• last month
Nate | Barstool Rundown
00:00You won Sports Media Tweet of the Year?
00:02From who? The big lead?
00:04Some site like that.
00:06Show me proof that you won a Sports Media Tweet of the Year.
00:10How did nobody know about this?
00:12What year was it?
00:14Uh, 2023?
00:18Why don't we? What?
00:22Alright, here is the rundown
00:24for Monday, February the 3rd
00:28Here in New Orleans, the rundown brought to you
00:30by Mountain Dew, add a blast of refreshing
00:32tropical lime flavor to your game day
00:34with Mountain Dew Baja Blast.
00:36Mountain Dew Baja Blast is part of any game day ritual.
00:38The tropical lime flavor of Mountain Dew Baja Blast
00:40is as refreshing as
00:42what, Stephen Chay?
00:44It's as refreshing as
00:46hitting your Super Bowl bet.
00:48That's what you came up with?
00:50It's as refreshing as what, Nick Terrani?
00:52Uh, hitting your buddy with one of those
00:54pool splash balls.
00:56That's fun.
00:58So delicious, so refreshing, so perfect for game day.
01:00Ride the Baja Wave on game day
01:02and grab Mountain Dew Baja Blast for you
01:04and your crew wherever refreshing beverages are sold.
01:06You know what's also sweet at the pool
01:08when you run off the diving board
01:10or the edge and your buddy throws you a ball
01:12and you catch it and land perfectly?
01:14That is sweet.
01:16That's how Baja Blast hits right there.
01:18Alright, rundown.
01:20A lot to go on over the weekend.
01:22We're of course in New Orleans all week for the Super Bowl.
01:25We have a beautiful spot here
01:27with the sun shining down on us.
01:29Super Bowl licks.
01:31That's you at the bottom of ice cream.
01:33You want more?
01:35Give a lick to the bowl.
01:37But not a standard lick. A Super Bowl lick.
01:39Yeah, that's what you give it.
01:41Your brain can't waste any more ice cream.
01:43You have to give it a
01:45Super Bowl lick.
01:47I had ice cream and dessert last night and I swear
01:49I got down in that thing.
01:51I got every bit of that ice cream.
01:53I'm at 59 to give up the Roman numerals.
01:55No, that's the best part.
01:57That's not the best part of the Super Bowl.
01:59The best part of the Super Bowl is the Roman numerals?
02:01If that goes away, Roman numerals cease to exist.
02:03But nobody knows.
02:05They stopped the Roman numerals for one Super Bowl.
02:09Yes, they didn't want to L.
02:11It's the best part.
02:13It's crazy.
02:15Nobody knows this is Super Bowl 59
02:17because nobody knows that Roman numeral is 59.
02:19I can't read Roman numerals.
02:22You don't know that's 59?
02:24I before X because 1 minus 10.
02:26It subtracts.
02:28Nobody knows what L is in Roman numerals.
02:30I just think you do the big ones like
02:32Super Bowl XX is 20 was great.
02:34Super Bowl XXX is 35.
02:36But now you're LIX. What's next year?
02:38What is it?
02:40How's WrestleMania doing?
02:44WrestleMania has done it.
02:46I don't know if they still do it or not.
02:48I think they stopped doing it at 30.
02:51I think they just did numbers at 31, 32 and all that.
02:55It's too much.
02:57I think once you get to 30, Roman numerals get a little confusing.
02:59What's the longest stretch a Roman numeral can be?
03:01I don't know.
03:03Did UFC do it for a period of time?
03:05Who knows?
03:07Did Romans even do it that long?
03:09For centuries.
03:11I don't know. You don't even know that.
03:13Luka Doncic got traded in one of the most shocking trades
03:15in not only NBA history,
03:17sports history, maybe even human history.
03:19I don't know how trades...
03:21Well, those were pretty shocking.
03:23Us getting Alaska was a rip-off trade.
03:25We fleeced Louisiana Purchase.
03:27But that wasn't a trade. We bought them.
03:29Yeah, you're right.
03:31So, Luka gets traded.
03:33The 25-year-old Dallas Mavericks superstar, phenom.
03:37Possible face of the league type of guy.
03:41Top five guy in the NBA right now.
03:43Certainly as star power goes.
03:45He led the Mavericks to the finals last year.
03:48This guy is never available.
03:50He is untradeable.
03:52Nobody trades a Luka type of guy.
03:54But if they do trade a Luka type of guy,
03:56certainly they're going to get back another guy.
03:58They got a 31-year-old aging superstar
04:00with injury problems,
04:02an Anthony Davis.
