• 2 months ago
On January 30, 1964, NASA launched the Ranger 6 spacecraft on a mission to obtain the first-ever close-up images of the surface of the moon.

The spacecraft carried six television cameras to transmit videos and images of the moon, but the cameras failed, and no images were ever returned. This was the sixth mission failure for the Ranger program. Congress wasn't too happy with the series of failures and called an investigation into management problems at NASA Headquarters and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The next mission, Ranger 7, launched six months later and was a roaring success.
00:00On this day in space.
00:04On January 30th, 1964, NASA launched the Ranger 6 spacecraft
00:08on a mission to obtain the first ever close-up images of the surface of the moon.
00:12The spacecraft carried six television cameras to transmit videos and images
00:16of the moon. But the cameras failed and no images were ever returned.
00:20This was the sixth mission failure for the Ranger program.
00:24Congress wasn't too happy with this series of failures and called an investigation into
00:28management problems at NASA headquarters and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
00:32The next mission, Ranger 7, launched six months later and was a roaring success.
00:36And that's what happened on this day in space.
