• 2 days ago
Love In The Edge Of Divorce Epi 26 Eng Sub
00:30优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
00:33Subbers & Timing & subitles brought to you by 中剧独播
00:37Every Edition is a work of fiction.
00:39Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental or unintentional.
00:42与优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
00:45Subbers & Timing & subitles brought to you by 中剧独播剧场
00:49我知道,你要离婚了 I know, you're getting a divorce.
00:53优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
00:56Subbers & Timing & subitles brought to you by 中剧独播剧场
01:23优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
01:26Subbers & Timing & subitles brought to you by 中剧独播剧场
01:29与优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
01:32与优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
01:35温先生这么抓着一位已婚女士的手,不太合适吧? Mr. Wen, it's inappropriate to hold a married lady's hand like this, isn't it?
01:40你来这干嘛? What are you doing here?
01:41温先生帮了我老婆这么大个忙 Mr. Wen, you've helped my wife so much.
01:43我这个做老公的,应该亲自感谢 As her husband, I should thank you in person.
01:47你好,三杯咖啡 Hello, I'll have three cups of coffee.
01:50盛眠从不喝咖啡 Sheng Mian never drinks coffee.
01:53人的口味总会变的 People's taste will always change.
01:59你们先聊,我去个洗手间 I'll go to the bathroom.
02:09放弃盛眠吧 Give Sheng Mian up.
02:11她是我老婆 She is my wife.
02:13以前是,现在是,未来也是 She was, she is now, and she will be in the future.
02:18你们只不过是短暂地拥有了一段错误的婚姻 You just had a short-term memory of a mistake.
02:21她一开始就不该嫁给你 She shouldn't have married you in the first place.
02:23现在我回来了 Now that I'm back,
02:25我要带她回归正轨 I'm going to take her back to the right track.
02:28别做梦 Don't dream about it.
02:29盛眠她只爱我 Sheng Mian only loves me.
02:31你早就是过去时 You're already in the past.
02:35副总要是这么有自信的话 Mr. Fu, if you're so confident,
02:37就不会出现在这儿了 you wouldn't be here.
02:41两位聊得怎么样? How are you two doing?
02:44我和温先生一见如故 Mr. Wen and I are like old friends.
02:46我们得好好喝一杯 Let's have a good drink.
02:48不必了 No need.
02:49温昭平是不爱喝酒 Wen Zhaoping doesn't like to drink.
02:52温先生是不太行吗 Mr. Wen isn't a good drinker?
02:58既然副总这么想喝的话 Since Mr. Fu wants to drink so much,
03:01那我奉陪 I'll drink with you.
03:15喝吧 Mr. Fu, let's drink.
03:20喝吧 Mr. Fu, let's drink.
03:30盛眠 跟我回家吧 Sheng Mian, come home with me.
03:32想都别想 Don't even think about it.
03:34爷爷现在都不让我进家门了 Grandpa doesn't even let me in the house anymore.
03:36他气我伤透了你的心 He's mad at me and broke your heart.
03:38他现在连饭都不吃 He doesn't even eat now.
03:40你就算不心疼我也心疼一下爷爷吧 Even if you don't feel sorry for me, you should feel sorry for grandpa.
03:43我就是想着一会儿去我那儿跟爷爷打个视频 I just want to go to my place and make a video call with grandpa.
03:47假装和好 Pretend to make up.
03:49那在这儿视频也行 I can make a video call here.
03:51爷爷那么聪明 Grandpa is so smart.
03:53你不去我那儿他是不会信的 He won't believe it if you don't go to my place.
03:56爷爷都一天没吃饭了 Grandpa hasn't eaten all day.
04:03那先说好 吃完瓶我就走 Let's make a deal. I'll leave after I finish my bottle.
04:06没问题 No problem.
04:13缅缅 你不会是为了哄爷爷开心假装原谅彦辰的吧 Mianmian, are you pretending to forgive Yancheng just to make grandpa happy?
04:20怎么会呢 爷爷 我早就原谅他了 How come, grandpa? I've forgiven him a long time ago.
04:23爷爷 我们真和好了 Grandpa, we really made up.
04:42怎么了 What's wrong?
04:44没啥 爷爷 家里养了只猫 它跟我闹着玩呢 It's nothing, grandpa. It's just a cat. It's playing with me.
04:47去去去 Go away.
04:49好 好 好 看你们这样啊 I'm relieved to see you like this.
04:54一会儿啊 我就过去吃饭 I'll go over for dinner later.
04:58缅缅 哪天有空啊 你带上彦辰一起回来看爷爷啊 Mianmian, when you have time, take Yancheng back to see grandpa.
05:03好呀 爷爷 那我们先挂了 OK, grandpa. I'll hang up now.
05:05拜拜 Bye.
05:10我走了 I'm leaving.
05:13怎么 把我腿弄折了你就逃逸啊 What? Are you going to run away if I break my leg?
05:16我不介意真的把你腿弄折 I don't mind if you really break your leg.
05:19行呗 我腿要是折了 难受的可不是我 Fine. If my leg is broken, I won't feel bad.
05:23少给我来这套 刚刚我们说好了跟爷爷视频完我就走 Don't give me that. We just made a deal. I'll leave as soon as I finish the video with grandpa.
05:28有吗 Do you?
05:31酒喝多了 头好痛 I drank too much and my head hurts.