04:04The Lakers now get a future of the franchise,
04:06a future of the sport for the next 10, 15 years.
04:08And the Mavericks get better on defense
04:10in the short term.
04:12Jay, make sense of this for me.
04:14It doesn't make sense.
04:16They're talking about how the future
04:18for them is the next three to four years
04:20and they're not thinking past that.
04:22It doesn't have to be.
04:24It's clear based on this move.
04:26Anthony Davis, let's not shun Anthony Davis.
04:28He's a very good player when he's healthy.
04:30Luka has injury problems too.
04:32Even let's call that a watch, which is generous.
04:34Obviously AD has had a much longer injury history than Luka.
04:36But this is a bad trade
04:38in the short term and long term.
04:40In my opinion, both teams actually got worse.
04:42Which is rare.
04:45The Lakers weren't going to win at all this year.
04:47The Lakers aren't worried about this year.
04:49They won because they got the future
04:51that they didn't have.
04:53I don't see how LeBron can be happy about this at all.
04:57I don't think it matters if LeBron's happy at all.
04:59LeBron is at the very, very end.
05:01This is about post-LeBron Lakers.
05:03What does it look like?
05:05It looks great.
05:07You got Luka Doncic.
05:09Who cares?
05:11Also, the fact they only get one draft pick.
05:13Which is viewed around the league as one of the most coveted draft picks available.
05:15And they didn't get that.
05:17So this is crazy.
05:19Anthony Davis, Max Christie, and a first round pick in four years
05:21should not get you a transcendent superstar.
05:23And that's what it got him.
05:25When you look at Rudy Gobert was like four first round picks.
05:27Mikhail Bridges was five first round picks.
05:29Daniel Fox was six picks.
05:31Three first, three seconds?
05:33Yeah, I think so. I don't know.
05:35Let's not discount Anthony Davis.
05:37He's a big part of that.
05:39I find discounting Anthony Davis when it comes to Luka Doncic.
05:42Why didn't they at least shop Luka around?
05:44That's the part that's weird.
05:46The entire thing is weird.
05:48You could have gotten
05:50I was arguing with Brandon on Mostly Sports
05:52I think you could have
05:54I think the Bucks would have thought about giving up Giannis for Luka.
05:56They would have thought about it.
05:58Everybody in the league is taking a call for their best player
06:00if Luka's available.
06:02Outside of maybe the Spurs with Wemby.
06:04Yeah, I would say Wemby
06:06Probably Shea
06:08You don't trade.
06:11But you think about it.
06:13If OKC gets offered Luka for Shea
06:15I think they think about it real hard.
06:17I think they think about it
06:19but I don't think they would do it.
06:21I think Wemby they don't think about.
06:23I think Oklahoma City doesn't.
06:25For Luka?
06:27Shea's going to win the MVP this year.
06:29He's young and has had no injury issues really.
06:33Okay, alright. Fair enough.
06:35It was crazy.
06:37I'm saying that they're in win now mode.
06:39Last year it was because of Luka.
06:41Right, he got him to the finals.
06:43Now obviously they've become an elite defensive team
06:45with Anthony Davis
06:47but again, if you get to May and June
06:49there's very little evidence over the last four or five years
06:51that he's going to be valuable in May and June
06:53because he always gets hurt in the series. Always.
06:55I think my problem with Dallas now is
06:57who's scoring?
06:59My problem is
07:01they get asked about this
07:03they had a guy that you could print money with
07:05a guy that every Mavericks fan
07:08this is their hero
07:10teams wait all their existences
07:12for a guy like this
07:14they had one and they just gave it up for nothing.
07:16They gave it up for nobody
07:18they gave it up for an often injured guy
07:20and who's the other guy that was involved?
07:22Moxie Klieber.
07:24Thank you very much. He does that every time.
07:26Who was the Tampa Bay Bucks running back a couple years ago?
07:28Giovanni Bernard.
07:32And who's the guy that blew up his hand with a firework?
07:36Run them all back.
07:38The one thing
07:40I don't think
07:4277 is a swaggy number.
07:44Andrea Bargnani
07:46has worn 77.
07:48Oh my apologies.
07:50Vladimir Radmonovich.
07:52Oh shit. You're right I take back
07:54everything I said. The Lakers should make Luka change.
07:56But they're going to sell a billion
07:5877 Lakers jerseys tomorrow.
08:00Yeah but 77 isn't cool.
08:02Hmm. Is it cool?
08:05Not cool.
08:07I think it's cool by not being cool.
08:09Che, what's the Roman numeral 77?
