• 2 months ago
Boyzone’s Keith Duffy & Shane Lynch sat down with our resident Boyzone super fan Jodie McCallum to talk all about the band's new three-part documentary series, 'No Matter What.'

30 years on, the boys candidly open up about what life was really like in the band.

Boyzone: No Matter What - premieres Sunday 2nd of February on Sky Documentaries and streaming service NOW. Report by Mccallumj. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00Oh, I hope this is going to be received alright.
00:02Chatting about stuff we haven't chatted about for a very, very, very long time.
00:06I'm still nervous until the people see it.
00:09You've changed.
00:09You've changed.
00:10You've changed so much.
00:11You've changed.
00:11How are you?
00:12How are you?
00:13That's yourself?
00:13I'm good, that's myself, it's myself.
00:15How are you?
00:16I like your get up today, it's very nice.
00:17Do you know, it's actually, it was a last minute one.
00:19Because I was out a wee bit hungover yesterday and I didn't have much time to plan.
00:23And then I was watching this and I was an emotional wreck.
00:27So that was that.
00:27Did you only watch it yesterday, did you?
00:28Well, I watched the two episodes because I was bracing myself for it.
00:31I was like, I don't know if I'm ready for this.
00:33And then I watched the two and I was like, I can't, I can't do the next one just yet.
00:37Boys, it's so great to see you.
00:38You too.
00:3933 year old Jodie is very much trying to contain the excitement of seven year old Jodie.
00:44Oh, bless you.
00:45Honestly, I've been so giddy and so excited to chat to you.
00:48I am a massive Boys' Own fan.
00:50Well, we're definitely going to let you down.
00:51Right, okay.
00:52Well, that's a great start.
00:54At least we've set the bar.
00:55I'm a massive Boys' Own fan.
00:57I've just spoken to my gran this morning, spoken to my mum.
01:00They're like, what are you doing today?
01:01I'm like, I'm interviewing Boys' Own.
01:02Everyone's losing it.
01:04The phone's going off.
01:05The cousins are, everybody's involved because-
01:08I feel like if you were a Boys' Own fan in the 90s, you just, you get it.
01:12It was just the biggest, you were the biggest boy band.
01:15You were my first concert actually as well.
01:17In Glasgow?
01:18First concert in Glasgow.
01:19Yeah, the SECC.
01:21The Glasgow shows were always amazing.
01:22Always brilliant.
01:24The energy.
01:24We used to like eight nights in a row in the SECC, didn't we?
01:27You have a much nicer venue now.
01:28We did it on the reunion tour.
01:30What's it called?
01:32What a great venue that is.
01:33It's fantastic.
01:34But yeah, the Scottish crowd were always so loud.
01:38You know, they were brilliant.
01:39Their energy was fantastic.
01:40They came out the party.
01:42I mean, I'm biased, but like we're best in the world, obviously.
01:45I remember a six-year-old at the show one night and they came to the meet in Greece
01:49and she gave me a bottle of Jack Daniels.
01:51That was mean.
01:52That was mean, I'm telling you.
01:54I've never seen this.
01:56How can a six-year-old give you a bottle of whiskey?
01:57But listen, even just watching it for me, it was so emotional.
02:01I mean, how was it for you, like getting to look back and all this
02:05archive footage and your whole story?
02:07Because it's your life.
02:09Well, you know, looking back at it, we're looking at it from the kind of perception of
02:15how is this going to go down?
02:16How am I going to be perceived?
02:18You know, you're always a little bit worried that you're not being portrayed the way you'd
02:22like to be or to portray the way you think you are.
02:25So for me watching it, it was kind of sitting on the edge of your seat kind of,
02:29oh, I hope this is going to be received all right.
02:32And anything we do reflects on our family and our friends and our kids.
02:37So you want to make sure you come across well.
02:40And I think they've made a great documentary.
02:43You know, it's raw, it's warts and all.
02:47And there are times where you're kind of going, oh, I don't know if I like that bit.
02:50But it's honest and you've got to, you know, you have to have the good or the bad.
02:55And it's going to be nice to have it now forever, you know, as a legacy to us.
03:03But it'd be interesting to see.
03:06I'm still nervous until the people see it.
03:09And they kind of go, my family, for example, and go, it's very good.
