• last month
Emergency services are remaining alert in Townsville as north Queensland’s severe weather event continues to unfold.


00:00We're here in a Townsville suburb which is kind of on the edge of the black and the pink
00:08The black zone is where people had to evacuate yesterday by midday.
00:12Now as you can see behind me, this is the Ross River.
00:16This park bench just here, the locals have just told me that there's actually a footpath
00:23in front of that and about two metres in front of that is where the river kind of usually
00:29stops because as you can see it's come up almost five to eight metres.
00:35But chatting to local residents here, they said that in the 2019 floods the river rose
00:41a lot higher.
00:42If you just spin around there you can kind of see that road there, water inundated that
00:49entire street up there.
00:52We've been speaking to residents in that suburb and they're nervous but they feel a little
00:57bit more confident than the 2019 floods.
01:02Some of them are staying put in their homes but they are telling us that they'll be ready
01:07to leave whenever emergency services tell them to do so and they're taking plenty of
01:12precautions like raising their furniture or valuable items up.
01:18So there's plenty of community spirit here though, everyone's really looking out for
01:22one another.