08:15That's too many letters.
08:17Wait I want to
08:19get you a custom jersey.
08:23So after
08:25it happened there's all these big things about
08:27the Mavericks. What a night on Twitter it was.
08:29They leak out that he's too heavy
08:31he's like 270. He gets off the plane this morning
08:34Did he look fine? He looked fine.
08:36He doesn't look 270.
08:38He's the number 3 selling jersey.
08:40They said a culture problem.
08:42He literally got through the finals last year.
08:44When did he become a culture problem?
08:46It was his team up until 5 minutes ago.
08:48Do you remember that viral video last year
08:50of them celebrating
08:52somebody took his beer? Michael Finley yeah.
08:54Do you think there's a booze thing?
08:56Did they hate him?
08:58It sounded like, because my guy
09:00Brian Winhorst said
09:02100% is my guy.
09:04When did he become your guy?
09:06I was the person that tweeted out
09:08what's going on in Utah.
09:10You were the first person to do that?
09:14You started Brian Winhorst
09:16That's your video that goes viral?
09:18The Brian Winhorst meme came from you?
09:20Yes the whole video.
09:22That's my video.
09:24How does that make him your guy?
09:26He follows me and I just
09:28I shit on you often
09:31I apologize.
09:33Brian Winhorst is his guy.
09:35We're also just taking a minute of his word here.
09:37100% check it out.
09:39I forget what sports outlet
09:41but it was Sports Media Tweet of the Year.
09:43You won Sports Media Tweet of the Year?
09:45From who?
09:47The big lead?
09:49Some site like that.
09:51Show me proof that you won a Sports Media Tweet of the Year.
09:53How did nobody know about this?
09:55What year was it?
10:03I'm going viral
10:05on Winhorst for a second time right now.
10:07You won Sports Media Tweet of the Year?
10:11It's shocking me now.
10:13What are we talking about?
10:15You were the guy that did the video?
10:17So the video everybody was quote tweeting was you?
10:19Yes. 100%.
10:21What a discovery.
10:23Maybe 8 million views?
10:28I did a video yesterday that's going viral right now.
10:30It's of Winhorst roasting Luka
10:32after Game 3 of the NBA Finals
10:34where he fouls out with 5 minutes left.
10:36So Winhorst rose to fame by being the number 1
10:38LeBron reporter in the world.
10:40You're going to rise to fame by being the number 1
10:42Winhorst reporter in the world.
10:44So you're 2 reports away from LeBron James.
10:46That's amazing.
10:48That's really great.
10:50Windy and LeBron are not as close as they used to be.
10:52Why do you know that?
10:54I'm a huge Windy guy.
10:56That's my favorite non-Barcelona podcast.
10:58Were they ever close?
11:00Windy and LeBron? Yeah, same high school.
11:02His mom taught LeBron in English.
11:04He's the Windy guy.
11:06You know all this?
11:08I'm a huge Windy guy.
11:10Are you the biggest?
11:12I am absolutely the biggest Brian Winhorst guy on the internet.
11:14No bigger fan.
11:16So hold on.
11:18Just search on Stephen Che masterclass.
11:20Are you just a giant reporter guy?
11:22I love most of the reporters.
11:25Not rap sheet, but most of the reporters.
11:27What did Ian Rappaport do? Masterclass.
11:29What did Ian Rappaport do to you?
11:31He's just saying not shifty.
11:33I loved Woge too.
11:35So we just found out
11:37that the 2023 Sports Tweet of the Year
11:39came from Stephen Che.
11:41Even though Stephen was on the Yak with us
11:43during 2023 and we never once talked about it.
11:45Search his Twitter.
11:47He's doing really bad.
11:49He's binging things.
11:51And every word spelled wrong.
11:54Good God.
11:56He's building up characters I've never seen.
11:58He went to bang.com.
12:02So we got the Luka trade.
12:04The Mavs came out.
12:06The GM says culture.
12:08If they win at all.
12:10They're not winning at all.
12:12I will say that outside of
12:14the Thunder,
12:16the West is pretty open.
12:18Open enough for a team
12:20with an injured Anthony Davis
12:22at 31 years old to lead them
12:24to the conference or even the finals?
12:26I mean, Anthony Davis
12:28at his peak is great.
12:30They went to the finals last year.
12:32So they made this trade to get to the finals?
12:34I am not saying one word for Soli.
12:36I'm texting Soli. I found this in three seconds.
12:38Are you now just focused
12:40on Soli's search?
12:42It's insane what I'm seeing.
12:44It's insane.
12:46If you click on who tweeted
12:48that video, it's me.
