• 2 months ago
✨ Le Duel Ultime : Deux poupées emblématiques s'affrontent dans une série de défis inoubliables ! Qui a le style, les compétences et l'intelligence pour tout gagner ?

🎯 Défis Inclus :
1️⃣ Folie Makeover : Qui peut passer de basique à fabuleux en un temps record ? 💄✨
2️⃣ Duel de la « Squid Game » : La survie du plus apte ! Barbie et Bratz relèvent des tâches hilarantes et palpitantes inspirées par le jeu à succès. 🦑🎮
3️⃣ Frénésie Alimentaire : Un défi culinaire fou à ne pas manquer ! 🍔🍭
4️⃣ Défilé de Mode DIY : Qui peut confectionner les tenues les plus époustouflantes à partir d'objets du quotidien ? 🧵👗
5️⃣ Rounds Bonus Surprise : Préparez-vous à des rebondissements inattendus et des moments drôles ! 🤩😂

💖 Atouts de Barbie :

Style impeccable. 👗🌟
Positivité et astuces créatives. ✨
🖤 Atouts des Bratz :

Mode audacieuse et branchée. 🖤👠
Attitude féroce et débrouillardise. 💋
🎉 Avec des tonnes de rires, des transformations épiques et des moments à couper le souffle, ce challenge de poupées vous tiendra en haleine !

🔔 Abonnez-vous maintenant et dites-nous : Êtes-vous #ÉquipeBarbie ou #ÉquipeBratz ? Commentez ci-dessous !

#BarbieVsBratz #DéfiDePoupéesÉpique #BatailleDeMakeover #AmusementSquidGame #ModeDIY Partage et abonne-toi si tu aimes la vidéo : https://goo.su/2BJZ
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Musique par Epidemic Sound : https://www.epidemicsound.com/

