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Hola y bienvenido a WatchMojo Español, hoy conoceremos los atentados llevados a cabo contra regentes distintos, como presidentes e incluso un rey de Latinoamérica.


00:00Hello and welcome to Watch Mojo Español, I am Yaki and today we will know the attacks carried out against several regents, as presidents and even a king of Latin America.
00:14Number 20. Dangerous leadership.
00:17On February 29, 2020, Juan Guaidó traveled in a truck during a march against the government of Nicolás Maduro in the parish of Juan de Villegas Barquismento, in the state of Lara, when he was attacked by gunfire.
00:32Some shot, fired gunfire near us, they did not aim, but that will not make us go back, nor that, nor persecute family members, nor stop, nor politically persecute.
00:44The first suspects were sympathizing collectives of Maduro and the Bolivian Service of National Intelligence, and the balance was initially of 5 injured, including a 16-year-old young man.
00:58Our only limit is the physical limit, but we have already put our lives at the service of this cause, but a person is not enough, that is why the importance of this message and the need to unite us definitively all.
01:10Guaidó directly accused Diosdado Cabello, president of the Constituent National Assembly, and there was also a kidnapping in that same event.
01:20At the end of the day, the number of injured increased to 10, although Guaidó left unharmed.
01:27Number 19. Terrorist attack.
01:30It is true, in contrast to the other members of this list, Londoño was not the leader of a nation. However, he was the national director of the party Centro Democrático, in whose ranks was the former Colombian president Álvaro Uribe.
01:46Three people were killed and 35 injured, he left the attack against the former minister Fernando Londoño, who only registered superficial wounds.
01:53His attempted murder was a terrorist attack on 74th Street, Caracas Avenue, north of Bogotá, on May 15, 2012, shortly before noon.
02:04The private secretary of the mayor's office of Bogotá, Jorge Rojas, said that the deceased people are the driver and an escort of Fernando Londoño Hoyos, and the driver of a public service bag that was parked next to the ex-minister's vehicle.
02:18The author was an unidentified man who took the lives of two people with him, and left more than 50 innocent people injured. Naturally, the politician presented only a scratch.
02:30Apparently, a man disguised as a street vendor approaches and hits an artifact on the side of the Londoño vehicle, which exploded minutes later.
02:39Number 18. Rehén Liberado.
02:41Also known as the Benemérito de las Américas, the Oaxacan Benito Juárez played a crucial role in the creation of a Mexican state during the Reform War.
02:51When in power, he almost always comes on his knees. Only those who stand up have a natural right over him.
02:58Phrase that fits perfectly with the rise of Benito Juárez to the presidency of the republic.
03:03He was captured in 1858 and offered to stay alive in exchange for giving the order to the liberal army to suspend hostilities in defense. But he refused.
03:16A year and a half after the explosion, Juárez was in Veracruz. What was the tip that created nothing less than Melchor Ocampo, along with Juárez, through the reform laws?
03:29Finally, despite having been captured with the intention of being a valuable hostage and later murdering him, he was released shortly after thanks to the conferences in the Temple of San Agustín.
03:42Yes, here they are already created in two trenches. The good one was the ultra-conservative conservative, who was with Spain, who was with the king of Spain, who was with the clergy, and the other is the liberal.
03:56Number 17. Dangerous inheritance.
03:59El Comunicado turns on the alarms as it reports how since April 26, intelligence information indicated to the authorities that a criminal plan would be underway to attack the life of former President Uribe.
04:11The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or the Army of the People, as well as other armed groups outside the law, perpetrated an attack against President Álvaro Uribe Vélez on several occasions, on August 7, 2002, February 2003 and April 2005.
04:30Colonel Juan Carlos Rico gave me information about a possible attack against me, in which local and foreign criminals would be involved.
04:39In addition, the now former president also stated that they had murdered his father in an attempt to kidnap the FARC-EP, where his brother Santiago Uribe was also seriously injured.
04:51Grateful to the national government, to the intelligence agencies for their concern, to former President Pastrana for his concern, he also had additional information and transmitted it to me.