03:13I'm hoping, you know what I mean?
03:14They go, you know, you didn't let yourself down.
03:16You made a good representation of yourself, you know.
03:19But until everybody sees it, it's going to be a nervous time.
03:23And the family will keep you humble as well.
03:24They'll say like, ah, it was good.
03:26All the women, Irish mammies, Irish wives.
03:30Why did you say that?
03:32So unbothered as well.
03:33Yeah, it was good.
03:33But like, what else do you want me to say?
03:36But like, how was the experience when you were actually sitting in the room
03:39and they were asking you to remember all these things?
03:41Because I can't remember what I did last week, never mind all those years ago.
03:45In fairness, you're right.
03:47It was quite an intense process of hours and hours and hours chatting.
03:54But it was nice to have those little prompts of reminder
03:57of the newspaper clips that they showed us
04:00and all of the different stuff we've done around the world.
04:04So without the prompts, honestly, so much stuff is left back in an archive in my brain.
04:10And to have it brought back forward into my now present day is like, wow.
04:16But I needed it, though.
04:18I think we did so much, we had to store so much.
04:21You just can't possibly remember all of them things we did.
04:24But it was a beautiful therapeutic scenario.
04:29And for all of us, I think, just chatting about stuff
04:32we haven't chatted about for a very, very, very long time.
04:35And which also was weird until the very end.
04:40Initially, we're just talking heads.
04:41So I'm alone talking about this.
04:44He was alone.
04:45It's not like now we're in the room and go, oh, do you remember?
04:47It's not, which is, this is great.
04:49It's a great point to get to here.
04:50But when you are there in a room with five, six, seven, eight, nine cameras
04:56and a team around you, and you're just one person chatting, telling your story.
05:00It's like, whoa, it's a big deal, this, you know.
05:04I feel like I'm going to get emotional here and I'm going to try not to.
05:07I'm going to start just now.
05:08No, don't, don't, don't.
05:09Honestly, it's so emotional.
05:11I'm going to hug it out like I feel.
05:12No, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't.
05:14But obviously with the band, you've given people so many memories.
05:19Like I say, like even just talking to my family about it.
05:21You know, I interview everybody and they were like, boys,
05:23I want your interview.
05:23And then this is huge.
05:25Like, how special is it known that you've created memories
05:28that are going to last forever for people?
05:31You know, it's very difficult for us to say it like that.
05:34Like you said, Irish mammies keep their sons very grounded.
05:37Do you know what I mean?
05:38And even at the start, we didn't quite know what it was to be successful.
05:44We were in a band, we were loving what we were doing and we did it.
05:47And we did it for very, very little money at the start.
05:49Like we were working for 30 quid a week for the first year.
05:53Only 30 quid.
05:56So it's kind of like, you don't know when you've made it.
05:58You know, when you're on the cover of Smash Hits magazine,
06:00when you're on top of the pops.
06:02Is it a financial thing?
06:03Is it when you've got a few bob in the bank?
06:05You know, is it when you're instantly recognisable in the supermarket?
06:09Like, when is it that you actually feel that you've
06:12arrived or you're successful?
06:14And we never really understood that, did we?
06:16I mean, we've never seen ourselves, like a pop star's Madonna
06:20or Michael Jackson.
06:21Do you know what I mean?
06:22Or Ronan Keaton.
06:22Or Ronan Keaton.
06:23Ronan Keaton.
06:24Listen, I'm telling you now, to me, you're absolutely pop stars.
06:28I'm screaming inside right now.
06:29We never saw it like that.
06:31And even now, we've always been very grounded.
06:35You know, we've never bought into the bullshit.
06:36We've never bought into the, you know,
06:39we're still the same guys we were growing up.
06:40Just because all of a sudden you're on the television
06:42and on the radio, you know, it doesn't change.
06:46Well, it does change a lot of people.
06:47You definitely change.
06:48You change.
06:48You change.
06:49You change so much.
06:50You change.
06:50Right, well, listen, on that note, I'm out of time.
06:53So let's not fight.
06:54But you're, in my eyes, absolutely massive pop stars.
06:57And I love you forever.
06:58She's changed.
06:59I have changed.
07:00I've grown up.
07:02Don't like Jack Daniels anymore.
07:04Oh, neither do we.
07:05Neither do we.