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00:00Dance as if your life depended on it, my friends!
00:04Hey guys...
00:09Who's invited?
00:14She's so weird!
00:17And not in the right way!
00:20It's not fair!
00:23Why are they all invited and not me?
00:27Is it because of my costume?
00:31I'm such a pain in the ass for them!
00:36If those dolls were alive, I would have all the company I need!
00:41If only...
00:49Barbie? Bratz?
00:51You don't need her!
00:53I don't agree!
01:02Let's play a game, okay?
01:07The candy bucket decides my blush!
01:11Yeah, why not?
01:13Are you scared?
01:15Go ahead!
01:16Give me the candy!
01:22Now I'm scared!
01:24Wow, that's violent!
01:28Before I go, don't forget to subscribe!
01:31And wish me luck in the comments!
01:34It's going to break!
01:40It's candy!
01:45You want some?
01:46I'll have all of it!
01:51Two spiders? Seriously?
01:53That's disgusting!
01:57I hope I don't catch a fish!
02:02Pink glitter!
02:05It's like I'm in Barbie Land!
02:10You win this round!
02:12That's why I have pink gems!
02:17I love it!
02:20The party's over!
02:22Come with me!
02:24But where?
02:25To the Squid Game!
02:27But there are no squids here!
02:32That's not my color!
02:35We have to get out of here!
02:38Green fire!
02:41This girl is giving me bad vibes!
02:43Stop! We have to play the game!
02:46We have to reach her before she sees us move!
02:49Red fire!
02:53Stop talking to me!
02:56Green fire!
02:58It was one less!
03:00Red fire!
03:03Don't move!
03:06Green light!
03:10We've had enough of your game!
03:13Now, don't move!
03:14Now, don't move!
03:17We just need your accessories!
03:20They're so cool!
03:22Good job, girls!
03:26Wow! You've changed my look!
03:29That's for sure!
03:31Who won?
03:33You both won!
03:35Thank you!
03:37Next round!
03:38Finally, dinner!
03:40It's too big for my mouth, but...
03:42That's why we have these things!
03:45But how?
03:47By digging in!
03:50It doesn't work!
03:52It's barely a hole!
03:57That's enough!
03:59I'm going to lick it!
04:01Like a lollipop!
04:04Let me help you!
04:07Come on!
04:09Don't worry, I've got you!
04:14What have I done?
04:16We can glue it back together!
04:19It's a fake!
04:21I was worried!
04:24Girls, you have to trade!
04:28I should have known!
04:30Give me that!
04:33This stone doesn't do much for me either!
04:36I'm going to dig in!
04:41That's better!
04:45It doesn't want to move!
04:47I know who's going to break it!
04:49My heel!
04:55It's a lipstick!
04:57I won!
04:59That's not fair!
05:01I love this color!
05:03It looks cool!
05:05You know what's funnier than dolls?
05:10Look at the games!
05:13I could watch this all day!
05:15You look like you're having fun!
05:17You're thinking what I'm thinking!
05:19The one that makes a hole loses!
05:21Let's use these colored pencils!
05:24In purple, of course!
05:26The most beautiful color!
05:28Take that!
05:31No! Pink is the best!
05:34Can you do that?
05:36I'll do better!
05:38Let's see!
05:40This should be a good spot!
05:44Please, don't move!
05:47Which one is lucky?
05:50This one?
05:53It doesn't look good!
05:55Let me push you in the right direction!
05:57A little fairy dust to bring you luck!
06:11Hey, that's cheating!
06:14What just happened?
06:17Nobody won!
06:20Do you want some?
06:25I can't have sugar!
06:27It'll ruin my look!
06:29What a weird fairy!
06:31I can't live without chocolate!
06:34That's weird!
06:37Wow! It doesn't stain at all!
06:39Let me try that!
06:45Did I do that wrong?
06:47What if I dip it slowly?
06:52It didn't work!
06:57Okay, my turn!
07:01There's something at the bottom of the bucket!
07:04What could it be?
07:06It's a glittery palette!
07:12Great find!
07:14It looks so pretty!
07:16And that's why you win!
07:19Snacks for two!
07:24It's candy!
07:28Great! I really wanted some!
07:31Looks like we'll have to eat them quickly!
07:34It should be easy!
07:38Overdose of sugar!
07:41One bottle won't be enough for me!
07:48It's the easiest challenge ever!
07:51That's true!
07:53I'll win this round!
08:01A cockroach!
08:05Do you want more ASMR sensations?
08:14Wait, what's that?
08:16I won!
08:20Wow! This jelly literally froze my roots!
08:24What do we have here?
08:25A mountain of Barbapapa?
08:29What's that?
08:31A gallon of water?
08:33We'll need more!
08:35If we want to swallow this jelly,
08:38it's going to be sweet!
08:40I can't wait!
08:43These jellies aren't edible.
08:45I'm scared.
08:47For this challenge, you have to dissolve the candy in water.
08:50There's a surprise in one of the blocks.
08:52Whoever finds it will be the winner!
08:56That's even better than I thought!
08:59Let's go!
09:02The first block has no surprise.
09:05Oh no! Not this one either!
09:08Maybe the next one has?
09:13I'd rather eat these Barbapapa.
09:16But for a surprise...
09:18Why not?
09:19I'd rather do this faster.
09:22Wait, I think I see something.
09:25It's a handbag!
09:30No way!
09:32There must be something here too!
09:35As fast as the desert!
09:39Do you want to share?
09:41No, it's my victory!
09:44Incredible! What a pretty bag!
09:50I've always wanted to try the blowers!
09:53Let's try!
09:56I'm ready!
10:01Pink and purple go well together, don't they?
10:04But it would be better if there was more purple.
10:08What? You missed a spot!
10:13Purple suits you better.
10:17It's a masterpiece!
10:21I'd wear it to a party!
10:22I'd wear it to a party!
10:25It's great!
10:28Wow! I'd wear it to a party!
10:31Excellent work girls!
10:33You both won!
10:37It's going to be fun!
10:39Where's the target?
10:43Not me!
10:46You have to blow up these balloons!
10:49Oh no!
10:51That's how it works!
10:54These balloons don't resist me!
11:00I'm not the target!
11:03This life isn't that great after all!
11:05My turn!
11:06It's my turn!
11:10I've got it!
11:12You're lucky!
11:15You said...
11:20Are you making fun of me?
11:21I won't let a nice little girl shoot me!
11:27So, what do you say about another round?
11:30Let's go!
11:33But I'm out of ammo!
11:37I won the prize!
11:39Here, try it!
11:42It looks cool!
11:45Oh no!
11:46I have to go!
11:48Good luck!
11:51I'm back!
11:53Who are you?
11:58I have a surprise for you!
12:04How did you do your hair?
12:06It's just ice cream!
12:09Look at her style!
12:11I'm finally a cool girl!
12:14It's the coolest party ever!
12:23You're the best!
12:27Oh, hi!
12:29It's so exciting!
12:30Hello everyone!
12:31What are you doing?
12:32I'm Barbie!
12:33Pose for us, please!
12:34What are you doing, Barbie?
12:35Come here, Barbie!
12:36Smile, Barbie!
12:37What's going on?
12:39Look at me!
12:40I can't hold it in any longer!
12:44Oh my God, you're so beautiful!
12:45I love your blonde hair!
12:46You're so beautiful!
12:47It's so sweet!
12:48I have to get out of here!
12:49Hey, help!
12:50Do you know Barbie?
12:51I'm sorry!
12:52Where am I?
12:53Oh my God!
12:55Who's there?
12:56You're Barbie, aren't you?
12:57You look so much like her!
12:58Yes, it's me!
12:59But I can't stand the real world!
13:00Oh, no!
13:01Oh, no!
13:02Oh, no!
13:03Oh, no!
13:04Oh, no!
13:05Oh, no!
13:06Oh, no!
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13:08Oh, no!
13:09Oh, no!
13:10Oh, no!
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20:50Oh, no!
20:51Oh, no!
20:52Oh, no!