12:51Brian Wendhorst.
12:53Click his name.
12:55We're having Jake Bass take over.
12:57Click on the name.
12:59There's literally two people over for Soli's shoulders
13:01making sure this happens.
13:03Brian Wendhorst just ran the first take desk in circles.
13:05They were hanging on his every word
13:07for two plus minutes. Absolute master class.
13:09Is there a view count on there?
13:11Or is that before they started doing that?
13:13I have it.
13:15And that sports media tweet of the year.
13:17Oh, they removed all this stuff.
13:19Yeah, the analytics on this shit are...
13:21Oh, man.
13:2324 million impressions.
13:25It's him! He did it!
13:27What a finding.
13:31I thought the congratulations was an apology.
13:33Congratulations and I apologize.
13:35Alright, before we go on to the next topic,
13:37I've got to tell you about Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
13:39They are the perfect combo of chocolate and peanut butter.
13:41We're surrounded. I'm behind one.
13:43I've got a huge chocolate lava volcano over here.
13:45Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
13:48Maybe even more perfect with a layer of ooey gooey
13:50delicious chocolate lava.
13:52You can buy Reese's Cups basically anywhere
13:54that you can buy anything.
13:56Reese's Peanut Butter Cups will be featured in the big game.
13:58It is lava time, baby.
14:00Once again, try Reese's new chocolate lava cups.
14:02Again, this huge
14:04gigantic chocolate lava volcano
14:06right beside me. This one in front of me.
14:08They are all over the big game.
14:10Delicious. You've had them multiple times.
14:12I had two on the yak.
14:14They somehow made Reese's Peanut Butter Cups better.
14:16Hard to do. Yes. What are you about to say?
14:18What is your height and weight right now?
14:20I am
14:226'5". I would say I'm between
14:24265 and 270 pounds.
14:26Okay, Luka's 6'7"?
14:286'8"? 270?
14:30That's kind of damning.
14:32You need to know my height
14:34or you're the biggest guy we've got.
14:36You're the tallest guy we've got.
14:38If you added
14:403 or 4 more inches on you
14:42and added 10 pounds
14:45Yeah, and Luka has more muscle for sure.
14:47He's an NBA player, but that's not crazy.
14:49So no, Luka doesn't look fat.
14:51But Luka doesn't look like me.
14:53He looks better than you.
14:55Right, but he's a pro athlete.
14:57You're not head-turningly obese.
14:59That's what they were trying to say Luka was.
15:01They're calling him Fupa Doncic.
15:03They're calling him that?
15:05Who called him that?
15:07The streets.
15:09He's allowed to say that.
15:11He's got the do on.
15:14I want you to be our wind horse reporter
15:16and our streets reporter.
15:18Yeah, I can do that.
15:20I'm already a wind horse reporter.
15:22The Grammys took place last night.
15:24So there was a time
15:26I was plugged into pop culture
15:28and the Grammys could never sneak past me.
15:30Wait, really? You used to have your finger
15:32to the pulse of the Grammys?
15:34I've never given a fuck about awards.
15:36I think in 93 I did.
15:38But now I think the Grammys just happen
15:40on random weekends throughout the year.
15:42It seemed to be a hard and fast rule
15:44of when the Grammys take place every year.
15:46They just sneak up on you.
15:48They're like Miss America.
15:50That happens every three months now.
15:52I swear National Boyfriend Day
15:54is once every other week.
15:56Seeing dudes getting posted.
15:58Unfollowing chicks because I see dudes
16:00getting posted.
16:02So the big thing last night, I guess
16:04the number one thing was Kanye's wife?
16:06There's a lot of big things, but Kanye
16:08shows up to the red carpet
16:11I don't have her name, but she's got a name.
16:13Anyway, they show up to the Grammys red carpet
16:15and she's got a fur coat on
16:17and she pops off the red coat
16:19she's wearing a clear something
16:21that just shows her titties and her pussy.
16:23So I'm between probably
16:25I'm betwixt the two biggest titty guys
16:27in the office?
16:29I like to fancy myself a titty guy.
16:31I mean titties are absolutely part of the equation.
16:33I wouldn't say they're the numero uno.
16:35I don't think there's bigger titty guys than you.
16:37Yeah, that's fair.
16:39Did you like them pressed behind the dress?
16:43There's something about
16:45the accessibility of these titties
16:47that it didn't feel right.
16:49I think it was her
16:51broken spirit.
16:53The lifeless eyes that she gave.
16:55Where she's like, alright, I guess I'll show
16:57my titties and pussy now.
