• 2 months ago
👉 Un avión comercial colisionó con un helicóptero Black Hawk durante un entrenamiento cerca del aeropuerto Ronald Reagan en Washington DC, resultando en la trágica pérdida de 67 vidas. El accidente ocurrió cerca del Pentágono y las aguas frías del río Potomac dificultaron las posibilidades de supervivencia. Entre los pasajeros se encontraban miembros destacados de la Federación Rusa de Patinaje Artístico, que regresaban de un torneo en Wichita, Kansas. Las autoridades continúan investigando el incidente.

👉 Seguí en #ElNoticieroDeA24


00:00The plane that crashed in Washington D.C.
00:05ended up destroyed after it collided with a Black Hawk helicopter
00:10in the vicinity of the local airport,
00:16Ronald Reagan Airport.
00:19Unfortunately, we have to say that 27 bodies have been recovered,
00:26according to official sources,
00:30but it is not expected that there are survivors of these 67 people
00:35who were on board the plane that ended up, as we said,
00:40colliding in the air, a crash in the air.
00:43This is the moment of impact that occurs between that helicopter,
00:50Black Hawk, a military helicopter,
00:53and the plane that ended up destroyed,
00:57breaking in the air after the impact.
01:00We are working live from the United States.
01:03This is Adrian Sack. Adrian, good morning.
01:05What can you tell us about this story that we just mentioned?
01:11Good morning, Lu.
01:12Well, moments ago there was a press conference
01:17held by the mayor of Washington D.C., Muriel Bowser,
01:22together with the chiefs of police,
01:24the Secretary of Transportation, recently appointed by Trump,
01:27and well, they had to give the news that unfortunately,
01:32well, with the first lights of the day,
01:34which are 7.53 a.m. all over the East Coast,
01:38the rescue operations were terminated
01:44and they moved on to recovery operations
01:48of corpses and remains of the plane
01:51for the investigation of the accident.
01:53So far, well, if I update the number,
01:56so far they have recovered 32 corpses, 32 bodies,
02:01of the 67 that were lost in total in this tragedy.
02:07Well, there are 67 because 60 correspond to passengers
02:12of the American Airlines flight that was going from Wichita,
02:18from Kansas, from the center of the United States
02:21to the capital, to Washington D.C.,
02:23and that at 9 p.m., according to the first investigations,
02:28what the preliminaries have concluded,
02:30they say it was the helicopter of the armed forces
02:34of the United States, Black Hawk,
02:37that was doing a training flight
02:40and that in an abrupt descent flight
02:43hit the fuselage of this plane,
02:46a medium-sized plane, as I told you,
02:49it has a capacity for 65 passengers
02:52and it was almost full,
02:54until it was split into three parts,
02:58in three pieces, with what is assumed
03:00that the death of the vast majority of passengers
03:03was instantaneous, right?
03:05Because then, in addition, the remains of this plane
03:09and the helicopter all fell into the Potomac River,
03:13where there are temperatures of at least 10 degrees below zero.
03:17I had to be there, just last week,
03:21flying, well, arriving at that airport
03:24and also departing, due to all the journalistic coverage
03:28of the assumption of Donald Trump,
03:30and well, I could see that the river was frozen.
03:34Several sections, at least, of the river
03:37close to the airport were frozen.
03:40Now, we are not in a polar wave situation,
03:43like last week, but anyway,
03:45the temperatures are extremely cold
03:47and they already assumed that in case
03:50some people, some of the passengers
03:53or the crew members were still alive
03:56after the tremendous impact, right?
03:59of the crash between the plane and the helicopter,
04:01it was going to be very difficult for them to survive
04:05even if they had been able to get to the surface
04:08for more than half an hour, right?
04:10It would be too much, it was an extreme hypothesis.
04:12So, yesterday, even President Donald Trump
04:15in his statement already considered them dead, right?
04:18He insinuated that they were already,
04:20they prayed for the souls of all those involved in the accident.
04:23Adri, you said you knew that airport
04:26and also that it is a really complex airport, right?
04:30Due to these issues also linked, among other things,
04:33with the military activities that take place
04:35because we have to talk about a space
04:37that is practically a few meters in front of the Pentagon.
04:41Of course, exactly.
04:43On the other side of the Potomac, of the river,
04:45is the Pentagon and many training flights are made,
04:49particularly of military helicopters, right?
04:53Because, well, there is also a very close base
04:56there in Virginia.
04:58Washington DC is a city that is actually
05:01the only city in the state of Columbia, right?
05:04That's why DC is the District of Columbia.
05:06But Columbia is only that city
05:09and it is surrounded by two other states
05:11which are Virginia and Maryland.
05:13Both are highly militarized,
05:16well, traditionally,
05:18and because they also, well,
05:20guard, let's say, all the political life
05:24of the United States at the federal level
05:26and all the foreign representations
05:29that the diplomatic delegations of the world have,
05:33which are all concentrated in Washington.
05:36So, precisely, what you do see there,
05:40and what I noticed particularly in this last flight,
05:43it caught my attention,
05:45it was also an American Airlines flight
05:47that flew very low throughout the flight, right?
05:49That you could just communicate by cell phone
05:53without using the Wi-Fi services of the plane, right?
