• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Con la simbolica posa della prima pietra è stato ufficialmente dato il via questa mattina alla costruzione del 'Padiglione Zero' del progetto del Nuovo Gaslini. L’evento si è svolto alla presenza di Marcello Gemmato, sottosegretario alla Salute, Marco Bucci, presidente della Regione Liguria e di Pietro Piciocchi, vicesindaco reggente della città di Genova. All’iniziativa hanno contribuito anche i ministri Anna Maria Bernini (Università e Ricerca) e Giuseppe Valditara (Istruzione e Merito). La struttura, che ospiterà tutte le attività ad alta intensità di cura, sarà consegnata entro il 2026”.


00:00The first stone has been laid for the construction of the new Gaslini hospital in Genoa,
00:09the first important step in the restructuring of the national and European hospitality excellence in pediatric care.
00:16The ceremony was attended by the President of the Liguria Region, Marco Bucci,
00:23the Deputy Health Secretary, Marcello Gemmato,
00:26the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Edoardo Rixi,
00:30and the Deputy Mayor of the City of Genoa, Pietro Picciocchi.
00:33At Padiglione Zero, whose delivery is scheduled for the end of 2026,
00:38Padiglioni 1 and 2 will follow.
00:40The conclusion of the work is scheduled for 2029.
00:44The first stone of the first pavilion, which we call Padiglione Zero,
00:50on which the works are already underway,
00:53is a historic moment because it will mark, with the completion of the work,
00:59probably the role of Gaslini in the next century.
01:03It is therefore essential to continue to be excellent for a modern medicine
01:11that has changed a lot in so many years,
01:14which needs very different physical and technological structures
01:18compared to those of the past,
01:20and which is placed as a major clinical and scientific pediatric challenge
01:27at an international level.
01:29We host children from 40 countries around the world as small patients
01:36and we must be able to be up to this level of competence also for the future.
01:42And this is the meaning of this day.
01:45Gaslini Institute had the courage to face this operation.
01:49Both in doing it here in the historic headquarters,
01:52because it is much easier to build a new hospital in another headquarters
01:56and then move in at one time,
01:58than not to work in the same hospital and try to maintain the activities,
02:02as we are doing.
02:04The other element of courage, I think, is the tool.
02:07We have adopted a concession, a public-private partnership,
02:13which is a very interesting tool,
02:16but which obviously requires knowledge, competence
02:19and also a very important collaboration with the actors who are helping us,
02:23therefore the CMB concessionaire, the cooperative Muratori e Braccianti di Carpi,
02:27with the support of IRINA,
02:29which helps us in the activities of project management and work direction.
02:33The engineering project for the new Gaslini is particularly complex
02:37and required the creation of a very detailed digital twin.
02:41It is complex because we are in the middle of the city,
02:45with the buildings very close,
02:48the buildings of our neighbors and of the same hospital,
02:52which must continue to function during this construction.
02:56So already starting from the demolition phase,
02:59we had to use demolition techniques that are not the most common,
03:04but they are real deconstructions of the building.
03:08And now that we will go down to the excavation and foundation phases,
03:12we must always maintain a high level of attention and monitoring
03:17of the surrounding environment in relation to the production of dust, vibrations,
03:23especially to allow the rest of the hospital to continue to function
03:28and to guarantee safe care for our small patients.
