• 2 months ago
Actor-director Xian Lim is now officially a private pilot. He writes on Instagram Thursday, January 30 he is ‘still in the clouds from everything that happened.’

Full story: https://www.rappler.com/entertainment/celebrities/xian-lim-private-pilot/


00:00Actor-director Sian Lim is now officially a private pilot.
00:04He writes on Instagram, Thursday, January 30, he is still in the clouds from everything
00:08that happened.
00:10In the photos, Lim proudly wears on each of his shoulders a two-stripe epaulette, which
00:14he earned at Aviation School Top Flight Academy.
00:17Lim will now work toward obtaining his commercial pilot license, which will allow him to get
00:21paid as a pilot.
00:22The actor-director has been regularly documenting his flight school journey on his social media.
00:27He also regularly shares clips when in the air, including his first solo flight.
00:32In December 2024, his girlfriend filmmaker Iris Lee shared a clip riding an aircraft
00:37with Lim as its pilot for the first time.
00:40Lim directed the Thai horror film Kumantong in July 2024.
00:43He co-wrote it alongside Lee.
