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Welcome to Tues Your Own Adventure! Join Jules and James as they take look at exact video game moments that made you "nope out" entirely!! What's that sound?


00:00Hello all of you little demons, Jules here for WhatCulture.com, back again with another
00:04episode of the awesomely named and awfully hosted Choose Your Own Adventure, the weekly
00:09medieval themed format where I, the Crown Jules of WhatCulture.com, take a list chosen
00:13by you. Yes, you the person who is finally able to record a Choose Your Own Adventure
00:18episode without a time deadline of like a day and a half. James, rejoice, for we are
00:23free to use two days instead. Alright, yes you get to decide what list I dole out to
00:35you each and every week and this week we have none other to thank than Eli Ramon 420, or
00:43Eli Ramon, apologies I didn't know how to pronounce it there, but thank you very much
00:47for your suggestion of video game noises that basically made us nope out entirely. Now I've
00:53done my usual YouTube chicanery with the title and I've come up with something I feel
00:57like you're going to be very very happy with. Because when it comes down to it, video games
01:02are projects of full emotion, from the dreamlike inception through to the blood sweat and tears
01:07of so many artists, animators and developers, right through to the sheer heft of feelings
01:12that games can impart on you the player. It is a process that can make you into a better
01:17person or change the way you experience the world around you, but in the case of the video
01:21games we're talking about today, they can also make us say nope and peace out of a gaming
01:26experience entirely, whether through disgust, revulsion, fear or just some weird combination
01:31of everything just making us say nah I don't want anything to do with that. And that's
01:36what we're talking about today. No no no, yes yes yes, as I'm Jules, this is whatculture.com
01:41and these are 7 exact video game moments that made you nope out entirely. And you know the
01:47drill by now, say hi to me here in the live chat and put your suggestions for next week's
01:50episode down in the comment section below. And with that in mind, let's get on with
01:54this list shall we? I'm not going to clap my face, I've got the kazoo trumpet in my
01:57hand and that will hurt.
01:597. Meeting Lu Bu for the first time, Dynasty Warriors 3
02:03Now as I've said before in the opening, there are some moments in gaming that are
02:07just so downright scary that it makes you peace out of a video game for quite a large
02:12amount of time, and I will detail one such experience much later on which is incredibly
02:16personal. But then there are other times that are just downright embarrassing, enough
02:20so that you put down the controller, go to your window that has rain constantly running
02:25down it and sigh saying, what am I doing? Why did I buy this window?
02:30Yeah, there are some video game moments that are like a reality check that feels like a
02:33hammer to the skull, and providing today's crushing blow is the one and only Lu Bu from
02:38the almighty thumbskin shredder known as the Dynasty Warriors franchise. Now imagine the
02:44You're one of the 40 odd officers that you can play as in Dynasty Warriors 3, and you
02:48think you are the hottest noise since sliced musso. You've carved your way through enemies
02:52like a hot knife through butter, and have swabbed the deck with the tears of other generals.
02:57But then it happened. You've come toe to toe with the one and only Lu Bu on the hulao
03:02gate level. Your officers are shown being cut down by this brutal general, his horse
03:07is a colour that doctors would term as a raging STD flavour, and his theme song is so slapping
03:12that your cheeks have actually come off.
03:17This is the moment where things got real, but yet it's not the exact nope out moment.
03:23For that moment comes just a few moments later, when you've sauntered up to Lu Bu to give
03:27him a low blow, and then realise that upon your first strike that A, his health hasn't
03:31gone down at all, and B, he's not even reacting to your attacks, leading to C, him attacking
03:36through your moves and killing you in one or two hits. This moment right here would
03:40be enough to never want to face Lu Bu ever again, and each and every time you play the
03:45hulao gate level, just bypassing him completely to give him the peace signs as you ride past
03:49as fast as you can.
03:516. Bumping into The Witch, Left 4 Dead franchise
03:55There's something so alluring about the Left 4 Dead franchise. What Valve managed to do
04:00with this is take a first person horror game, and just add in this beautiful element, this
04:06mixture of team dynamics, hugely enjoyable characters, horror and comedy that never feels
04:12like one or the other is taking precedence, and of course a multitude of horrible monsters
04:18that will live rent free in your mind forever.
04:21And then there's the witch. While you might argue that a tank might make your shoes damp
04:26with liquid poo, it is definitely the witch who provides such a meaty scare buffet that
04:31you will be full within seconds. And it all starts with that sound. That low, cutting
04:37moan, the soft wailing that seems like it's coming from a being who's just given up
04:41all hope. It's genuinely affecting each and every time you listen to it, and on your
04:45first playthrough you'll likely have gone towards the noise in order to help such a
04:49tortured soul such as our nature.
04:51However it's here that you get the biggest nope of the franchise, as the witch reveals
04:55herself as an emaciated and horrifying creature that when disturbed is a near one hit killing
05:01machine. Thus, on every playthrough after the first, you will be giving the witch as
05:06wide a berth as possible, and it makes for some truly horrifying scenarios when you realise
05:10that she's blocking your path, it's like please, just get out of the way, please, I
05:15beg of you, I beg of you, oh here comes the tank again, woo!
