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Watch the No Man's Sky: Worlds Part 2 trailer for a look at the new No Man's Sky update (version 5.5). In No Man's Sky: Worlds Part II, billions of new stars and planets have appeared across the universe. The NMS update also arrives with a new Titan Expedition, new lighting system, gas giants, more detailed terrain, new biomes, and much more. Don't miss this new No Man's Sky Worlds Part 2 gameplay for a peek at the new additions to the action-adventure survival game.
00:00This is No Man's Sky, version 5.5.
00:07Billions of new stars and planets have appeared across the universe.
00:13A new lighting system brings incredible detail.
00:20Epic new gas giants loom huge across the universe.
00:28Terrain is more detailed and varied than ever, with huge mountains and dramatic landscapes.
00:37New biomes mean planets are more varied than ever before.
00:43Water reacts physically to the world around it, from raindrops to large waves.
00:52A new adventure awaits, tying together many strands of lore.
01:03Oceans several kilometers deep are out there to be explored.
01:10Discover a rare new living starship.
01:17Gas giants can be explored by the most avast of players.
01:23Our journey continues.
