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(Adnkronos) - L'ANVCG porta con le sue attività nelle scuole la sensibilizzazione verso il rinvenimento da ordigni bellici inesplosi, il consigliere e atleta paralimpico Marzolino ricorda che "ogni anno ancora ci sono incidenti, feriti e morti per ordigni bellici inesplosi, si lavora nelle scuole per evitare ai ragazzi questo rischio" ha dichiarato Nicola Marzolino, consigliere ANVCG, all'evento celebrativo della Giornata nazionale delle vittime civili delle guerre e dei conflitti nel mondo, che si è svolto oggi nel Salone dei Cinquecento di Palazzo Vecchio a Firenze.


00:00The main activity of the National Association of Victims of Civil War in Italy is advocacy and awareness-raising,
00:14both for the citizens, but above all for the children in schools.
00:19One reason is the education at risk from the re-enactment of war crimes.
00:24Today it is still very current, every year there are still accidents, there are wounded and dead,
00:31there are tens of thousands of findings, even though 80 years have passed since the end of the Second World War,
00:38and not only that, there are still people with medals from the First World War, objects from more than 100 years ago.
00:47So we work in schools to make the children aware of this risk and to prevent other people from getting hurt.
00:55And yet in recent years, after we reach tens of thousands of children every year throughout Italy,
01:03accidents have decreased, so the hope is that our work is working.
01:09And then it is precisely to try to instill in the children a culture of peace, a sensitivity for global solidarity,
01:19for a global fraternity, which today is necessary more than ever.
01:24We have more than 31 active conflicts, where the main target is now the civilian population,
01:31and in the majority they are women and children who are wounded, mutilated and killed by war.
01:37And so the hope is that living in a country in peace, for today, but it is not said,
01:43is to try to wake up these children, who are now increasingly distracted, increasingly, I would say,
01:51also overwhelmed by what you see on social media, by video games, by the modernity of this technological life,
01:59who no longer have a look to the next, a capacity to help, to lend a hand to those who may need it.
02:09And so we try with our laboratories, with our staff, volunteers and with our witnesses,
02:18such as me, who am a victim of civil war, and having now no longer the age of schoolchildren,
02:25but not so far from them, to try to make them understand how horrible the war is,
02:32and how much there is to do to build a world of peace, and above all that everyone,
02:37who alone may feel in difficulty, may feel insignificant, is not so,
02:43because everyone with their own abilities, with their own talents, actually has a role,
02:48and together you can do something, something great.