05:175. Detecting Multiple Leviathan Lifeforms – Subnautica
05:22So for those of you who've never played Subnautica, the best way to describe it is
05:27that it is the most scary non-horror video game that I've ever played. Now those with
05:32a fear of the deep sea will definitely want to give this game a pass immediately, but
05:36even those comfortable in the crushing depths will most definitely have dropped an anchor
05:41or two in their trousers when they meet the title's answer to keeping the player within
05:44the confines of the open world. You see, whereas some titles will use invisible walls, or have
05:49vehicles or transports fail, or even just straight up teleport players back to the centre
05:53of the map when they go out of bounds, Subnautica uses simple text to instil a hefty dose of
06:00If the player ventures out too far, then the on-board AI will warn them that there are
06:03several Leviathan class lifeforms in the region, are you certain whatever you're doing is
06:08worth it? And this moment alone should replace your bones with pure dread. And not because
06:14of the fact that there are massive sea monsters that are about to completely crush you, no
06:18no no, not that at all, but it's actually because of the AI warning you. Now remember,
06:23this AI has been nothing but supportive throughout your entire journey, and you've done some
06:26pretty silly stuff by this point anyway, and it's just been like, you know what mate, go
06:30on pal, I've got your back. But here, they're actually questioning you, their job is to
06:35keep you safe, and they've suddenly just been like, um, boss, I don't think this is a good
06:40idea. And if that doesn't make you want to turn your vessel around, I don't know what
06:45Number 4, the hell brute is here. Warhammer 40k, Chaos Gate, Demon Hunters.
06:51Now while Warhammer 40k, Chaos Gate, Demon Hunters, which is a very long title, has only
06:55just recently dropped on PC, it has done so with the weight of a thousand suns, making
07:00waves in all of the right reasons, because of the fact it's allowed the Venn diagrams
07:05of Warhammer 40k players and XCOM fans to finally kiss. They just get together into
07:09a convention and they go muah muah muah, I love punishing gameplay, oh I love dark and
07:15depressing realities, oh we'll get on so well. However, even hardy XCOM fans might find themselves
07:21kissing Papa Nurgle's taint from time to time, thanks to some of the late game enemies
07:25being pure nope machines that will ruin your day the moment they drop into battle. Blightlord
07:30terminators, plague champions, hell, even pumped up cultists can turn you into offal
07:35if you're caught in the wrong position. But nothing, nothing will ever cause my terminators
07:40to shake in their wee booties more than when a hell brute comes to play. These mechanical
07:45tombs of disease and plague are the absolute worst, charging headfirst into your lines,
07:51throwing cover like it was made of wet bread, I am not a grey knight duck, and scattering
07:55your team so that you are forced to deal with them right there and then. It's definitely
07:59enough to make the grey knights change their policy of WE SHALL KNOW NO FEAR TO ACTUALLY
08:08Worst of all, because you're focusing fire on this large and very much in charge fella,
08:13you'll be leaving yourself open to counter attacks from the other enemies that spawned
08:17with it. So yeah, if you see one of these things, run. Or at least, try to. Yeah.
08:243. Realising that there's no bloody autosave. Dead Rising.
08:29Sometimes a nope moment isn't born out of fear or disgust, but sometimes just gameplay
08:34elements that can cause you to lose hours and hours of time. And the original Dead Rising
08:40sure can punish players who enter this mall unprepared. For you see, in a world of hand-holding
08:46checkpoints after every step and autosave systems that feel like an overly concerned
08:50parent, Dead Rising was a title that flagrantly did away with these conventions and stated
08:54proudly, if you haven't saved in the last hour, then that's on you, pal.
09:04That's right, Dead Rising doesn't have any form of an autosave system, meaning that
09:09if you're out exploring and bite the big one, then you're going right back to that
09:12last manual save, which, let me tell you, is painful when you're also dealing with
09:17the brain-dead AI who love to bum-rush zombie hordes with nothing more than a firm handshake
09:22as a defence. Losing a survivor when you're on a saviour run, or getting annihilated by
09:27a boss that you just didn't see coming or weren't ready for, only to be kicked back
09:30hours and hours is so demoralising that many might actually nope out on the game right
09:35there and then. And it's made even worse if you make the same mistake again.
09:39But I guess, in a way, it is a testament to the quality of Dead Rising's gameplay
09:43loop, because you've just gone hours and hours without ever thinking that you'd need
09:46to take a break, but then get absolutely flushed down the toilet when you realise, oh dear,
09:52I died.
09:532. The game whispers your name, black and white
09:57So sometimes you have to ask yourself, when you find easter eggs such as the one I'm
10:01about to detail, what the hell were the devs thinking here? Because this is a video game
10:06moment that will make you genuinely uncomfortable. Like, what sort of sick joy are they getting
10:11out of making their fans squirm this much with unease? We'll likely never know, however
10:16the one thing I most definitely know now is that when it came to black and white, it contained
10:20the freakiest easter egg imaginable.
10:23I say this because as you're playing this game, at certain points, for no reason whatsoever,
10:28the game will start whispering your name.
