While Donald Trump is well known for his fast food-fueled private jet flights, his wife, First Lady Melania Trump, takes a very different approach when it comes to diet and nutrition.
00:00While Donald Trump is well-known for his fast-food-fueled private jet flights, his wife, First Lady
00:06Melania Trump, takes a very different approach when it comes to diet and nutrition. The former
00:10model swears by a nutritious smoothie every morning, and was even willing to share her
00:14recipe with fans on Facebook.
00:17According to her post, Melania's daily healthy breakfast consists of all fresh and organic
00:22spinach, celery, carrots, blueberries, apple, orange juice, lemon juice, fat-free yogurt,
00:27olive oil, flax seeds, omega-3, and vitamin D.
00:31While she's not against adding other healthy breakfast fares such as oatmeal to her morning
00:35routine, Trump's nutrient-packed smoothie definitely takes center stage. These days,
00:40smoothies aren't trending the way they used to, but they're still on the menu at plenty
00:43of restaurants and, of course, juice and smoothie bars.
00:47In general, homemade smoothies are healthier than pre-made drinks where nutrition is concerned,
00:52since you can select more wholesome options when gathering and prepping your own ingredients.
00:56So don't be tempted to hit the smoothie selection in the grocery store refrigerator case. Keep
01:01Melania's words in mind — all fresh. And yes, buying fresh will likely entail some
01:05chopping and peeling. Wear your smartwatch while you're doing it, and count it as exercise.
01:10A closer look at Melania's favorite smoothie recipe reveals that it's packed with nutrient-rich
01:16foods. Along with their great flavor, blueberries are packed with antioxidants — molecules
01:21that ward off cellular damage and lower the risk of disease while also doing a little
01:25something to stave off the effects of aging. In other words, they taste good and make you
01:29look younger. What's not to love about that? And while it's not often described as delicious
01:33the way blueberries are — except maybe by a Popeye — spinach is also a good source
01:38of antioxidants, as are carrots, which contain fiber, vitamin A, potassium, and many other
01:43essential nutrients.
01:45As for the less common ingredients in Melania's healthy breakfast drink, omega-3 fatty acids
01:53support cellular functions throughout the body, particularly those associated with vision
01:58and cognition. That's brain power. And because you can never have too much of that, the addition
02:03of flaxseed also pumps up the omega-3s in the First Lady's breakfast drink. And that's
02:07not all flaxseed does — it contains antioxidants and fiber for an extra nutritional boost.
02:13Think of it as lubricating the rusty wheels of your morning thought processes.
02:17Did you say something? He said oil can.
02:23And finally, while olive oil might seem like an unlikely ingredient, keep in mind that
02:27this healthy fat has anti-inflammatory properties along with antioxidants, and has been proven
02:32to support good heart health while also reducing the risk of disease. It's about staying healthy,
02:38Although Melania's Facebook posts didn't include the exact amount she — or more likely
02:41her personal chef — tosses into the blender each morning, most smoothie recipes call for
02:46a half portion of a thickening agent — the fat-free yogurt in this case — two to three
02:50servings of vegetables and or fruit, and one to one-and-a-half servings of a liquid such
02:55as orange juice.
02:56Melania's fans seem to appreciate her healthy lifestyle, if the comments on her Facebook
03:00recipe are any indication. One self-effacing commenter writes,
03:04"'Thank you so much. It won't make me as beautiful as you, but I hope it will help some.'"
03:09When it comes to the rest of Melania's diet, she says that she strives to eat at least
03:12seven servings of fruit per day and exercises caution when it comes to portion sizes. Ice
03:17cream and dark chocolate are her preferred treats, which makes her one of us. But in
03:22Melania's case, she takes the word treats seriously and reserves them for special occasions.
03:27And by special occasion, we're thinking she probably doesn't mean somebody cut her off
03:31on the drive home.