• 5 days ago
Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BKSDA) Sumatera Barat bersama sejumlah pihak menyepakati untuk menutup permanen seluruh jalur pendakian Gunung Marapi
00:00The conservation area of BKSDA Sumatra Barat
00:07officially closed all climbing routes on Mount Api Marapi,
00:11both in Agang Regency and Tanah Datar Regency, Sumatra Barat.
00:15This step was taken as an effort to prioritize the safety aspect of the people
00:19in the Marapi Natural Tourist Park area, TWA Marapi.
00:22Currently, the mountain with a height of 2,891 meters above sea level
00:28still has a status of level 2.
00:31People are also prohibited from activities within a radius of 3 km from the eruption center.
00:35Head of BKSDA Sumbar, Lugi Hartanto, in a video statement received between Friday 31 January, said
00:42the closure of all routes of the climbing of Mount Marapi is a result of a joint agreement
00:47between the representatives of Sumbar, the government, Agang Regency and Tanah Datar.
00:52Lugi added that the routes of the climbing of TWA Marapi can be reopened
00:55if the status of Mount Marapi drops to level 1 normal in the future.
01:00We know that the mandate related to the natural tourism park is related to the development of natural tourism,
01:06natural recreation, meaning that as long as it is outside the radius of 3 km,
01:09it means that tourism outside the area is certainly possible.
01:12But this requires research, research on various things, including involving various parties,
01:17including what the SOP is like, so that tourism will be developed,
01:21really tourism that pays attention to the aspect of safety.
01:26Although all official climbing routes are closed permanently,
01:28however, Lugi ensures that his party will continue to strictly monitor.
01:32He also hopes that this policy will receive full support from the government of the Agang Regency
01:37and Tanah Datar by continuously tightening surveillance.
01:40This is important because the mountains with a radius of 8,000 hectares
01:44have hundreds of doors for climbing, both official and unofficial.
01:49From the city of Padang, West Sumatra, Vandi Yogari, Antara News Agency reported.
01:55For more information, please visit www.globalonenessproject.org