16:59I guess it's time to do that.
17:01I mean they were good.
17:03She's an attractive woman.
17:05She's a very pretty lady.
17:08I don't think she wakes up in the morning thinking
17:10I want to go to the red carpet and show off my titties and my pussy.
17:12I feel like she is.
17:14You think she does?
17:16She wears outfits like this
17:18enough where it's not.
17:20Was she doing it before Kanye?
17:22Bianca since...
17:24I mean she does look like
17:26she's not ashamed of it.
17:28God almighty, she is good looking.
17:30To be fair, if we had the male equivalent
17:32of that, I feel like I would
17:34dress like that.
17:37If you had the male equivalent of a
17:39big tits.
17:41Perfect male body, giant chest.
17:45I think I would.
17:47So you would just show up to the rundown, cock out.
17:49If I looked
17:51like the male equivalent of that.
17:53If your body was as good as hers, but
17:57You'd just walk in with a dick out all the time.
17:59Not to the rundown, but for an award show, yeah.
18:01To get some headlines, for sure.
18:03With the rundown, we could edit.
18:05The award show, she's just live in front of people.
18:07What if I just took off my fur coat and just had
18:09a chiseled physique and a monster cock out?
18:11That would be great.
18:13I think that would be great, Steven.
18:15Being talked about until the end of time.
18:17Why are we fighting it? Get the body in shape
18:19and let's do a monster cock reveal.
18:21I mean,
18:23it could be on the horizon. Don't rule it out.
18:25I think...
18:27I haven't known you that long, five years now.
18:29I think we can rule that out.
18:31Probably, yeah.
18:34When you think about the backlash.
18:36I don't want my kids being pinned with that
18:38in their school lives.
18:40If you did do a cock reveal, would you wear the durag?
18:42You'd have to.
18:44And the roller skates?
18:46Do you think it makes it look bigger with the durag?
18:48I don't have any experience in rollercoats.
18:50I think your dick always looks bigger
18:52in roller skates.
18:54That's fair, then. I would probably have to if I were to do it.
18:56I don't know that I looked at this story enough.
18:58I just simply saw it happen.
19:00What's the story?
19:02Last night, I skipped past it.
19:04I'm not comfortable seeing that woman naked.
19:06She's stunning.
19:08Doesn't she look scared?
19:10I don't know. She kind of looks resolute.
19:12She looks confident.
19:14Of course you have to be confident.
19:16I don't know.
19:18What's your final stance on this, Jay?
19:20I feel like Kanye should be smiling.
19:22He's not.
19:24I don't think Kanye's a smiler.
19:26When's the last time Kanye smiled in public?
19:28Does he still have the titanium teeth?
19:31No, he doesn't want to fuck her anymore.
19:33He doesn't want to fuck losers.
19:35I think he spelled losers wrong.
19:37How could you spell loser wrong?
19:41There's that.
19:43Also in the Grammys, Beyoncé made news
19:45for winning the Grammy for Country Album of the Year.
19:47Some people were up in arms about that.
19:49I don't know why you'd care.
19:51I don't listen to modern country music,
19:53so I don't have a leg to stand on here.
19:55I haven't listened to Beyoncé's country album at all.
19:57You're a Beyoncé guy, though.
19:59I loved Beyoncé back in the day.
20:01Kelly Rowland?
20:03Michelle Williams and Kelly Rowland.
20:05Who was the girl they kicked out?
20:07Don't remember.
20:09They went from four to three?
20:11They did.
20:15Are you talking about the Jacksons now?
20:17Latoya Jackson?
20:19I don't know.
20:21I like Beyoncé, though.
20:23I've been to a Beyoncé concert.
20:25How was it?
20:28I loved Beyoncé's Survivor,
20:30which is what you said today.
20:32Is that your favorite?
20:34I do.
20:36I love that song.
20:38That's a Destiny's Child song.
20:40I also love Ladies Leave Your Man At Home.
20:42The club is full of ballers,
20:44and their pockets full of grime.
20:46Fellas, leave me a girl with your friends.
20:48That was on a Now CD.
20:50Yes, it was.
20:52Is somebody out there still pumping out Now?
20:54Yeah, they are still pumping out Nows.
20:57Now that's what I call music volume 8.
20:59There's a big 8.
21:01I think number 3 was my favorite.
21:03It led off with All Star by Smash Mouth.
21:05Great song.
21:07I don't know that I remember them by number,
21:09but I probably made it to about 9 or 10
21:11before I checked out.
21:13I made it to 8.
21:15This doesn't add up.
21:17Maybe I didn't make it to 9 or 10.
