• 2 months ago
00:00But with the lineup you just told me that they're putting out on the floor tonight with the players that they're going with I see
00:07They have no chance
00:09Are you kidding me? Yeah, but actually gonna do it by himself literally by himself
00:14It makes you scratch your head that it's four and a half. Like I get it. The Lakers played last night. They traveled
00:21I guess there's a little Avenger, but no Embiid. No Paul George. No Andre Drummond
00:26Just a bunch of guy I mean like you said no size and beat and drumming alone
00:31Not having those guys down low with how good a D was last night and how well he's playing right now
00:36And like it seems like the Sixers should get whacked here tonight, right? Why the hell is it only four and a half?
00:43For this game. Yeah, it just seems very very sneaky
00:49When because the Sixers will win with no one playing remember last night the Flyers the entire team had diarrhea
00:55They saw one big
00:58Was the worst
01:00No one playing the Sixers
01:06218 and a half's the total I I'm with you. It's I want nothing to do with it. Honestly, it's it's so fishy that line
01:13I'll try to get in on it when the game starts
01:16This game is actually a rescheduled game
01:19If you remember the Hawks were supposed to play
01:21The Rockets at home a couple weeks ago when they had that storm roll through Atlanta
01:26So this is the rescheduled from that January 11th
01:30Rockets off the win in Boston last night minus five and a half on the road in Atlanta
01:36226 and a half is the total for this one tonight. I'm trying to get you the tray
01:42They got tray listed as game time
01:45for this one tonight
01:47Look they have been playing awful lately and the Rockets have been winning left and right and they won in Boston last night
01:53How much did that game take a toll on them?
01:57In the garden, you know, I say it didn't because they're young and they're you know, they remind me of the Thunder
02:02They're young and they're fast and they don't care if they have to play back-to-back
02:06I still got to go Rockets here because the Hawks suck
02:08I mean, hey, I know their record isn't that bad?
02:12But lately remember how many times have I said on this show that they have played like no home games in a month in
02:19Atlanta and then they go home and they lose every one of them
02:22They've been playing at home now for a week and you know a week and a half
02:26They played three or four games. They lost all of them. I mean they stink
02:30They just stink right now, and I don't care if I strays playing the Rockets are better than them
02:36I got I got it. I still got to go Rockets
