• 2 months ago
Teen Mom’s Catelynn Lowell Hasn’t Seen Daughter Carly in 2 Years: ‘It’s Very Hard'


00:00You mentioned Carly. It's really tough to watch, you know, as, like I said, as a mom I can't even
00:06imagine what you guys must be going through and having to, you know, watch it back, relive it,
00:12go through it. Can you give a kind of a status update of where things stand with her adoptive
00:16parents? It's still the same. Still the same. Yeah, there is no communication. They basically
00:22have closed the adoption on us. And so that's hard. And I've kind of just jumped into this
00:31new place with my adoption to where now I'm just, I'm speaking to lots of adoptees
00:36and I'm learning like what would have helped them, what would have benefited them. And now
00:41I'm doing a lot of education about that, teaching other people about the statistics of adoptees. And
00:46if you're going to make this decision ever in your life, be knowledgeable about what you're making.
00:51So it's kind of shifted for me. And also I still put things out there because I want Carly to know
00:57that I got, like if she's the one that still wants contact and it's not happening, I will fight for
01:01that until the day I die. Or until they say, or until she tells me, you know, it's too hard for
01:06me to have contact. But until that day I want her to know that I will, I'm always here and always
01:11willing to do whatever I can. Yeah. Are you still blocked? Oh yeah, I'm still blocked and everything.
01:17Are you still trying to send gifts and things like that? No, they told me I'm not allowed to
01:21send gifts anymore. It's gotta be so heartbreaking. It is, but you know, we've created an email and we
01:26have written emails to her so eventually we can give this to her. And, um, like I said,
01:32I've asked the question to her parents, is it Carly not wanting content? Is it too hard for her?
01:36Because if so, I can understand, you know, and totally okay with that. And I can respect that
01:41she's my child, but if it's not her, she deserves to know the truth. And so I will keep speaking
01:48about it and I will keep writing her emails to give to her when she's older. And so that way,
01:53when she's older, she has the full scope of everything. When is the last time that you saw
01:57or spoke to her? The last time I saw Carly was like two years ago. Wow. Yeah. That's tough. Yeah,
02:03it is. Can things change when she's 18? Can she, you know, obviously she's then a legal adult,
02:08she can probably reach out. Is that what you're hoping for? I mean, at 18, yes, adoptees. I mean,
02:14obviously you can reach out and communicate with whoever you want to because you're an adult,
02:18but also with adoption, the magic number is not 18. Some adoptees don't get out of the fog until
02:22they're in their thirties or, you know, so like eight, I know like 18, I try to remind myself
02:29that like, okay, it might not happen when she's 18. It might happen when she's 35, 40, when I,
02:33and wherever, whenever that is, I'm here for it. And even if it never happens,
02:37I can understand. And I I'm here for that too. Yeah. So I hope you get not closure. I hope you
02:43get peace in the answers that you are so desperately wanting. And I feel like you deserve.
02:48Thanks. Yeah. Cause that's gotta be really, really hard as a mom.
02:52It's very hard. At the end of the day, I just, I really just want whatever she wants
02:57and whatever that looks like for Carly. That's all that I want.
03:01Is it hard explaining it to your other children?
03:04It's very hard explaining it to my other children. And that's where it really affects me and gets
03:08hard. Um, because they're still young. They don't understand like Nova's response was,
03:12well, that's dumb. We should get to see her and talk to her. Right. You know, like she's still
03:16little. Um, so that is hard. And I, you know, I have a lot of like anger about it, but I know
03:23underneath that is sadness and hurt, you know? And, um, yeah, so it's hard. And I think I hold
03:29onto a little bit of anger of when they did this and blocked me and everything, it threw me into a
03:34huge PTSD loop where I thought I was healed. And then I realized that I don't think this is
03:39something I will ever heal from. You might work on it and get tools, but that is like a pain and
03:43a sorrow that a mom carries with them for the rest of their lives. And that's hard. Yeah.