21:19It would have been around 2001, 2002
21:21I checked out.
21:23We've got the Dozen tomorrow.
21:25Is it not one of the Shreks?
21:27Shrek 2?
21:29I think it's Shrek 1.
21:31I think it's Shrek 2.
21:33No, Shrek 1 starts with All Star.
21:35And it ends with Believer.
21:39The renowned Smash Mouth song, Believer.
21:41It's well known enough.
21:43But it's not their song.
21:45It's their cover.
21:47Their second biggest song was Walking On The Sun.
21:49Might as well be walking on the sun.
21:51No, I think All Star was 1.
21:54All Star was 1.
21:56You don't think I'm a Believer got to 2?
21:58Because of Shrek?
22:00That's a really good song.
22:02There's another one that's laying out there.
22:04Smash Mouth was awesome.
22:06Is Everyday Superhero by Smash Mouth?
22:08I'm sorry?
22:10Everyday Superhero?
22:12I don't know that.
22:14Never heard it.
22:16I'm not your average, ordinary, everyday superhero.
22:18Nothing more than that.
22:20That's all I really am.
22:22They're not British, right?
22:24They're American.
22:26He has spiky hair.
22:28Is he problematic?
22:30Is he sick?
22:32Is he still with us?
22:34Is Luke a fatter than him?
22:36He was chunky.
22:38I don't think Luke was fatter than him.
22:40What's his name?
22:44He's an alcoholic.
22:48That's a shame.
22:51He's surrounded by friends and family.
22:53That's good.
22:55Have you ever seen the actual Fountains of Wayne in New Jersey?
22:57There's a real one?
22:59That's what they're named after.
23:01I played in the Wayne Tournament though.
23:03People still talk about my end of the first half buzzer beater.
23:05Almost certainly do not.
23:07They still do not talk about that.
23:09How long was it?
23:112 feet, caught a rebound, bang.
23:13Nobody talks about a 2 foot buzzer beater.
23:15I can't argue with the streets of Wayne, New Jersey.
23:17That's what the streets of Wayne are saying.
23:20End of the first and second round game too.
23:22Oh wow.
23:24I was like 3 airheads deep.
23:26So if I went to Wayne, New Jersey
23:28and I was like,
23:30my buddy that works on the YAC with me,
23:32Stephen Che,
23:34whoa, the 2 foot buzzer beater guy?
23:36Foot back.
23:38So Tate McRae had a performance.
23:40I think Taylor Swift wore a red dress.
23:42Olivia Rodrigo looks stunning.
23:44They're all beautiful.
23:46Name three women that you think would be
23:48Name three new artists that you didn't just name.
23:50New artists meaning
23:52people that came out with a song in the last 3 years.
23:54Sabrina Carpenter.
23:56The weird looking one.
23:58Chapel Roan.
24:00Thank you, that's one.
24:02And the one that sang Hot To Go.
24:04Chapel Roan.
24:06And then
24:10You already said Rodrigo.
24:12In the last 5 years, Billie Eilish doesn't fit.
24:14Gracie Abrams.
24:17That's JJ's daughter.
24:19Super 8 director.
24:21That's right.
24:23It was shot in my hometown.
24:25I've already said Sabrina Carpenter.
24:27There you go, you did it.
24:29And Laney Wilson.
24:31That sounds like a fake name.
24:33I went to the Royal Rumble the other night
24:35and they had a young country singer
24:37do the national anthem.
24:39She's got to be next up.
24:41Yeah, you're calling next up?
24:43Fucking stunning.
24:45Representation, everything.
24:47She's got to be up if she's doing the WrestleMania national anthem, right?
24:49That's like a huge... Royal Rumble.
24:51And I don't know what...
24:53Why are we just looking at titties on the screen?
24:55That's Fasoli.
24:57Why did you zoom in?
24:59It's distracting, Fasoli.
25:01I turned my head and it was just
25:03zoomed in on titties.
25:05I'm just looking at a 32 inch TV that's zoomed in on titties.
25:07Fasoli's getting the Pantone of the nipple.
25:09Laney Gardner.
25:11Oh my god, Laney Gardner's up next.
25:14Give me an image search of Laney Gardner.
25:16There's two Laneys?
25:18Oh god, I...
25:20I hope she's old.
25:24Yeah, because she's up next. Laney Gardner.
25:26You're calling it?
25:28Yeah, her voice was stunning.
25:30You went to the Royal Rumble.
25:32I did, and we're going to get to that after I tell you all about
25:34Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers, Fasoli.