05:04There were also a couple of more attempts that were frustrated before even taking place in 2007 and 2008.
05:13Number 16. The last king.
05:16Pedro de Alcántara, Joao Carlos, Leopoldo, Salvador, Viviano, Francisco Xavier de Paula, Leocadio, Miguel Gabriel, Rafael Gonzaga de Braganza and Dasburgo Lorena, were born on December 2, 1825, in the Imperial Palace of San Cristóbal, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
05:36Yes, although it is difficult to believe for many today, Brazil was once the Kingdom of Brazil, a name that was given to the arrival of the Portuguese crown in 1808.
05:47Pedro II of Brazil was the second and finally last monarch of the Brazilian Empire after 58 years in power, and not a few attacks against the crown.
05:58But according to historian Roderick Barman, one of the greatest references of the Brazilian Empire, he clearly showed respect for the institutions, intervening only in flagrant cases of incapacity.
06:28Number 15. Young criminal. The ex-president of the Argentine nation, Julio Argentina Roca, was the target not only of one attack, but two.
06:45Roca gave his opening speech of ordinary sessions at the Congress of the Nation. He had his forehead bandaged and his clothes stained with blood. In the speech he said,
06:54An unexpected incident deprives me of the satisfaction of reading my last message.
06:59In the most recognized that took place on February 19, 1891 in Buenos Aires, a 15-year-old boy shot against the car in which the regent was, but did not even manage to hurt him.
07:12When I entered the Congress, he wounded me in the forehead, I do not know with what weapon. And shortly after, he explained that he was withdrawing from the government without hatred or resentment for anyone, not even for the murderer who wounded me.
07:26He was immediately captured and did not put too much resistance. Soon the police investigation revealed that his name was Tomás Zambrice, a boy who lived in a small town and the son of a couple of Italian immigrants.
07:40A subject took advantage of the ceremonial moment in which the troops presented weapons to sneak among all those present. He threw himself on Roca and with a piece of adoquine in his right hand, he gave a strong blow to the head of the regent.
07:56You are characterized by being hard-headed because everyone tells you to take custody, to take people and you do not take them.
08:03There was custody in the act.
08:05In any case, it is like that, many want to accompany you and you do not allow it.
08:09There are times when fate has prepared us for different things, or we are so lucky that it is simply incredible. This was more or less the case of Raúl Alfonsín, former president of Argentina.
08:23If it is good for you to ask me like this, if they commented on me, because I did not see anything obviously. What they have told me is that it was a coincidence that there was a custodian of mine a little ahead of this boy.
08:38During a campaign that was carried out in San Nicolás in 1991, a man approached with the intention of murdering him. Almost by magic, although the aggressor pressed the trigger, the drum did not turn and the bullet got stuck inside the gun.
08:55The police immediately realized that this was the case. He turned around and convinced a man who had also raised his arm.
09:02It was then that the bodyguards of the politician hurried to protect him and stop the frustrated murderer.
09:10Number 13. Did anyone hear something? This is a very particular case, and it even has a comic touch that we cannot ignore.
09:22It all started one night at a bar in La Boca, where four people met, called by a man named Aquiles Segabrugo, who called three young people, Francisco and Pedro Guerri, and Luis Casimir, all very young, 21 years old.
09:46Domingo Faustino Sarmiento was on his way to see his lover, the writer Aurelia Vélez Sarsfield. Of course, with all the discretion that such an act deserved.
09:58On Saturday, August 23, 1873, Sarmiento left his house on Maipú Street, between Tucumán and Viamonte, in his carriage, driven by Luis Morillo. When it was a matter of protocol, Sarmiento was accompanied by a small escort.
10:22On his way, he was intercepted by gunfire, but he did not even realize it because of his deafness. So much so that he did not know what had happened until a while later, when an officer arrived at his lover's house to inform him of the fact. He simply laughed.
10:38The first attack on an Argentine president.
10:43Number 12. 20th century operation.
10:45Five escorts die in the attack. However, Pinochet survives. That night, the secret police go out to seek revenge, and in that revenge they murder the journalist José, Pepe Carrasco.