10:31I wish I was joking, but it is true, as the title actually scans the email that you registered
10:36the game with, even pseudo-linking to your account in order to send you rudimentary email
10:40push notifications, and even naming villagers after people on your contact lists. Which
10:45is pretty creepy enough, right? However, things can get a whole lot more sorry I stained the
10:49seat if your name matches any of those found on an in-game file, or if it does, the game
10:55will randomly begin whispering your name in a breathy and unsettling manner.
11:00And this is the thing I've noticed, for example, that James has been whispering my
11:03name throughout this entire entry, but that's more annoying, mate. But when you're playing
11:08black and white in a game that you weren't expecting this at all from, it's downright
11:12Hearing this for the first time would make you do a double take, a second time would
11:15make you think that you're bloody mad, and a third time will have you reaching for that
11:18power socket to nope out of the game entirely. Cheers.
11:221. Leaving Leon in a Skip – Resident Evil 2 Demo
11:27Okay, so I won't lie to you here, I'm about to completely fudge the don't tell
11:33extremely personal stories for fear of alienating your audience rule, because I think you want
11:40to hear about the time that I legitimately, as a child, nearly fudged my own trousers.
11:46And after I've delivered this tale, you'll see why I'm stepping up to the podium for
11:49my TED Talk on how Resident Evil 2 killed my childhood.
11:54So for those youngsters in the back who have no concept of a video game unlockable that
11:58they didn't pay for, let alone the concept of printed media, back in the heady days of
12:02the late 90s and early 2000s, magazines like the official PlayStation Magazine were the
12:06sort of playground currency that you could bloody well retire on. People would swarm
12:11to you to look at the articles and upcoming features, and of course, relentlessly quiz
12:15you on what was on the elusive and cherished demo disc.
12:18And in the case of the example that we're talking about today, it was issue 14, volume
12:232 of the UK publication of the official PlayStation Magazine, which contained an absolute stonker
12:29in the form of Gex 3D, but also an absolute stinker in the form of Rascal. Great.
12:35But in between both of those games was Resident Evil 2's demo.
12:39Now as anyone that can cast a shadow can probably tell you, playing this sort of game at a time
12:44when my brain was basically stitched together with Saturday morning cartoons was a recipe
12:48for disaster and the chef is the person who made bacon soda. Seriously, it's a real
12:52life thing and no, I don't want to drink it.
12:55In short, I was terrified. And I know that word gets bandied around a lot, but I am telling
13:00you without a word of hyperbole that I didn't finish this ten minute demo because I was
13:05that scared.
13:06And it started off in a blind panic, with me running past flaming zombies, and thanks
13:10to the discordant music and that visceral death of Kendo, I was a nervous wreck. Couple
13:15this with the basketball court jump scare where the zombies break through the gate,
13:19and I was done.
13:21So what happened was, and this was the precise moment that I noped out of this game or this
13:25demo entirely, was that I got down into the alleyway just before you go back onto the
13:29main street and into the bus, and what I did was I got Leon up onto the dumpster that separates
13:35the two portions, and it changes the camera angle to such a way that you cannot see the
13:40zombies that are coming from the other side of the screen. You can just hear them.
13:44That was the moment that broke me. I couldn't get down off of the skip and face them. And
13:50when they shuffled onto the screen, I fired all of my bullets. I had nothing left. I had
13:53absolutely no ammo. The knife does nothing. Just butters them up a little bit.
13:57And so I left him there. I left Leon on top of the skip because that was the only moment
14:01of safety that I found within that demo. I had a horrible week or two of sleepless nights
14:07after that, and rightfully so. My dad was pretty angry because, admittedly, he should
14:12have seen the fact that I was playing it, but I kind of played it without his permission.
14:17So yeah, kind of ruined my experience with Resident Evil for a long, long time. I love
14:24the series now though. Absolutely can't get enough of it. And I do wonder if this was
14:27instrumental in building my fascination with horror, trying to get over the fear that I
14:32experienced so acutely at this point in time. So yes, I know I've been rambling on a lot
14:37about this right now, but Resident Evil 2's demo absolutely and utterly broke me in a
14:44way that can only be summarised as... nope.
14:46And there we go, my friends. Those were seven exact video game moments that made you nope
14:52out entirely. I hope that you enjoyed that, and please let me know what you thought about
14:55it down in the comments section below. As always, I've been Jules. You can go follow
14:59me over on Twitter at RetroJ, but the O is a zero, or you can go to Instagram and follow
15:04me at Retro40K, where I do all of my Warhammer stuff at the moment. More Chaos Knights on
15:09the table at present, my friends. But before I go, I just want to say one thing. I hope
15:14that you haven't noped out of this, the ending bit of this video, because I want to leave
15:18you with a bit of positivity, a bit of self-love, because at the end of the day, you are a massive
15:22ledge. You deserve the best things in life, and don't let anything or anyone else tell
15:26you otherwise. We don't want any of the nopes. We want the yes, yes, yeses. Believe in yourself.
15:31Achieve those dreams. I know you can do it. I believe in you. As always, I've been Jules.
15:36You have been awesome. Never forget that. I'll see you soon. Bye.
