• last month
If making animal lovers proud were a sport, Melissa Brandt would be mentioned in the same conversation as Tom Brady and Michael Jordan.

This video by Melissa is an endearing saga in itself, which begins with her approaching a starving pit bull she had never met before, offering food, and instantly gaining his trust.

"My coworker Sharon told me she saw a possibly dumped and starving pit bull in her yard," the filmer shared with WooGlobe. "I’m an animal lover and told her to call me if the dog came back. Sharon called, and I got cheeseburgers and raced to her house.

"The pit bull was so hungry, he came out of his hiding spot right away with my cheeseburger bites and was so sweet. I put the dog's picture on our town's local Facebook group, and within 20 minutes, we found his owner."

It turned out that the dog, named Opie, had been missing for three months. He had run off on Mother's Day while playing.

"I messaged his hooman mom, and she was so happy and excited," Melissa added.

Opie's reunion with his owner, coupled with him giving Melissa a goodbye kiss, was nothing short of a heartwarming ending straight out of a feel-good movie.
WooGlobe Ref : WGA183407
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00:00I don't know what is happening with my life but my co-worker Sharon has a
00:09possibly dumped and very much starving pitbull in her yard that she noticed
00:14the other day or something she looked for her dog looked for today could not
00:17find it I short long story short I have a dog crate a leash and I'm picking up
00:22a cheeseburger or two from a quick trip and I'm gonna go try to get this dog I
00:27don't know what we're gonna do with this dog Sharon says she knows a vet
00:31person I just want to get the dog in the crate hopefully hopefully it's a sweet
00:37dog she's scared of it because you know pitbulls you don't know she can't let
00:41her dogs out we'll assist on to the rescue again I am the animal whisperer
00:47I'm coming for this dog I am wearing hopefully lucky charm I'm wearing my the
00:57Asher house hat the Asher you are with me right now in this possible dog rescue
01:03like I said don't know what we're gonna do with this dog where it's gonna go but
01:10I'm gonna get some cheeseburgers I got treats in my car rescuing a dog today
01:16fingers crossed people Lee Asher you are with me let this help let this happen
01:21for me please dogs there's something there was something up here all right
01:34I'm gonna attempt to climb up there
01:38yes okay baby you're okay hi you're okay I got more burger for you you're so
01:57skinny my love
02:07Oh good baby yeah you look a baby hi baby do you want some oh I won't
02:37come here baby I don't know it's gonna see how this goes come here
02:50it's okay whoops come here my love we need you to poor little baby
03:07oh you're a good baby what a good boy yeah you the thirsty baby a hungry baby
03:27oh god this is the best and saddest day ever
03:37Oh skinny hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog hot dog for you
03:44there's a good boy yeah
03:52so skinny baby I do like the hot dogs give you one of it a little bit at a
03:59time you don't go so gentle you're so sweet oh I don't care you're so sweet
04:10you do it all together getting kisses from the popper oh yes I'm getting the
04:17kisses I think I found your owner I think I found your mom yes I do I'm
04:23pretty sure I did yes I did to the help of Facebook Sharon we found I think we
04:31did we did yeah update Sharon what happened we found the owner his mama's
04:46name is Opie which is like the best name for a dog
04:50Opie he's been missing since May you're such a good baby you ready to go home
05:03and see your mama you're okay yeah our way you're home you've been missing since
05:13May dude yeah you're such a good boy
05:20yeah oh it's the best day of my life you're such a sweet boy your mama's been
05:29so sad he's a good boy so happy to be home baby yeah can I get some kisses too
05:43can I get some kisses oh thank you baby yeah where did you go
05:59we were for you forever yes we do honey you're so skinny my god no I'm so sorry
06:14this happened to you yes I know I know baby you've been gone for so long three
06:24months crazy God only knows where you've been I just I kept telling Morgan
06:30to him like I don't feel like he's dead like yeah like either somebody took him
06:34or he's still running like I just had a gut feeling I'm like we'll just keep
06:40posting shit and just do what we need to do yeah you do good boy
06:45can I kiss goodbye my love can I get a kiss can I get a kiss goodbye
06:51any kisses no I get kisses oh thank you I'm glad we found you we were able to
07:00find your mama yeah he's a good boy
