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من آلام الفقد إلى الأمل.. تفاصيل لقاح سرطان المبيض الجديد

المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓

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00:00Moments like when Mohamed Salah goes out with John and takes off his T-shirt and is very happy.
00:07I don't take off my T-shirt.
00:13Of course, I graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ain Shams in 1991.
00:22I traveled in 1997 with my family.
00:29My son Kareem was four years old at the time and my daughter was a few months old.
00:37We traveled to England.
00:41A few years later, I became a doctor.
00:48I started a new career in England as an SHO.
00:58I was able to do a PhD at Cambridge University.
01:05I applied for a PhD and was accepted.
01:11A PhD is a doctorate from Cambridge University in the field of cancer treatment.
01:20Since then, my journey began.
01:25It's embarrassing to talk about yourself in this way.
01:36I thank you for the beautiful introduction.
01:39When I think about this question, I think about myself when I was 20 years old.
01:45I mean, a few years ago.
01:49I think about young people.
01:52I think that my answer reflects the desire to benefit young people.
01:57The idea is to ask why and how.
02:05It's a deep love to benefit people in general and cancer patients in particular.
02:14If you have this disease, God willing, you will succeed.
02:20Thank you, Mr. Ahmed.
02:22One of the things I believe in is the highest authority.
02:29We all need someone to take us by the hand and guide us.
02:34For me, there are a lot of people.
02:38They were very kind to me.
02:40I'll start with my father, Dr. Ashour.
02:43He was a surgeon.
02:45He had extraordinary positive energy.
02:51My wife, Dr. Abir Ali Khalifa.
02:56She was a great person.
02:59She had nothing impossible.
03:02Her father, Dr. Ali Khalifa, was a biochemistry professor at the University of Ain Shams.
03:08We met him for the first time in the first year.
03:12He amazed us with his poems.
03:15He was a great scientist.
03:17He was one of the first people to enter the field of tumor markers in Egypt.
03:21He was a great man.
03:23He was an incredible man.
03:26He was a great scientist.
03:28Dr. Sobhi Aboulouz read my letter at the University of Ain Shams.
03:35He was a great man.
03:37He had an incredible understanding, awareness, and knowledge.
03:44May God give him health and bless him with the support he gave me and many other people like him.
03:55These are just a few examples.
04:00There are a lot of people like him.
04:06My name is Dr. Nisa Tawleed.
04:12I am specialized in cancer tumors.
04:16I am specialized in white tumors because I think it is very difficult to treat.
04:2470% of women have white tumors when there is swelling in the body.
04:34We call it stage 3 and 4.
04:38I don't know where it comes from.
04:42I am a doctor, but I also work in science and research.
04:48For me, the question of how and why is important.
04:56I don't know where white cancer comes from.
05:00I don't know if it really comes from white or from the fallopian tube.
05:04I don't know what happens in the beginning and how it spreads.
05:08There are a lot of questions about it.
05:11I am interested in science because I study it in depth.
05:17I am also interested in medicine because it is a cancer.
05:20Unfortunately, more than 300,000 women around the world suffer from it.
05:25As I said, when it comes at an advanced or late stage, it is difficult to treat.
05:32For all these reasons, I feel that I want to study it in depth.
05:40With God's help, I will be able to do something to reduce the negative impact on women.
05:49I will tell you something.
05:54What I learned from the scientific field and my studies is that
06:02if I told you that I can discover or invent something,
06:08before I do it, I would be a liar.
06:12Because when I start, I have a vision and a deep understanding of the subject.
06:21I have the possibilities of how the research will go.
06:24After that, I leave it to the open mind of how the subject will go.
06:31In research, out of every ten things you do,
06:37nine fail.
06:40When someone gives you a reasonable result, you can continue with it.
06:46I can't tell you that I knew I would achieve something,
06:54but you try and do it.
06:58With God's help, things go well.
07:04There are two principles in defense.
07:08I will talk to the young people.
07:12There are two principles in the fields of scientific research.
07:15The first principle is that you have a deep passion to ask questions.