05:57Not the land services.
05:58The cell phone services.
06:00A long time, of course,
06:02a long time before arriving.
06:04I spent it chatting,
06:06the most comfortable,
06:08in airplane mode and everything,
06:11you could,
06:12that if you connected to the plane's Wi-Fi,
06:16but you also removed the airplane mode
06:18and you could do it quietly.
06:20That, well, it just caught my attention a lot
06:23and that was one of the data
06:25that one of the passengers gave,
06:29who was not,
06:30you see, always in these tragedies
06:31there is one who does not go up,
06:32who could not for some reason.
06:34Well, here was a passenger
06:36who did not travel,
06:37who miraculously survived
06:39and who was communicating
06:41with some of the passengers
06:42who were on board the plane
06:44and who told him,
06:45look, in 20 minutes it is planned that we land.
06:48And then the contact of this passenger
06:50and all the others was lost, right?
06:53So, there they were presuming
06:55that something serious had happened, really,
06:58because it is rare that, well,
07:00you can run out of cell phone battery,
07:02but not everyone else.
07:03If you know the whole group here,
07:05there were many who were from the community
07:07of artistic skating, right?
07:09Of course, and precisely regarding this,
07:11some images began to transcend,
07:13among others,
07:14of a Russian couple,
07:17we are talking about Evgenia Shishklova
07:20and Vadim Naubov,
07:22who were on board this plane,
07:27this American Airlines flight,
07:29who lived in the United States
07:31since 1998.
07:33This information is already official
07:36and, in addition, the Kremlin itself ratifies it.
07:40Well, figure, precisely, of skating,
07:43who now dedicated themselves
07:44to the training of younger skaters
07:47and who came from a tournament, right, Adri?
07:51Yes, yes, they came from a tournament
07:53that had been held in Wichita.
07:55They were rooted in the United States,
07:57but they were still working
07:58with the skating team
08:00of the Russian Federation, precisely.
08:02They were very well known,
08:03they had been champions.
08:05Their son also
08:08dedicates himself to high competition artistic skating
08:11and then there were several skaters there,
08:13other coaches too.
08:16For that reason,
08:17they had flown precisely to Wichita,
08:20because there was a tournament there.
08:22And well, at the end,
08:23they returned to Washington, D.C.
08:25and well,
08:27it was precisely in the community
08:29of artistic skating
08:30where today they are particularly mourning.
08:35Returning to the moment of impact,
08:38the truth is that it draws attention powerfully, right?
08:41You said that, in principle,
08:43the helicopter,
08:45there we are going to repeat them,
08:47the helicopter ends up colliding
08:49precisely when it was doing
08:52training tasks.
08:55Exactly, training tasks
08:56and manoeuvres of descent,
08:58but abrupt.
09:00This is something usual in the area, I imagine,
09:03but there has never been a situation
09:05of an impact in the air.
09:08Yes, look,
09:09military helicopters are often seen
09:12near the airport.
09:14That draws a lot of attention.
09:16Well, on this particular trip,
09:17I even got to see the Marine One,
09:20which is the presidential helicopter
09:23that was taking, in this case, Joe Biden
09:26on the last flight to the Air Base
09:31to go to California,
09:37on his last flight as retired president.
09:40But there were also other security helicopters.
09:43There are many military helicopters
09:45flying over Washington permanently.
09:47Of course.
09:48And in this case, precisely for this reason,
09:50the pilots say that it is a difficult airport
09:53because it is the busiest,
09:56not at the passenger level,
09:58but at the plane level and at the occupation level
10:00of landing tracks.
10:02It is the non-international
10:03decabotage airport.
10:05Ronald Reagan is not an international airport.
10:08That is the one in Dallas,
10:10which is on the outskirts of Washington.
10:14And being at the national level,
10:17it has a very intense traffic
10:19of medium and small aircraft.
10:22And well, in this case,
10:24there was the occupied runway,
10:25runway number one,
10:26where I wanted to land this flight
10:28coming from Wichita.
10:30And what the plane was doing
10:31at the time of the collision
10:33was to reposition
10:35to be able to land on another runway,
10:37the number three.
10:39Well, it was at that moment
10:40that the plane was doing this low-altitude maneuver
10:43when it is hit by this helicopter
10:46that does not see it and does not understand.
10:49Nobody understands how I don't see it
10:51because despite being a moonless night,
10:53it was already nine o'clock at night,
10:55local time,
10:56eleven o'clock at night in Argentina,
10:59the air, let's say,
11:01the airspace was quite free
11:04and there were no clouds.
11:06There were no clouds
11:08and there were no other atmospheric obstacles,
11:10there was no rain,
11:11they were optimal.
11:13That is why President Donald Trump himself
11:16was angry at the tweets he made on Twitter
11:20about what had happened.
11:21In fact, his Secretary of Transport
11:23today also made the same complaint
11:26that this should not happen,
11:28that the Americans have to fly safely,
11:31that since 2009 there had been no major accidents
11:36and that, well, this is not something
11:39that is expected to happen
11:41because the automatic security systems
11:44of the plane did not work either.
11:46Many failures will surely have to be reviewed.
11:49Many failures.
11:51They are now with the expertise,
11:52then we will see.
11:53We will continue to work on the subject.
