• 2 months ago
Some people like roller coasters, while some people are obssessed with roller coasters. And then there’s Zac Efron, who loves one particular coaster so much that he rode it 12 times in one day. The actor revealed that love during an interview with CinemaBlend. And, interestingly enough, his "A Family Affair" co-star, Joey King, who recently stunned at the film's premiere also loves it, even though it apparently makes her blackout.

In the Netflix movie "A Family Affair," Zac Efron plays a celebrity who laments that his fame prevents him from doing many activities normal people do. Efron and Joey King both have the same problem, and they told CinemaBlend’s Sarah El-Mahmoud that if they could do anything without being recognized it would be to visit an amusement park or theme park. The leading man says that when hitting a park he goes for the most thrilling experience first, which his co-star found shocking…
00:00What's the go-to first thing at Six Flags in Disneyland? I'm curious.
00:03The biggest, best, drop.
00:06Really? You start there? You don't build to that?
00:09Hmm, that's weird.
00:10I'm trying to get brain damage.
00:12So am I, but like, gradually.
00:14Like, I think starting with like, I think, well, Six Flags is just so special.
00:20Full Throttle is one of my favorite rides. It's a bit newer.
00:23Goliath is a fave because I black out every single time on Goliath.
00:29When I go in that little turnstile.
00:32There's like 5 G's in there or something.
00:33Yeah, but you know what else I black out on every time I go on it and it doesn't make any sense
00:37because it's not like any G really, I don't know.
00:39It's the Batman ride.
00:41Yeah, that one sneaks up on you.
00:43It sneaks up on you.
00:44It's like we said, we're trying to have brain damage.
00:47Yeah, blacking out doesn't, not my thing.
00:50It's so fun. Lack of oxygen to the brain is all I'm about.
00:53I think I did Goliath 12 times in one day on a trip to, because we had the front of the line.
00:57And that's why he is the way he is now.
01:00Yeah, never been the same since.
01:01My brain's fully to the left.
01:03Do you eat it all that day or you just don't?
01:05Oh yeah, do you, I mean.
01:06It ended up being a short day because we had done Goliath 12 times and I got so sick.
01:10I was like, I can't even walk right now.
01:12I think the craziest ride at Six Flags, to be honest, I don't, I don't fuck with X2.
01:16Sorry, I can't do it.
01:17The craziest ride at Six Flags is actually Green Lantern.
01:20That is the craziest ride.
01:21It is, it's insane.
01:22It's like this, like, and like the stomach drops are,
01:26but I love Lex Luthor and I have no problem eating when I do this ride.
01:30I'm sorry, you probably have other questions you want to ask us.
01:32No, no, no, I love this, by the way, this is amazing.
