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▌百秒AI报 ▌美国德州州长艾波特以保护德州免受敌对外国势力侵害为由,宣布禁止州政府机构的职员和承包商,使用中国开源人工智能平台DeepSeek,以及社交媒体小红书等等多个中国应用程式……

AI主播:戴伊琳 Elin tAI

#美国 #德州 #DeepSeek #禁用
#发射热点 #84hotspot #百秒AI报

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00:00Welcome to A.I. News, I'm your A.I. anchor Dai Yilin.
00:16Let's start with the first piece of news, the government set up a single law enforcement agency to manage the border.
00:21The Minister of Internal Affairs, Sai Fudin, said at the opening ceremony of the Border Control and Protection Agency, AKPS,
00:27that the agency has set up 141海陸空邊境檢查站 nationwide, and will arrange priority procedures based on the busy traffic.
00:35The busiest place here is Penang Island, followed by Kenabalu City.
00:39Although it is in Sarawak, but they asked me to prioritize Kenabalu City.
00:44Then came Puching and many others.
00:48As the flood situation in East Malaysia improves, 15 temporary evacuation centers have been closed in Sarawak.
00:54According to the data of the Disaster Management Committee of the state,
00:57as of 12 noon today, the number of people in Sarawak was reduced to 11,958,
01:02and 60 temporary evacuation centers were set up in the state.
01:06As for Sabah, as of 12 noon today, a total of 785 people from 213 families were affected by the flood.
01:14Digital Minister Ge Binxin pointed out that the government is studying the impact of DeepSeek,
01:18China's original artificial intelligence platform, on our country.
01:21After his early appearance this morning, he said to the media that the government is seriously evaluating DeepSeek and its model,
01:26in order to integrate it into local applications and ensure the rapid development of our country in the field of artificial intelligence.
01:32Texas became the first state in the United States to ban the use of DeepSeek.
01:36Texas Governor Abbott, in order to protect Texas from being invaded by foreign forces,
01:41announced the ban on the support and contracting of state-run institutions,
01:44using DeepSeek, China's original artificial intelligence platform,
01:47as well as social media, small red books, and other Chinese applications.
01:52Today's show comes to an end.
01:54For more domestic and foreign information, lock in the hottest news at 8 o'clock tonight.
