• 2 months ago
Rihanna is throwing her full support behind A$AP Rocky .... because she's planning on showing up Wednesday for his Los Angeles criminal trial, TMZ has learned.


00:00A$AP Rocky, who is in court here in L.A. for his assault trial for allegedly shooting A$AP
00:07He walked into court this morning, and there was quite the commotion outside, but we broke
00:12a story this morning about why tomorrow is going to be way worse.
00:17But here's A$AP's experience trying to get into court this morning.
00:21Back up, back up.
00:22Hey, A$AP, how you feeling today?
00:23Don't push me.
00:24Oh, pardon me.
00:25Do not push me.
00:27How you doing today, pretty boy?
00:29Excuse me.
00:30Excuse me.
00:31Watch out, guys.
00:32Guys, move.
00:33Move out the way.
00:34Ladies and gentlemen.
00:35Ladies and gentlemen.
00:36Let's face it.
00:37I'm not Mr. Corro.
00:38I don't want no smoke.
00:39Just don't step on my toes.
00:40Yes, sir.
00:41All right?
00:42All right.
00:44Nice and fit.
00:45I love the jumping over the walls in the background.
00:47Well, that's obviously A$AP Rocky and his attorney, Joe Tacopina, who also made it clear
00:52he does not want to be pushed.
00:53But tomorrow morning, we are told that Rihanna will be showing up.
00:58And we knew that she was going to show up at some point to support her man.
01:02And we know that that clearly can have some impact on the jury.
01:07It's not supposed to, but it will.
01:10I think it's only natural, right?
01:12I mean, you've got this massive star in Rihanna.
01:15She's incredibly popular.
01:16I don't think there's any way that it could hurt.
01:18I also think it signals to the jury, to the judge, to everybody else in the courtroom,
01:22like, hey, that she has his back.
01:24I mean, this is obviously a very serious charge.
01:26She's facing more than two decades in prison, if ultimately convicted here.
01:30And I would expect her to be there.
01:32And yeah, I definitely think an added benefit would be, hey, you know, Rihanna is there
01:36and maybe not guilty.
01:38It frames him and reminds them that he is a man with a family.
01:42He's got two young kids at home.
01:45That's an image that you want to project to the jury when you're considering what he's
01:49accused of.
01:52It's definitely going to be a plus for him.
01:55It's going to be a circus is what it's going to be.
01:57But it's going to be a circus.
01:58And how do I get a ticket to this circus?
02:00Because I would love to go and sit in there just to hang out.
02:02The way it works outside these trials is that if you want to get in the gallery, you have
02:05to get there early.
02:06And then they basically, there's a limited number of people who are allowed in.
02:11I anticipate that tomorrow morning, there are going to be a lot of people who want to
02:14get into this trial, not necessarily because they're keyed in on testimony and they want
02:20to learn finer points of the law.
02:22They want to see Rihanna and they want to see what she's wearing.
02:24I think the big thing about this case that the jury really is going to be focusing on,
02:28was it a real gun or not?
02:29I mean, that is really the basis of his case, was that it was a prop gun used on a music
02:34It would have shot blanks.
02:35It would not have even shot him in the first place.
02:36That's what Joe Tacopina is saying, saying that there's evidence of that.
02:39So there's this ballistics report that was dropped in his lap at the beginning of the
02:44trial, which he was very upset about.
02:46You're right.
02:47That gun.
02:48What kind of gun was it?
02:49That is going to be a key thing, but we will see what Rihanna gets to witness as far as
02:54testimony tomorrow.
02:55Hi, I'm Rishia from Arizona and obviously Rihanna is going to go there to support her
03:01man that is the father of her kids.
03:03I do think it's going to be a little bit hectic.
03:05Obviously, the jurors are going to be kind of starstruck and who knows, that could be
03:10part of their play in order to cause that kind of a distraction.
03:14I mean, look, it was a question during jury selection.
03:17They asked potential jurors, are you a fan of Rihanna?
03:20How many of her records do you own?
03:22Do you own Fenty products?
03:23So they know that it can have an impact.
03:26Yeah, it plays in.
03:27It's a smart move on their side.
03:28Put her in there.
03:29It's going to make him look more realistic.
