kid died.
01:23Is the tournament back on?
01:25What am I even fighting for?
01:27I wish I had the answers for you, kiddo, but I don't know.
01:31They should fear you, and if they don't, make them.
01:37You can beat Axl.
01:39I gave it everything I had last time.
01:41Didn't make a difference.
01:43Nobody deserves to get their ass kicked more than that bitch.
01:45Doesn't matter what happened last time,
01:47doesn't matter how many people are watching.
01:50I show these assholes
01:53how we do things in the valley.
01:55Yeah, Robby, kick some ass!
02:20To be continued
