• 2 days ago
Pterosaur Quetzalcoatlus northropi was a veritable flying behemoth.
00:00Quetzalcoatlus Northropi, or Q-Northropi for short.
00:07It walked, or rather flew around Earth, around 67 million years ago.
00:11But how does a creature this big even get airborne?
00:13Well according to a new study from the University of California Museum of Paleontology, it jumped.
00:19Q-Northropi's wingspan is a massive 36 feet wide, which would seem ideal for flight, but
00:23it could also grow to nearly 33 feet tall, meaning it had a lot of body to move.
00:28Which is why experts now believe the creatures would hop into the air, leaping up over 8
00:31feet into the sky before flapping their wings hard and taking off.
00:35Here's what paleontologist Kevin Padian had to say about the locomotive process.
00:39If they could jump twice their hip height, to 8 feet, the wings would be able to clear
00:42the ground, and they could execute a deeper flight stroke, adding they would land like
00:46an airplane, slowing themselves with their wings as they approach the ground, before
00:49touching down with its legs and then its arms.
00:52According to the experts, this is the first comprehensive study on the biomechanics of
00:56Q-Northropi since it was first discovered 50 years ago.
