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"I watch most of his movies. Except for Ghajini, which he didn't let me watch." How protective is Aamir Khan the father? Find out as he chats with daughter Ira Khan in this 2014 clip.
ЁЯОе: BollywoodHungama.com
00:00I was so sure she was going to flunk
00:02She got 88, I was like, no, it's got to be a mistake
00:04Yeah, I watched most of his movies
00:06except for Ghajini, which he didn't let me watch
00:08They were different, yeah
00:10He's cool, and he shows off
00:14She got 89% in her
00:16ICSE exams, I believe
00:18Yeah, she did. 89, right?
00:2088 point something, yeah
00:22I was really proud, yeah
00:24I was so sure she was going to flunk
00:26She got 88, I was like, no, it's got to be a mistake
00:28I told Reena, I said, Reena, check again
00:30So Reena checked again, I said, give me the number
00:32Let me check, so I went online and I checked
00:34Sure enough, she got 88.3
00:36If I'm not mistaken
00:38What sort of plans do you have? Do you want to do something in movies?
00:40I don't know yet
00:42But whatever it'll be, it'll be behind the camera
00:44Behind the camera?
00:46If the camera's involved
00:48So you're already thinking of the films?
00:50If the camera's involved, it'll be behind the camera
00:52And if the camera's not involved, then what are the other options?
00:56She paints well
00:58Do you watch Aamir's movies, all the movies?
01:00And what do you think of him as an actor?
01:02Yeah, I watch most of his movies, except for Ghajini, which he didn't let me watch
01:04Why didn't you?
01:06Too violent
01:10Well, your mom didn't let you watch it, more than me
01:12I didn't let you watch it, okay
01:14Sounds like me
01:16No, they're fun, yeah
01:18He's cool, and he shows off
01:20Do I? When?
01:26We can edit that if you want
01:28No, no, no, I'm just kidding
01:30He's cool, he does all these cool things
01:32And then, yeah, it's funny
01:34What sort of vision do you have for Aira?
01:40I mean, I don't know
01:42I just hope that she remains happy and healthy all her life
01:46Where's her seatbelt?
01:50I just hope she remains happy and healthy
01:54You know, contributes positively to people's lives
01:58Including mine
02:00So, yeah
02:02Whatever she wants to do, Reena and me and Kiran
02:04All of us will really support her in every way that we can
02:08And what are Junaid's plans as such?
02:10Can we see him coming into movies?
02:12I believe he's assisting you on PK
02:14He's assisting Raju on PK right now
02:18You know, I don't like to pressure my kids by asking them
02:20What they want to do
02:22Because whenever they're ready for it, they'll tell me themselves
02:24So, I leave them alone
02:28When I'm with them, I talk about other fun things