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25:54Or freshly brewed iced tea.
25:56There you go.
25:58Freshly brewed iced tea.
26:00Go to Raising...
26:02Go to RaisingCanes.com
26:04to game plan your game day meal
26:06and follow along on Raising Cane's social channels
26:08for all the football fun.
26:11Todd Graves is leading the Super Bowl parade.
26:13Is he?
26:15Well, he's a New Orleans guy, right, or at least a Louisiana guy.
26:17Raising Cane's is a Louisiana company, correct?
26:19Did not know that.
26:21You didn't? No.
26:23I think they know Mitzi.
26:25Yes, he was going to do something.
26:27He slept at his house with his dog or something.
26:29Yeah, that's right.
26:31I do think Mitzi had a sleepover at the CEO of Raising Cane's.
26:33That's wild.
26:35Yeah, and there was a dog issue.
26:37I don't know what the dog issue was, but
26:40it was something to or with the man's dog.
26:42Okay, cool.
26:44I'll leave that up to you guys.
26:46The Royal Rumble did happen this weekend.
26:48Over 65,000 people in Lucas Oil Stadium.
26:50I was lucky enough.
26:52WWE took care of me.
26:54I had two tickets.
26:56I streamed on Peacock.
26:58Is that a first for you?
27:00No, dude.
27:02I'll stream on Peacock every day.
27:04We were sitting there just crazy.
27:06Tyrese Halliburton from the Pacers sat right in front of me.
27:08All my videos have him in it just going crazy.
27:10John Cena was in the final two.
27:12Everybody thought John Cena was going to win.
27:14The star power was off the charts.
27:16Roman Reigns, CM Punk, Drew McIntyre.
27:18Logan Paul was number 30.
27:20Did you like that as the 30?
27:22I didn't mind it.
27:24On TV, it seemed like it sucked the air out a little bit.
27:26No, because I think everybody knew it.
27:2830 always kind of sucks the air out a little bit unless it's a surprise.
27:32Because you can deduce who it's going to be.
27:34So there's never any, oh, who's it going to be?
27:37If you know he's in the Rumble and he hasn't appeared yet, you know it's him.
27:39So there's no real surprise.
27:41So you know the roster before they all come out?
27:47We knew Logan Paul was in the match.
27:49And we get to 29 and he hasn't been in there yet, you know it's going to be him.
27:51Anyway, so many iconic moments.
27:53I thought it was one of the best shows of all time.
27:55But I chose Speed, the streamer.
27:57The spear he took.
27:59The duo gimmick where Akira Tozawa is coming out number 8.
28:01Somebody takes him out.
28:03Carmelo Hayes takes him out.
28:05They look at him in the back.
28:07Triple H turns and says, you, you, go to the Rumble.
28:09I chose Speed.
28:11And he runs out there.
28:13He gets in the ring.
28:15And Bron Breaker, who is Rick Steiner's son, gives him the greatest spear
28:17that has ever been captured in a wrestling ring.
28:19His spear on Roman was just as good.
28:21His spears are, I mean, he's great.
28:23He's elite.
28:25He runs the ropes at like 23 miles an hour is what WWE puts out there.
28:27But he's very, very fast.
28:29And when he hits somebody, it looks like he really, really takes them out.
28:31And he hits Speed.
28:34Because it still looks fast.
28:36And then, after he did that, he pressed him over the ropes
28:38into the waiting arms of Otis,
28:40who slams him.
28:42This I Show Speed showed up and took some great wrestling moves.
28:44Did a part of you think that Triple H was going to come out?
28:46When he was checking in?
28:48I knew it wasn't going to be Triple H.
28:50I thought this was going to be a major surprise.
28:52Like there would be a wrestler we hadn't thought of.
28:54And then when they turned and they showed Speed, I put it together.
28:56Kaisa Nat was sitting like 3.
28:58This is the backflip.
29:00Have you seen the spear, Che?
29:02Oh! That's not a good angle of it.
29:04I did not know he was not a wrestler.
29:06Speed? A very big streamer.
29:08Very famous streamer.
29:10I thought he was a wrestler based on him being in the ring and all that.
29:12But that's an impressive showing.
29:14So is he okay?
29:16His leg's kind of torn up.
29:18I think he took a bad shot to his leg.
29:20Kaisa Nat was also there streaming in the front row.
29:22It was a whole big deal.
29:24And then, of course, Jey Uso wins.
29:26It was a shocking winner.
29:28Because we thought Cena was going to win.
29:31Cena's doing this farewell tour.
29:33He comes down to the last two.
29:35It's Cena and Jey Uso.
