• 2 months ago
Indonesia dan India sepakat memperkuat kerja sama, termasuk di bidang ekonomi. Kesepakatan dicapai saat Presiden Prabowo Subianto bertemu Perdana Menteri Narendra Modi, di India.

Dalam kunjungan tersebut, Prabowo bertemu Modi di Hyderabad House, New Delhi, Sabtu (25/1/2025). Dalam pertemuan itu, keduanya membahas berbagai isu strategis untuk mempercepat dan memperluas kerja sama bilateral kedua negara, termasuk di bidang infrastruktur.

Mantan Danjen Kopassus itu mengundang perusahaan India untuk berinvestasi dalam pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia. Selain infrastruktur, kedua pemimpin juga sepakat memperkuat kemitraan di sektor perdagangan, investasi, pariwisata, energi, teknologi digital, hingga kecerdasan buatan (AI).


00:00Let's start with the first information from President Prabowo Subianto and Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi
00:11on the five Memorandum of Understanding or MOU between Indonesia and India at Hyderabad House in New Delhi.
00:20Where this cooperation covers various key sectors, from health to digitalization.
00:26In his visit to Hyderabad House, New Delhi, India, President Prabowo Subianto and Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi
00:36signed the five Memorandum of Understanding or MOU between Indonesia and India.
00:42Where the meeting of this country became a historic moment in strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries.
00:48In his address, Prabowo emphasized the importance of cross-sector collaboration to strengthen mutually beneficial strategic partnership.
00:55There are five key sectors agreed to include health, traditional medicine, digitalization, maritime security and culture.
01:26In our discussions in the field of trade, investment, tourism, health, energy, security cooperation, digital, AI, IT, energy,
01:44we agreed to strengthen this cooperation.
01:50This partnership will not only strengthen diplomatic relations between the two countries,
01:54but also create a solid foundation for sustainable cross-sector cooperation.
01:59Therefore, both Indonesia and India are expected to be able to use the Memorandum to support economic growth,
02:05security and public welfare in both countries.
02:08From New Delhi, India, coverage team IDEC Channel
02:19New Delhi, India, coverage team IDEC Channel