07:23In Egypt, my generation and my colleagues have enormous scientific abilities and brains.
07:33You have a deep passion to ask questions.
07:36This is present, but it is something that pushes you very hard to continue and communicate.
07:45The second thing is that you have a firm readiness to accept failure once, twice, and thrice.
07:57You have a firm readiness to accept failure once, twice, and thrice.
08:05If you have these two things,
08:07one always gives you a beating with a pen on your face,
08:11and the other moves you to discover and invent,
08:15you will succeed.
08:16Of course, the two principles are very important.
08:20The third principle is very important.
08:23When you do something, you do it the best you can.
08:30If I did a research and gave it to you and you in the field,
08:38and I told you to do one, two, three,
08:40you do one, two, three, and you get the same result I got.
08:44If you take these three principles as a scientist,
08:48I think these are the principles that made me continue in my field and achieve some successes, thank God.
08:56This is, as I told you, your patience,
09:00that you have a question,
09:03and that you are not satisfied that this is what is written in the book,
09:07and you always ask why it happened.
09:10I swear, I will tell you,
09:14there are moments that come in scientific research,
09:22moments like when Mohamed Salah gets his gown,
09:26goes out, takes off his T-shirt, and is very happy.
09:29I don't take off my T-shirt,
09:31but moments come and you are very happy that you have achieved something,
09:37but, thank God, after that, you don't say,
09:40ok, this is a point,
09:42we want to continue to reach the next point.
09:48So, of course, there is happiness when you achieve something.
09:58May God have mercy on her.
10:00She plays an active role,
10:02not only as a wife, a friend, and a lover,
10:06but she was also, unfortunately, sick with breast cancer,
10:11not the white one,
10:13but my journey with her disease,
10:16which lasted for 15 or 17 years,
10:20taught me a lot of things.
10:24It made me see a side of the disease
10:29that I, as a doctor or as a scientist, do not see,
10:33which is the deep human side.
10:36What does it mean to be sick with cancer?
10:38What does it mean?
10:40What does he feel?
10:41What does he sleep?
10:42What does he think about?
10:43What worries him?
10:44What are his ambitions?
10:45What are his thoughts?
10:47This pushed life beyond belief.
10:52And, through the many things I learned,
10:55this also gave me principles in the research I do,
10:59to focus my efforts on things that will benefit,
11:02God willing, the patient in an effective way.
11:08This is the same feeling that they...
11:11I mean, what can I say?
11:14My wife's disease, may God have mercy on her, taught us.
11:17We don't need to learn or memorize.
11:21We spent 17 years memorizing
11:25and we saw what this disease can do to a human being,
11:29not to a family member.
11:35Life is going wonderfully.
11:39One of the things I didn't expect to succeed in,
11:44thank God,
11:46is that we are now trying to donate
11:50to a blood donation center
11:55for cancer patients.
11:59And what we see now,
12:01the initial experiments we are doing,
12:04is that the human immune system is responding
12:08to the results we are trying.
12:14So, these are very encouraging results.
12:18We will continue with these results
12:20and we will start collecting the necessary results
12:23to start the clinical trials on the patients.
12:27God willing, God willing,
12:29in the next two to three years,
12:32we will start these experiments
12:35and see the results on the patients directly.
12:38From the clinical trials,
12:40the clinical trials are done on humans.
12:43The application takes time,
12:47but the idea is that as soon as you start
12:50trying the clinical trials,
12:52you are already benefiting the patient.
12:55There are already people who can come
12:58and participate in your clinical trials,
13:01and this will benefit them if the effect is active.
13:04God willing, in three years,
13:06we will have started these clinical trials
13:09and God willing, in a family,
13:12the benefits will start to show
13:14on the women who will take them.
13:21We are currently doing research
13:23at Oxford University in England.
13:25We have not yet decided
13:28which hospital we will do the clinical trials in,
13:32but we will probably start in Oxford.
13:34The funding for the research is currently
13:37Cancer Research UK,
13:39which is the largest organisation in England and Europe
13:44to fund cancer research.
13:49So they are funding this to Egypt.
13:53No, not at all. Thank you very much.