11:01No one should be surprised that one of the least beloved dictators of Latin America was the target of several attacks. But there was one specifically under the name 20th century operation. It happened on September 7, 1986, on the Las Achupallas slope, on the way to the cajon del Maipú, very close to Santiago.
11:22I urgently invite you to the Papillon sports club, to a meeting in its social headquarters on the hill.
11:31False notice of public utility, which was actually the order of barracking for the agents of the CNI.
11:39The regent returned from a weekend of his rest home, the Melocotón, when the patriotic front, Manuel Rodríguez, a Marxist-Leninist organization, shot him. The result was 5 dead and 11 injured. None of them Pinochet.
11:57Number 11. Good luck to the double.
11:59Who was Simón Bolívar?
12:01A providential man. He was born at an exact moment, he had to fulfill a mission and he fulfilled it. He was an extraordinarily profound man in everything, especially in three fields, in war, in correspondence and in love.
12:18They were two of the most famous attacks against Simón Bolívar. The first was on September 10, 1815, when a boy named Pío managed to assassinate José Félix Arnestoy, who accompanied Bolívar during his stay in Jamaica.
12:33He managed to save himself almost by miracle, since the night before he had moved to the house of a French woman known as Madame Julienne.
12:42Then on September 25, 1828, a group of civilians and soldiers tried to shoot him when he was in the palace of San Carlos, Bogotá.
12:51They managed to kill two guards and when they were going to reach his room, Manuela Sáenz managed to convince him to escape through the window.
13:22I left him writing in the council room.
13:25Number 10. An almost lethal shot. In what seemed to be an event of so many, Fernando Sábaz infiltrated the crowd and pulled the trigger of a gun a centimeter from the face of the ex-president of Argentina, Cristina de Kirchner.
13:40The subject was immediately arrested and a gun was found a few meters from the place, although so far it is not known if it is real.
13:47His gun, which was loaded with five bullets, did not shoot any and the assistants quickly made sure that he did not escape.
13:55It was later learned that Sábaz had tattooed the black sun, a symbol used by Nazis, and both he and the other arrested people were associated with right-wing groups.
14:07In addition, due to the material found on his cell phone, he was also accused of pedophilia.
14:13It looks like a toy and points at the head of the vice president of the nation.
14:19Number 9. Police conspiracy.
14:22Bullets, chaos and multiple versions revolve around one of the most controversial events in Ecuador, which occurred on September 30, 2010.
14:33In a police protest that escalated throughout the country, then President Rafael Correa confronted the protesters with a rather heated speech.
14:42Gentlemen, if you want to kill the president, here I am!
14:50And everything indicates that they took his word for it, because later two of the soldiers who escorted him died in a burst of shots.
14:59The police officers processed at that time were released six years later, and to date there is still no knowledge of what really happened.
15:09Number 8. Dangerous enemies.
15:13Romulo Betancourt had been governing Venezuela for a year when in 1960 a car bomb exploded near him.
15:22A powerful explosion blew up the Venezuelan executive's car and partially destroyed it.
15:28And although the explosive device did not fulfill its purpose, Betancourt suffered burns all over his body.
15:35He lost part of his sight and was partially deaf.
15:39But for him it was not a mystery who was the author of the attack, because they had already tried to liquidate him on two occasions.
15:47One with a syringe with poison and another with two hired killers.
15:51And it is that since Betancourt had protested in favor of freeing the Dominican Republic from its dictator, he became his mortal enemy. Literally.
16:02The boss understood that the Venezuelan politician had become a dangerous enemy with whom he had to take a drastic solution.
16:10Number 7. Failed master plan.
16:12Reality outweighs fiction and this was the case of what happened to the Guatemalan governor, Manuel Estrada, who was feared for not allowing any opposition.
16:23So four members of his rival party prepared for a year a meticulous homicide plan.
16:30They dug a secret tunnel that they would use to plant an explosive and bribed the president's driver to stop his carriage at the point and exact time of the detonation.
16:40With what they did not count is that a short circuit in the bomb would frustrate his plan.
