• 2 months ago
With news that Sainsbury’s plans on cutting as many as 3000 jobs due to automation, we’re asking people if they’re concerned with the rise in robots taking people’s jobs, and if it gets in the way of our shopping experience.


00:00If they're bringing in robots to, like, cut jobs,
00:02that just doesn't help anyone at all,
00:04because there are, like, these young, like, young generations,
00:08like, who are coming up and they're getting old enough to work,
00:11and, like, they won't find a job because there's so many robots
00:14who have taken over their positions that they could have had.
00:16Who provides the money for the economy? People who work.
00:20The less people we have working,
00:22the less money there is in the economy,
00:24and this can be a vicious circle.
00:27The less people working, the less money, and less taxes and so on.
00:31Like, technology-driven world,
00:34it can be quite overwhelming for them,
00:36and not knowing how it works or whether you can trust it,
00:41and, again, it's like the security risk of everything being technology
00:45and no face-to-face interaction.
00:47These supermarkets, they make enough property as it is.
00:51They make millions,
00:53and they should just invest a bit more into the community, you know?