05:34闷瓶了 I'm drunk.
05:43我就知道你还是关心我的 I knew you still care about me.
05:54怎么这么酸呢 Why is it so sour?
05:56你不是喝多了吗 你喝杯醋 给你解解酒 这下想起来你说过什么了 Didn't you drink too much? Drink a glass of vinegar to sober up. Now you remember what you said.
06:02盛琳 你别走了 万一爷爷突击警察要跟我视频怎么办 Shengming, don't go. What if grandpa attacks the police and wants to make a video call with me?
06:07你少拿爷爷说事 爷爷才没这么无聊 Grandpa is not so boring.
06:09盛琳 你就看在之前股东大会我帮你的份上 你就留下来陪我一晚吧 Shengming, for the sake of the shareholders' meeting I helped you before, will you stay with me for the night?
06:21那先说好 那我睡卧室 你睡客厅 今晚之后咱俩互不相欠 Let's talk about it first. I'll sleep in the bedroom and you'll sleep in the living room. We won't see each other after tonight.
06:38我看到你三年前救下爷爷时的照片了 I saw the photo of you three years ago when you saved Grandpa.
06:58你说如果我们那个时候就认识该多好 How nice it would be if we knew each other at that time.
07:02卢彦诚 没有人会在原地等你 我们回不去了 Lu Yuancheng, no one will wait for you in the same place. We can't go back.
07:06那温昭还回得去吗 温昭是我很重要的朋友 温昭 is my important friend.
07:16我管你什么张昭 王昭 李昭 孙昭 周昭 我都要把你重新追回来 I don't care who you are. I'll get you back.
07:35好 好 那赵总我们晚上见 Okay, Mr. Zhao, see you tonight.
07:50刚才接了一个海外大客户的订单 咱们业绩指标可以解决了 我晚上去他们工厂见一下他们 I just received an order from a big overseas client. Our performance indicators can be solved. I'll go to their factory tonight to see them.
07:57真是个好消息啊 可是我晚上要去那个展会就不能跟你一起了 It's really good news. But I can't go to the exhibition with you tonight.
08:02没事 我自己去 It's okay. I'll go by myself.
08:03嗯 那你注意安全 Okay, be careful.
08:06好 放心吧 Okay, don't worry.
08:28您好 Hello.
08:34肖扬 Xiaoyang
08:37盛眠 盛眠 好久不见 盛眠 好久不见 你把我姐害得那么惨 今天我就让你血债血偿 Shengmian, it's been a long time since you hurt my sister so badly. Today, I'll make you pay for it.
08:50你 You
09:04对不起 您所拨打的电话暂时无法接通 请稍后再拨 Sorry, the number you have dialed cannot be connected for the moment. Please try again later.
09:12对不起 您所拨打的电话暂时无法接通 请稍后再拨 Sorry, the number you have dialed cannot be connected for the moment. Please try again later.
09:24喂 盛眠和你在一起吗 Hello, is Shengmian with you?
09:27哦 他晚上去见一个客户 Oh, he's going to see a client tonight.
09:30什么公司的客户 What kind of client?
09:31是一个海外公司 国内关联叫 哦 萧扬 It's an overseas company called Xiaoyang.
09:37萧扬 Xiaoyang?
09:39糟了 你快把地址发给我 Oh, no. Give me the address now.
09:41放开我 放开我 Let go of me. Let go of me.
09:50上次没喝完的酒 今天喝 The wine I didn't finish last time, I'll finish it today.
09:54你今天只要把我伺候高兴 说不准我还能让你少受点罪 You just have to make me happy today. Maybe I can make you feel less guilty.
10:00萧扬 你今天伤了我 小心傅彦成让你生不如死 Xiaoyang, you hurt me today. Be careful that Fu Yancheng will kill you.
10:09光脚不怕穿鞋的 她傅彦成已经绝情了 断了我们萧家的退路 She's not afraid of wearing shoes. Fu Yancheng has already broken up and cut off our way out.
10:15我倒要看看 我今天动了他老婆 他还能拿我怎么样 I'd like to see what he can do to me if I touch his wife today.
10:23上次没喝完的酒 今天喝 The wine I didn't finish last time, I'll finish it today.
10:53能打吗 先管好你自己吧 Can you fight? Take care of yourself first.
11:23温柔的语言 你会打败一切 赶来我的身边 像童话世界 幸福的情节 直到永远 Like a fairy tale, a happy plot, until forever
11:40当美好的消失幻影 当世界难以入眠 你会想起不经意的遇见 还是可惜两个人各走一遍 It's a pity that we parted ways
11:55我兜兜转转找有你出现的那一夜 我在森林海边相逢在外国的瞬间 我用一半月光点亮另一半的世界 去猜你我从未到达的某天 I turned around and found the night when you appeared. We met at the beach of the forest at the moment when we were abroad. I used half the moonlight to light up the other half of the world.
12:06去猜你我从未到达的某天 我不知不觉走过你出现的那一夜 让童话一半消失在永远些之前 我依偎的根骨不偏 只有一半情节 I don't know how I missed the night when you appeared. Like a fairy tale, a happy plot, until forever. I used half the moonlight to light up the other half of the world. We met at the beach of the forest at the moment when we were abroad. I used half the moonlight to light up the other half of the world.
12:36Thank you for watching!