16:46And although they tried again the next day, the only thing they managed was to kill the driver by accident.
16:53Number 6. Malicious loading.
16:57Evo Morales has also denounced several attacks against him.
17:01In 2008, at an airport in Peru, two men were arrested who were on the same route as the then president for carrying a somewhat suspicious luggage that included weapons, rifles, cartridges and war projectiles.
17:15It's not a fly, it's not a bug, it's not a cigarette box to put in your pocket and take on a plane.
17:22A year later, he reported that a gang of terrorists who were shot down and among whom was a Romanian and a Hungarian, had documents detailing their murder plans.
17:33And in 2019, Morales announced another attempted homicide when the helicopter in which he was traveling had to make an emergency landing.
17:42In the video that circulates on social networks, you can see how the helicopter takes off from a football field and meters beyond, outside the sports stage, it descends again.
17:52Number 5. Latent threat.
17:55Who has needed to wear bulletproof vests and have surveillance at all times is the then candidate for the presidency of Brazil, Lula da Silva.
18:04And it is that Marcelo Arruda, a member of his party, was murdered by a fanatic to the cry of Bolsonaro president.
18:12Arruda celebrated his 50th birthday, he received three shots but reacted and shot his aggressor who also died.
18:21In addition, in one of his campaigns, a Bolsonarist threw toxins through a drone and days later, in another event, a bottle with explosives was thrown at him.
18:31This is added to more background in 2018, in which caravans with their supporters were attacked with bullets on two occasions.
18:41This is Bolsonaro.
18:47Number 4. God ordered it.
18:50Another aggression in the middle of the 2018 campaign was the one that happened to the then president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro.
18:58While he was carried on his shoulders by one of his followers, a man from the crowd approached him and stabbed him with a knife in the abdomen.
19:06The attack against the leader of the polls immediately raised the already high tension of the electoral dispute.
19:13Bolsonaro was hospitalized and intervened urgently and his aggressor was diagnosed later with persistent delirium disorder.
19:21When he was questioned why he had done it, his answer was, God ordered it in heaven.
19:27Number 3. Attack with drones.
19:30On this occasion, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, was giving a public speech when he believed that the lights exploding in the sky were pyrotechnic games that were part of the act.
19:43The other drone lost control in the approach of the event and fell in a nearby building called Don Eduardo, near Bolívar Avenue.
19:56It was seconds later when a second and third explosion occurred meters from him when he realized that it was an attack.
20:04While Maduro's opposition assured that the matter was a farce, the official version established that it had been an offensive of its rivals carried out with three drones loaded with explosives.
20:17They took one of our boys out of his head, that's why he said, they tried to kill us all.
20:25Number 2. Bloodshed.
20:28Argentina has been the scene of ferocious operations to try to eliminate a president.
20:34In 1953, during a speech by Juan Domingo Perón, two bomb blasts caused five deaths and 90 injured.
20:43Five days later, the same Plaza de Mayo is the scene of a tragedy.
20:49Two years later, and in an atrocious chain of events, the Argentine Navy allied with pilots of the Air Force to try to make a coup, throwing more than 10 tons of explosives from planes.
21:01That assault not only fulfilled its objective against Perón, but also left a balance of 300 civilians who lost their lives.
21:11At 12.40 they throw the first bomb.
21:14It is the first of many that fall on Casa Rosada and its surroundings, hurting hundreds of defenseless civilians.
21:22We have not reached the end yet, but almost. Just do not forget to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell to receive notifications of our most recent videos.
21:31Now yes, let's go to the end.
21:35Number 1. Unusual record.
21:38From poisoned cigars to bacteriological attacks, through spying conspiracy, no one has been able to surpass the Guinness World Record of the late Cuban President Fidel Castro, for the largest number of attempted homicides.
21:53Until 2007, Cuban intelligence services had counted 638 plans, of which more than 100 were executed.
22:09And in declassified CIA documents, known as family jewels, it came to light that most had been devised by the US government.
22:22Which of these attacks surprised you the most? Tell us in the comments and do not miss these other original videos of Spanish Watchmojo.
