• 2 months ago
00:00This this first story here is a big bummer, man.
00:02Like we have a lot of viewers that are streaming the show in California.
00:06And look, I think that most people understand that the tribes are going to
00:10have a major factor as to whether or not sports betting inevitably gets passed in
00:15California. And we knew that 2025, it was going to have a hard time happening.
00:19But now we're even pushing this back beyond 2026.
00:23Pat, that's a lot.
00:24I feel like other states are going to get ahead of them now because of this.
00:28Yeah, I mean, this really all goes back to 2022.
00:30And there was a giant ballot proposal from both the tribes for in-person only
00:36sportsbooks at the tribal casinos and then a mobile in, you know, a whole
00:41legalization ballot proposal from multiple sportsbook companies.
00:47And basically what happened was the tribe said, wait a second, if the companies
00:52want to do this and go online and not involve us, we're going to put a ton of
00:55money into it. I think it was 300 million plus dollars that went into this just to
00:59basically stop that ballot proposal.
01:02And it failed miserably.
01:04I think it was less than 20 percent of votes for the online.
01:09And so that that kind of said to the companies like, oh, OK, we need to work with
01:13the tribes. We need to make this happen.
01:15If we're going to get into California, we need to work with the tribes.
01:18So basically, California is, yes, to the tribal kind of mercy.
01:24And what happened was this week or last week in Spain, there was a conference at the
01:29panel of tribal leaders in California said, listen, we want to get this.
01:33We're excited about it.
01:34We know it's coming.
01:37We need to get it right.
01:39And they said, you know, it could be on the ballot in 2026, but we're not going to put
01:43it on the ballot in 2026 because we need to get this ready.
01:46A quote from Catalina Chacon, a board member of the Pachanga Band of Michigan Indians
01:51said the data is telling us the time is not right.
01:55Definitely not 2026.
01:56We're looking more like 2028, but it has to include all the tribal communities.
02:01And there's more than 100 in California.
02:03And so the big ones seem to be on board.
02:05They want to get it right. But with 100 tribes, there's a lot of non-gaming tribes that
02:09are part of a revenue sharing kind of ecosystem from the gaming.
02:14They all need to get on board.
02:15That's what the tribal leaders are basically trying to do right now is get everybody on
02:18board, say, hey, let's do this.
02:20Let's do it the right way.
02:21They also recognize that this is going to have huge implications for any potential online
02:25casino movements in California.
02:29So they're kind of weighing that, too.
02:31They just don't want to legalize sports betting and say, oops, we forgot about that
02:34component that's coming down the pipeline at who knows when.
02:38So, yeah, just California is a very kind of lengthy process.
02:42Clearly, it might be, you know, it's not going to be Utah.
02:47I don't think Utah is ever going to legalize, but it'll be probably one of the last, if
02:51not the last state that is kind of up for grabs, for lack of a better term, to legalize
02:57because of just the tribal community wanting to make sure they get it right and make sure
03:01they're getting the best that they can.
