• 2 months ago
00:00And I was really surprised. Basically, most of the children, and I talked to, there were
00:07147 children who were arrested, and I talked to about 20 percent of them, and children
00:13in prison, actually in youth prison, doing sentences. Most of them basically said they
00:21were just in the area. They certainly hadn't heard anything online.
00:26Let me give you an example. One boy who was studying electrical engineering at his F.E.
00:30college had just been out with his friends on Saturday in town. There was trouble. He
00:35went over. The adults were egging him on. He didn't like the police, so he decided to
00:40throw something. Another boy, absolute perfect student, in the cadets, was out on the bike
00:47with his friends, went to—heard there was something—they heard something going on.
00:52They biked over. He got in the adrenaline of the moment, did something really stupid
00:57he regrets, and is now in youth prison. One young lad, an asylum seeker himself, his teacher
01:06told him to stay in and not go out that day, but he went out and found himself caught up.
01:12He saw people being called names. He tried to defend him, got in a spat, and ended up
01:18with a custodial sentence.