29:37If McMahon was still booking, does Cena win that?
29:39Yeah. And Jey Uso doesn't make the final 8.
29:41But McMahon's got his own set of problems right now.
29:43Anyway, I thought it was great.
29:45The internet is torn whether Jey Uso should have won.
29:47I love it.
29:49Because the Royal Rumble has never had a surprise winner.
29:53And this was the first bona fide surprise that I can remember.
29:55He's part of the rock Roman Reigns.
29:57The bloodline.
30:00He's come up over the last few years to really be his own man.
30:02He's so over.
30:04The internet doesn't like him.
30:06But the paying customer who fills out the buildings
30:08and buys the shirts and fucking loves it.
30:10Apparently, he sells the most merch.
30:12Yeah. He's got the intro with the yeet and all this.
30:14After the show went off the air,
30:1650,000 people stayed for 20 minutes.
30:18Because they kept looping his song.
30:20And they just kept doing this forever.
30:22Were you doing it?
30:24Oh, my daughter was.
30:26And I was doing it with her just to show her.
30:28And I can say that Tyrese Halliburton
30:30I had boots on the ground.
30:32He was doing it when Jey came out.
30:34But he had a Sena jersey on.
30:36And when Sena lost, he didn't do it.
30:38So there you go.
30:40Great Royal Rumble. Phenomenal event.
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31:19That's code RUNDOWN.
31:21The crown is yours.
31:23I think the computer is just whipping for Sully's ass back there.
31:25I've never seen somebody get manhandled by my tech.
31:27That MacBook is whipping his ass.
31:29I've seen Terminator
31:31and iRobot
31:33and I've never seen a machine destroy a man.
31:35I've seen
31:37LiveLeague videos of
31:39Chinese factories.
31:41I've never seen a machine
31:43destroy a human being like this.
31:45Did you see where he pulled that speed video from?
31:47No, where?
31:49It was like a video streaming service nobody's ever heard of ever.
31:52I can't get over
31:54the titties he tried to force feed down our throats.
31:56Anyway, last topic.
31:58Miles Garrett, the all-everything
32:00defensive end, one of the best players in the league
32:02has finally, what took this long,
32:04finally demanded a trade from the Cleveland Browns.
32:06I think he just realized that there
32:08is no hope.
32:10How old is he now?
32:12He was in the 16 or 17 draft.
32:16So it's time to get to where he's going
32:18and find a winner. He's still in his prime.
32:21So he gave them a good 8 or 9 years
32:23to try to get their act together
32:25and finally he just wants to go win somewhere.
32:27I think he was more than patient enough.
32:31In sports, I think this is how
32:33it should be. He gave them almost a decade
32:35of his best and
32:37they're not giving him their best.
32:39Or their best isn't good enough.
32:43What do you say about this?
32:45The GM has said that
32:47they're not going to trade him
32:49which I think is just posturing at this point
32:51to get everyone's best offer.
32:53Deshaun Watson has been terrible.
32:55Tore his Achilles and then
32:57re-tore it or tore the other one.
32:59So he's probably going to be out all this year.
33:01That's probably better
33:03for the Browns.
33:05They were better with Flacco than they ever were with Deshaun.
33:07Yeah, but as far as
33:09Super Bowl contenders...
33:11Is he going to go to a Super Bowl contender?
33:13I mean, if you're not a
33:15Super Bowl contender, I don't know why you'd be trading for Miles Garrett.
33:18You've got to do that
33:20to maybe be your move to get over the top.
33:22Maybe a team like that.
33:24How about the Bills?
33:26A playoff team that could
33:28use an edge rusher to get over the top.
33:30I think he's going to be the most coveted guy in the market.
33:34There's rumors Max Crosby
33:36wants out too.
33:38That's another guy who's stuck on a nowhere organization.
33:40I think they're
33:42headed in the right direction.
33:44Certainly the Browns are not though.
33:46The Browns have never been headed in the right direction.
33:48The Browns have a good coach.
33:50That's about it.
33:52Chip Kelly now with the Raiders.
33:54He's the offensive coordinator.
33:56P. Carroll, John Spitek, my guy.
34:00How many guys have you got?
34:02I've got a lot of guys.
34:04Who's your number one guy?
34:06You've claimed multiple guys on this very rundown.
34:08That's what he does. He's a guy with guys.
34:10You've got 20 guys?
34:12I want you to list the guys one day.
34:15What's your best friend's name?
34:19You just made that name up on the spot.
34:21No, it's my best buddy from college.
34:23John Moy.
34:25That's a rundown.
